Are you Ready>? (17)

1 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2007-02-07 05:25 ID:DUf+QNq5

For all the tears. When you put all your effort and all you could to confess your true feelings you in the end get blown off. And as you walk with tears running you see all the other people become couples hugging and kissing enjoying and remarkable blossom of new love. As you watch them you think, why can't I have that? What is it I don't have? I'm nice, smart, caring......Was it because I'm not good-looking enough? Is it because I'm a dork?...As you think of these questions you look back at the person you thought was the one for you only to be with another person laughing and talking....someone who also has interest and an even better chance of being with that person because you can see he/she's better than you could ever be. Another person on the other hand is all alone waiting for that special valentine to come by, Only to have everyone passby and be seen unnoticed cause your nothing in the world.....The heartbreaks, the blossoming, the fun of watching it all happen.......Are you ready for Valentines?

*Note: I know what it feels like. Everyday I wake up to the same routine hoping today will be the day I meet "her". I pretend my life is wonderful......friends, family......but I'm not happy. It's not my friends nor family but the fact I'm soo lonely.*not emo
Truth, I still have feelings for an old valentine but I'll just keep it hidden deep within me. Though I know she has no true feelings for me, there's something bout her. Every thought of her makes my day. I always wonder what she's doing...I rarely talk to her anymore cause she seem's busy all the time. No matter how much it still hurts......I'll just have to live with the sad thought I could never be with her.....

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-07 07:23 ID:Heaven


3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-07 12:54 ID:Heaven

..and saw poster's name.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-07 21:12 ID:I0YUEgRz



5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-07 22:14 ID:Heaven


Tokyo is just being emo. He will live, don't worry.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 00:49 ID:kQexR3go

You will feel better if you stop hoping. With everyday that you wake up with hope, it will end in disapointment.

7 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2007-02-08 03:38 ID:pBKoqzT3


I'm not being emo. Emo's kill themselves for the sole purpose of not wanting to live. I'm just saying Valentine's Day is gonna be a bitch to many people. Nerds, Geeks, Dorks, Otaku......perspectively.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 06:47 ID:dnjPQM5q

Emo whine and like to see everything like the world is ending for them. They most likely won't kill themselves, unless they fall in severe depression, which can happen to anyone. They just emulate depression most of the time.

9 Name: TS : 2007-02-08 08:09 ID:/xTSmoNO


For all the tears. When you put all your effort and all you could to confess your true feelings you in the end get blown off. And as you walk with tears running you see all the other people become couples hugging and kissing enjoying and remarkable blossom of new love. As you watch them you think, why can't I have that? What is it I don't have? I'm nice, smart, caring......Was it because I'm not good-looking enough? Is it because I'm a dork?...As you think of these questions you look back at the person you thought was the one for you only to be with another person laughing and talking....someone who also has interest and an even better chance of being with that person because you can see he/she's better than you could ever be.


10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 12:30 ID:vj3N49cf

Ie: They just want attention.

Tokyo, you're about 16 right? Yet you're talking like a freakin 40 year old single woman in her mid-life crisis. What the hell would Valentines mean to a teenager?? It's seriously sad and desperate if your life revolves around finding "her". