Lonely :| (17)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-09 11:28 ID:Wz0LYcZL

Guys I am really lonely. It's not that I don't have any friends or anything I do, in fact I enjoy being alone but what I really want is a girlfriend. There have been some girls who have liked me occasionally but I am way too nervous around girls not to mention we would have nothing in common. At this point I'm pretty sure there is no one anywhere near me that I could ever meet that I could actually share a relationship with. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night, I just want to be able to cuddle and feel a girl's warmth with someone I love. Is this too much to ask? I also have no confidence and I'm shy so it's almost impossible for me to approach any girl even if I did like her. I just feel like crying.

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