Hi. I'm a guy in his last year of high school, and I've never dated at ALL in my life. It's not like I'm unattractive, or bad to be around, but I have REALLY awful body odor, and I sweat very easily, so I have a big problem with being shy around girls, cause I'm afraid that they'll be repulsed by me because of it. I shower all the time, and I always wear clean clothes, and deodorant(Red Zone, in case your wondering). However, it's still futile. Does anyone here know of any fabrics that will keep heat away more easily, and make me sweat less? Also, does anyone here know how to deal with "lower body" odors?
I'd like to hear some advice from people who deal with these problems.
Try using a stronger soap or shower gel, maybe axe as it is very heavy. Also try exfoliating and using cologne or a body spray.
As for lower body odors,same for the rest just wash very well.
I do not know how helpful any of that was, but I did my best!
get some "TAG" trust me, you'll be amazed at how well it works. Don't expect things to be like the commercials, but girls really do like the smell of it. (wildcard has gotten the best response for me)
Um, you are what you eat. I believe, you sweat what you've drunk and eaten, so I suppose eat better stuff. However, that's not really the advice I want to give. Try taking a shower with some specialized shampoo (preferably from a Salon or some care product shop that knows their merchandise). Let me see... I happen to use:
Pureology: Serious color care (Shampoo/Conditioner)
KMS California: Shampoo, Shampooing.
I guess from what I use, you can deduce that I have color in my hair, yes, but that's besides the point. These work well to maintain a nice scent as well as cleanse your body. I do suggest you use them.
Do you work out often? This is just out of curiosity.
Thanks for the advice. I was always under the impression that diet might affect it. Still, what sort of changes should I make to my diet? Lowering fats, sugars, etc?
P.S: today I just bought some anti-perspirant, and I'm amazed! In the room right now, it's super hot, but I'm not sweating at all. Still, are there any real health risks asociated with anti-perspirant?
No real risks involved with it, anti-perspirant does wonders.
Just shower daily before school and after every time you sweat a lot. And use anti-bacterial soap. All foul body odors are created by bacteria. So by ridding the bacteria on the skin you help eliminate the smell. Bacteria is also the cause of bad breath and smelly farts, but just control your farts and brush your eat and you should be fine. Also wash your clothes often because odor might come from that too.
I feel ya. Though my problem isn't smell so much a perspiring wildly from my underarms no matter how cold I am. I have have to wear sweatshirts in summer over my t-shirts so that nobody sees the pit-stains. :( And I use MEDICATED anti-persp made for people with hyperhydrosis - still doesn't work.
Try surgery, it may be a lot of money and pain, but it might be your only solution. I was watching the Loveline with Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla was talking about the same problem. He had surgery done and according to him it hurt like a bitch but really helped with the problem. Also money might be a factor but if you can pay for it then why not.
>>P.S: today I just bought some anti-perspirant, and I'm amazed! In the room right now, it's super hot, but I'm not sweating at all.
Yeah, that's what it typically does. Btw, didn't you say in earlier that you had tried deodorant? So why the anti-perspirant revelation all of a sudden?
>>cause I'm afraid that they'll be repulsed by me because of it
oh trust me, they most certainly are.
Shower every day, wear deodorant, try not to go outside too often if it's warm out, just use common sense
wear natural fibres, like cotton, linen, pure wool, etc. synthetics like polyester, nylon and such don't breathe and will make you sweat more, and won't let the sweat evaporate off as easily. check the tag while you're shopping -- if it doesn't say "100% cotton", don't buy it.
shave your armpits (or wax or whatever you like). it'll be difficult the first few times, and will take a while to get used to (itchy and stuff) but after a few weeks you won't even notice anymore. there's a couple of advantages to this: the first is that it won't get so warm in there, so you won't sweat as much; the second is that the sweat and smell will evaporate right off your skin instead of being absorbed by the hair, so if you do get sweaty for some reason (running for a bus or whatever), once you've dried up you won't really smell anymore either.
drink a lot of water. i have no references to back this up, but my own experience suggests my sweat is less smelly if i'm well-hydrated. if i've been drinking coffee/coke all day and not backing it up with a lot of water, by the time i get home i absolutely reek. if i'm drinking water though (and i usually drink a couple of bottles of water a day), i'm fine.
stick with anti-perspirants rather than simple deodorants -- deodorants won't stop you sweating or smelling, they'll just make you smell more strongly of something different to hide the odour, which is really annoying for the people around you. if you're feeling adventurous, double up with an unscented anti-perspirant and some subtle and pleasant scent (cologne or whatever you like).
if you're already doing all these and it's not helping, see your doctor. they may be able to prescribe some anti-bacterial medication or something.
