Hello there internet people
Quick question fer the masses.
First of all, i have horrible luck with gals and such, I'm quite shy and what not.
Now i got a new job a month ago, and soon after i started a gal started and we quickly hit it off. Im very quiet with people i dont know so i found it suprising how close we had gotten in two days. Now what got me wondering about things is that she always brings up the subject of me having a girlfriend, which i have yet to have (see shy and quiet) and why i dont have one. She is very touchy-feely and always a few inches away from me. My (overly gossipy) coworkers even thought we were goin out.
Now i suck at deciphering the gal codes (and spelling) so i cant tell if she flirty or just really nice. ALSO she has a boyfriend.
I'm moving across the country in a about a week and a half, and this weekend will most likely be the last time i see her for maybe ever with my sucky luck, so i just wonder what do you people think of the whole situation.
run, don't walk away from this
While it's true that she could have any number of intentions...
None of them change the fact that you're leaving. Don't dream of what may have been, look forward to your future. Wherever you're going, I'm sure you need to prepare in some way. I'd do that instead of figuring her out. Real life isn't Garden State... it's significantly more interesting.
Go meet someone nice on the other side of the country. Shy and quiet is in these days, if you can also inspire at times.
Sweety. She has a man. She is off limits. You dont need to be in any kind of relationship with her except acquaintance. No need for any man to come after you for being even around his girl. IF they break up later then consider being a good friend with her.
Alos, most of the time forward girls (suggestive in the materialistic department or the physically department (aka sex) they are wanting for themselves rather than taking you into consideration and what your desires are. Find a girl who wants to take it slow, learn more about you and enjoys similar things in life like you do. Find out her morals, standards and what is most important to her in life. Sex should not be number one on her list, mind you.