Poem or letter inspiration. (17)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 09:01 ID:oj3FU1qA

I want to write a nice poem or letter to someone i love. I know how i feel about her but dont know hjow to get it onto paper.

Anyone know of some good writing inspiration or something simular?

2 Name: TEENAGER : 2007-01-07 09:31 ID:Heaven

Have you tried tapping into your soul and write about how you feel when you think about her?

3 Name: fart man : 2007-01-07 11:51 ID:B1MsPw0O

well, dont write a poem. its a shit idea. self-satisfaction isnt important in this case. uve got to make "her" happy. it seems that she hasnt even been ur girlfriend. she will not feel happy about receiving a poem.

if u dont believe me, okay u write a poem and give it to her. she would rathar run away from u than get attracted.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 19:14 ID:oj3FU1qA


Erm.. we're already together. I want to do something special for her.

I did ok today when talking to her, i thought about how we hug and discribed it to every detail as much as posible.

5 Name: b0de_2004@yahoo.co.nz : 2007-01-08 00:17 ID:U69sYQu3

Sometimes its also nice to simply take a nice flower (be it her fav or simply beautiful and press it... as in place it in an old book, close it, and place heavy books onto of it to create something that will last a long time.

That is a gift that will last a long time, is cheap, and is great for "brownie points".

Most people like the time in which a person spends on the gift. Which is why words take a long to create, which is why females and males enjoy reading things that are designed to ignite themselves.

Hope the poem went well (or is that conversation?) kudos for wanting to do your best.

6 Name: fart man : 2007-01-08 11:09 ID:B1MsPw0O

right, sorry i did know u guys r already together. but still writing and giving her a poem is too much i guess. she wont dislike u because of the the poem, but it wont help u guys to have more solid relationship.

i guess sending her a bunch of flowers will do, as >>5 mentions. or just write a letter.

7 Name: wandering jack : 2007-01-11 00:58 ID:rjDUVpF9

For inspiration in general go outside on a dry night with a lawn chair and a drink of your choosing and look at the sky simply wondering. Then write whatever you come up with after doing that look at your paper and organize your ideas. It works for me when i need inspiration so maybe it will work for you too

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 08:44 ID:KhZR4glb


You have no idea what you're talking about. It's not "too much", and if she thinks it is, she's psycho. You've never had a girlfriend, and have no idea what it's like to be in a real relationship. It won't make the relationship more "soild", sure, but I don't think that's what he's going for. I think he just wants to do something nice to show that he appreciates the girl.

As for actual inspiration, I'm not sure, as I'm not really the best writer in the world. If you wanna write a poem about her, just think about her. Write about her, or about the two of you.

9 Name: fart man : 2007-01-11 10:00 ID:B1MsPw0O

[I think he just wants to do something nice to show that he appreciates the girl. ]
yes, i know that, but a poem isnt something nice to show that he appreciates the girl "in a romantic way". she would laugh after reading the poem. thats what i mean "too much".

ask every girl in ur country which one of them shed be happy with, receiving a bunch of flowers with a small letter that mentions how much he loves her, or a stupid poem.

[she's psycho] no she isnt. why does she have to feel the way he expects her to feel?? she doesnt ask him to send her a poem. he does this as his own pleases.

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 11:19 ID:Heaven


>yes, i know that, but a poem isnt something nice to show that he appreciates the girl "in a romantic way". she would laugh after reading the poem. thats what i mean "too much".

It is if it's a romantic poem. This would be different if they WEREN'T ALREADY DATING. In THAT case, it might be seen as a little over the top, and maybe even a bit creepy. However, they ARE.

>ask every girl in ur country which one of them shed be happy with, receiving a bunch of flowers with a small letter that mentions how much he loves her, or a stupid poem.

Hm, let's see. An impersonal, generic bunch of flowers (that will die anyway) and a "small letter", or a romantic poem. The poem obviously shows that he spent time and effort writing it, which is more important to money. At least, to any girl worth dating.

>no she isnt. why does she have to feel the way he expects her to feel?? she doesnt ask him to send her a poem. he does this as his own pleases.

Why does she have to ASK for him to do something nice for her? That's called "spontaneity" (I'm assuming you don't know what this word means, so please look it up.) If a girl has to ASK for the boy to be nice to her, then something is very wrong with the relationship.

It's very obvious to me that you have no idea how real relationships work. And when I say real relationships, I mean actually having a girlfriend. It's not all about sex and money; there's a little thing called "romance" too. A girl who is a true romantic would melt over her boyfriend writing her a poem.

>>1, please do not listen to any advice "fart man" gives to you, for your own sake. It's probably just what worked on his mother.

11 Name: fart man : 2007-01-11 12:17 ID:B1MsPw0O

[It's probably just what worked on his mother.]
u really hate me because of "i love mom" threadlol

[Why does she have to ASK for him to do something nice for her?]
ive never said "she has to"lol what im saying is she doesnt ask him to write a poem for her. so he cant want her to feel the way he migh be expecting her to. u tard

[A girl who is a true romantic would melt over her boyfriend writing her a poem.]

[It's probably just what worked on his mother.]
u always say in "i love my mom" thread u dont believe what i say in the thread. now u believe what i say. okay please tell everyone there u believe my story. im waiting for u therelol

okay u can write a poem to >>10. she wants a poemlol now u have 2 girlfriends. lucky u!

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 17:38 ID:or14DAct

Fart man, kindly GTFO my thread.

>>10 Dont worry i didnt even consider it.

I know she would apriciate a poem or letter or else i wouldnt sugest it.
The flower press is a good idea, gonna go to the flower store tomorrow and see what they have :)

Thanks for the sugestions guys.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 21:18 ID:Heaven


Jesus Christ, I'm not even gonna bother replying to this whole thing..

>u always say in "i love my mom" thread u dont believe what i say in the thread. now u believe what i say. okay please tell everyone there u believe my story. im waiting for u therelol

No I didn't. Welcome to an anonymous message board where not all people with the name "Secret Admirer" are the same person. I believe what you wrote just fine. And I don't "hate" you because of that thread, I hate you because of your useless and meaningless replies to everything. You can screw your mom all you want, I won't care. Just don't shit up every thread you come across.

>>1, I apologize profusely for using your thread in this manner. orz

14 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 01:48 ID:B1MsPw0O

[useless and meaningless replies to everything]

ok mom. my replies r all useless and meaningless. i admit. so dont get angry with me. love me tender.

or maybe u can write a poem for me. ill send u some nice flowers and a small letter in return. the theme would be "love u tender" (with love fart man) happy?

[I apologize profusely for using your thread in this manner. orz]

no worries. take it easy mom. i love u.

>>1, please forgive her. she apologizes.

15 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 09:18 ID:Heaven

lern2quote, twat, and gtfo our internets

16 Name: fart man : 2007-01-12 11:01 ID:B1MsPw0O

fart man?? u should be "fart woman" dont u think? now we r friends.

by the way could u please tell me how to quote, because i really dont know how to do it? (no offend, so please)

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-12 14:39 ID:or14DAct


I dont think you read me.

Kindly GTFO.

Op here

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