>which is really annoying for the people around you
(unless, of course, they're also drowning themselves in deodorant, in which case they can't smell a damned thing)
Health risks of antiperspirant:
1) Clogged pores -> boils (so do make sure to wash properly and scrub away excess dead skincells properly in your daily shower)
2) The aluminium stuff in antiperspirants (the stuff that actually makes you not sweat) might be bad. I've read a lot of warning articles in random newspapers, nothing properly established yet.
from wiki:
"Aluminium Neurotoxicity
Aluminium has been established as a neurotoxin.[14] Aluminium chloride, an aluminum salt that is commonly used in antiperspirants, is also commonly used in studies on aluminium-induced neurotoxicity[15][16][17][18][19]. Aluminium itself adversely affects the blood-brain barrier, is capable of causing DNA damage, and has adverse epigenetic effects.[20][21] Research has shown that the aluminium salts used in antiperspirants have detrimental effects to a number of species such as non-human primates[22], mice[23], dogs[24] and others. An increased amount of Aluminium is also present in the brains of many Alzheimer's patients, although it is not yet known if this link is causal.[25][26]"
I nevertheless use antiperspirants though.
Deoderant != antiperspirant
That can backfire. I read a newspaper article a year or so ago about a bloke who got some surgery done to remove the sweat glands there... But that resulted in him developing just as bad handsweat after the surgery, as what he had at his armpits. So, he probably should very carefully look into what kind of surgery he'd get, and complete removal might be bad.
I second this --> >>10
You probably want to wax your armpits rather than shave, as infections are a lot more likely (assuming you have foul bacterias there, which the smelliness makes it sound like) if you shave rather than wax. Also, the results will last a lot longer. Hurts though, at least for the first bunch of times... There's no denying that. It's not more faggy than shaving, either. Do make sure to use anti-bacterial soap (nothing with Triclosan in it, though.
[ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triclosan#Health_concerns ] )
possibly a glycerin soap with tea tree oil in it.
And I too have noticed that the more hydrated people are, the less they'll reek. Caffeine seems to make people smell more.
And you probably do want to eat healthier, not just for the sake of your body odor, but also for the sake of your body. Don't forget that you're supposed to eat 5-6 times a day (three proper meals, two-three snacks inbetween, where snack != unhealthy junk, but just some proper nutrition. This (as opposed to a few giant meals with long periods of inactivity for your digestion) keeps your metabolism going, so that you will burn more, and have less problems with your stomach/intestine. Also, having to digest too big meals isn't good, as it drains a lot of energy from you. Remember that it's rather important that your meals do contain foodstuffs that will slowly and continously release energy while it gets digested, so that your energy will properly last until next meal, without your blood-sugar values going haywire (diabetics aren't the only people who should not forget about their blood-sugar levels), but also make sure to eat something akin to fruit or so for some quick sugar for your body while it digests the food. Hmm.. That's a lot of tl;dr ::pokes own post::
Also, eating healthier will ensure your future girlfriend will be less unwilling to go down on your :-p Better diet = less 'icky' flavour.
Hmmm.. random related link: http://home.howstuffworks.com/question627.htm
"What is in an antiperspirant that stops sweat?" It's amusing.
i'm a girl and i used to sweat more than anyone i knew. it was really nasty and embarassing and during cheerleading i would be drenched with sweat and i would smell real bad. i finally asked one of my teachers what i should do about it and he told me about this stuff called certain-dri (it's sold at any basic superstore like wal-mart, target, etc) and it worked wonders. i've been almost completely sweat free for like, 3 months now and i can actually raise my arms without being completely embarassed. i would be the spokesperson of this product if i could! haha and another alternative would be getting botox in your armpits, i know someone who had to do that because they were a compulsive sweater, but i'm sure you don't want to resort to that!