has sex 1st time, very put off, i have questions please! (50)

11 Name: b0de_2004@yahoo.co.nz : 2007-01-07 23:42 ID:QSEgTC+2

Most teenagers go through it. Sometimes when males masturbate they see this perfect thing doing whatever the male likes and its this big wonderful mindful event.

Life isn't lived in the mind, while what you experienced is different, you will know what you like and what you don't. Sucking on a vagina is one thing some guys like, and yet some guys don't like it. Some others like sucking on a penis (be it female or male) and some don't. Some guys like the "female ejaculate" others don't. What you like now isn't a good or bad thing, don't feel that you have to not do it again because someone else might give you immense pleasure.

People have different smells, flavours, and in fact pleasurable things to do and thing not to do. Finding a Girlfriend in which you like/love will allow you to explore both your sexuality and her body. Take time, take care and be safe

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