I have fallen hopelessly in love with a girl who lives in an entirely different country and cant seem to escape. I've known her for a little over a month now and I haven't been able to stop thinking about her for a second. Its not even like Ive never been in love or anything Ive liked girls in rl before too and had dates but this time its different; for some reason Im feeling a love her like I never have for anyone else. I basically cant spend more than 10 minutes in the day without thinking about her and I have literally become depressed sometimes knowing that I will probably never be with her. I think she may like me too but I certainly dont think she would be interested in ever meeting up especially because of our age (both of us still in highschool). I feel so happy whenever I am talking to her but I still just have such a strong urge to be able show my emotions physically in some way to her. I dont want to give her up but Im clueless as to what to do now. Ive basically been driven insane by her but I still just want her so badly.
You've only known her for a month? I think you've just turned this over in your mind so much you've become obsessed and idolized your relationship with this girl into something it's not.
I mean, does she even feel the same about you?
I know it's hard to stop thinking about love and all, but christ.
Get a hobby, plz.
i hope she isnt ugly
It's sweet that you're in love.. Does she know you are? I've been in many long distance relation ships, and they've lasted more than a year, but the pain in relationships like that is that you probably will never get to meet her. D: >
Just.. tell her you love her. :3 Girls go insane when you tell them that~
I have when someone's told me. :U
Tell her you love her, if she doesn't feel the same way, talk to her less, and less, and faze her out. How did you meet her anyways??
Although successful long distance relationships (especially ones that are THIS long distance) are sorta rare-ish, don't completely give up unless you know she doesn't return the feelings. Like >>3,4 said, you need to know if she likes you too! Obviously if she doesn't, then I wouldn't worry about it anymore, and try and find a girl closer to home. But if she does, don't automatically cancel the relationship just because she's in another country!
I've known people online to get together, it just took one of them moving to the other's country, haha.
It might be too early to tell her you love her...
You're both in high school so meeting will be very hard, if not impossible. Also, you've only known each other a month.
The best thing to do might just be to forget about her...
Op, I know how you feel.
I fell in love with this girl I met from a music site and talked to via IM, for about 3 years now.
Of course I knew that we would never meet, so I eventually just phased her out like what >>5 mentioned, by talking to her less and less. I probably haven't talked to her for a few months now, but I still think about her.
I never did seriously admit my feelings to her, but I did joke about it many times, and even sent her Christmas and birthday gifts, simply because I wanted to.
She sort of seemed like she liked me, but personally I didn't think she mature enough for that kind of relationship, and I may not have been either. Also, I'm glad I ended things that way rather than getting rejected or something.
I guess one thing I can recommend is to find someone offline to take her place.
Also check out: http://4-ch.net/love/kareha.pl/1131507617/
Thank you all for the advice. I told her I liked her (after reading your replies) but I'm not sure what to make of her response really. She said she really liked me as well but not quite love although now she seems more open with me and kind of hmm calling me love and things but still she said that we probably wouldn't ever meet (which is probably true) until we both got out of highschool. Which is a very true statement. But I still have two more years and I really don't even know if I can wait that long I sort of feel torn up about it. It seems like she can handle her emotions a lot better than I can (or there is a lack of emotions towards me :( ) Well I'm not really sure what to make of this yet. Do you guys have any ideas?
Thanks again for your support!
why dont u just keep in touch with the girl and date others living nearby, and see what will happen first?
I say, be prepared to a sad ending. Usually online loves are just illusions or loving only one part of the person and when the whole person is revealed to you, you might realize that she isn't the one you love or you aren't the one who she loves.
Good luck to you and your relationship with her.
It clearly sounds like she's not really interested in you in that manner, best to move on and not become any more obsessed with her.
aw sad, i have friend that i consider as my online bf cuz we treat each other like we're a couple IRL, i also marry him in every RO server i went to. we talk bout stuff like who's gonna cook when we're together but obviously those are impossible. but i dont have the courage to ask him if he loves me as a real person and not as an online illusion. it's going to be sad for him if he loves me as a real person because in truth, I love another man, but we're not a couple yet, my dad forbids it until after highschool
aw sad, i have friend that i consider as my online bf cuz we treat each other like we're a couple IRL, i also marry him in every RO server i went to. we talk bout stuff like who's gonna cook when we're together but obviously those are impossible. but i dont have the courage to ask him if he loves me as a real person and not as an online illusion. it's going to be sad for him if he loves me as a real person because in truth, I love another man, but we're not a couple yet, my dad forbids it until after highschool
Please cease to lead him on. Make it clear that you are only having a role-play relationship, and not a real one.
[i dont have the courage to ask him if he loves me as a real person and not as an online illusion]
[I love another man]
well dont ask then.
You don't have to ask him, but you still have to make it clear.
The best and easiest way to do this would be to mention you boyfriend to him nonchalantly. Just go like "Sorry, I have to log out now. I told my boyfriend I would meet him at xxx" or "A funny thing happened when I was out with my boyfriend today..."
That way, you'll be notifying him that you have a boyfriend, but that your online relationship can still stay the same.
>but i dont have a boyfriend, the relationship i have with the guy i like is kinda complicated
So what? He doesn't have to know that.
i ddnt say he had to know that, it's the easiest way to explain that i dont have a boyfriend which is why I cant just say, "Sorry, I have to log out now. I told my boyfriend I would meet him at xxx" you get it?
I mean, he doesn't have to know that you don't actually have a boyfriend.
Lie to him, lol.