Guy-Friends and Boyfriends (16)

1 Name: gigi : 2006-12-11 17:54 ID:yrWrD4tl

I'm 18. I'm female. And I've never had a boyfriend. HORRORS! My friends unanimously agree that it's because I'm shy and because I don't have any male friends.

I'm ever so slowly crawling out of my shyness shell, but I still have no idea how to get guy-friends. I have guy-friends online, but that's different. For some reason in real life I just can't seem to get any guys to be my friends.

For example, let's say I meet a girl in the library at college. We start talking and find out we have loads in common. Lots of laughing and talking all around. Yay! And then we start hanging out together.

But now, let's say I meet a GUY in the library at college. We start talking and find out we have loads in common. Lots of laughing and talking all around. Yay! And then he never ever speaks to me again except maybe a "hi" in the halls. And even that would be rare.

The only guys who DO try to pursue relationships with me are:
A) 15 year old boys online saying "LOL U WANNA B MY GF???"
B) Creepy, Nerdy, Gropey, and Totally Insane. As in, leaving Yu-Gi-Oh cards in my locker as a sign of their love and following me around everywhere and telling me how they were part-dragon ninjas in a past life (I can't make this shit up, people) while they ever-so-subtley trying to grab my ass. And let's not forget the lack of showers.

WTF am I doing wrong? Is the shyness really that big of a factor? I mean, I know guys like to date and be friends with CONFIDENT girls, but is that ALL there is to it?

2 Name: TEENAGER : 2006-12-11 19:18 ID:mCcr54Np

For shy girls there are shy boys.
Shy boys are too shy to pursue relationship.
Thus, C) group won't exist.

Being a shy guy myself, I cannot give you any help :(

p.s. Yu-Gi-Oh cards? Don't you think it's... lovely?

3 Name: gigi : 2006-12-11 19:21 ID:yrWrD4tl

...Lovely? I am not sure that is the word. Ahaha. XD I acctually thought it was kind of cute. I mean, there is nothing wrong with a college student playing YGO or anything. But it was also kind of weird. o.O

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 19:23 ID:n9kRNQ6J

well when you meet a guy and find loads in common with him, ask for his number so you can talk to him later.

5 Name: gigi : 2006-12-11 19:29 ID:yrWrD4tl


That makes sense. But at the same time I don't want a potential friend to think I am coming on too strong. Like if he's just interested in being friends at the moment and I ask for his number I don't want him to think, "She obviously wants a boyfriend." or "I wonder if she asks every guy she meets for his number."
I don't know. ´・ω・`
I guess it would depend on how I said it, right? I mean, just casually "Oh do you have a cellphone? Let's trade numbers!" would be okay and not weird right?

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 22:10 ID:fWpppaxx

"Creepy, Nerdy, Gropey, and Totally Insane. As in, leaving Yu-Gi-Oh cards in my locker as a sign of their love and following me around everywhere and telling me how they were part-dragon ninjas in a past life (I can't make this shit up, people) while they ever-so-subtley trying to grab my ass. And let's not forget the lack of showers."

I did the Yu-Gi-Oh card thing once. I also gave a girl a Star Wars themed Valentine card and another year one with a MGS theme.


7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 22:28 ID:ynWuYbOw

Gigi, do not be afraid of coming too strong to someone that can be a potiential friend. The rules that applies to guys also applies to girl as well, just different tactics are involved... Find a guy that you find attractive and talk to him, invite him somewhere to continue the conversation.

Also, unless you are WANTING a jerk and an asshole, then the guy is probably thinking "I wonder if she asks every guy she meets for his number" or "she's desperate" and who gives a damn what a jerk thinks?

What you are after is that diamond in the rough, the nice guy with a spice in his personality, someone that adds flavor to love and keeps things exciting. In order to find someone like that, you need to dig and search for him.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 22:40 ID:Heaven

hey if a cute girl asked me for a number, i wouldnt mind giving it to her.

9 Name: Strawberry Cake : 2006-12-12 01:37 ID:S9Q3aJ/t

Personally.. I go for the IM SNs myself. I find phonecalls rather personal... and work up to that. Sometimes, anyway.

And Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in the locker?
...I think that's really sweet. ;_;
Why can't there be guys like that around here. ..Minus all the other creepy stuff. >.<

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-12 02:07 ID:ynWuYbOw

I can't do the YuGiOh cards in the locker, since I left the entire card gaming phase 6 years ago. But, I agree with you that I prefer IM SNs rather than phone numbers.. but only because I'm a bit embarrassed about my own voice, I have an asian accent, and being on AIM or MSN would allow me to correct myself and say things more carefully.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-12 03:11 ID:6DPv+Pfy

I've done it before but most girls find it creepy or don't understand what the card means.

Seconded, I'm hispanic and I have a funny, geeky sad voice. D:

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-14 04:40 ID:HEhapnVP

nice guys do exist, we really do! just look for us! you WILL find one eventually!

13 Name: WeirdBlackTea : 2006-12-14 05:53 ID:K/rbtNSI

That's right.

14 Name: Densha Otaku LOL!!ZYkjrp2f : 2006-12-14 12:56 ID:54fNHGHH

You wanna be my galfriend?

15 Name: WeirdBlackTea : 2006-12-14 14:39 ID:K/rbtNSI


16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-14 15:14 ID:MqYUCpQz

haha, i totally did teh Yugioh cards thing with this chick that kinda liked me in highschool. cept i dropped DBZ cards instead, and on her car instead of her locker. she probably knew it was me, nobody else in our class was into those sort of things.

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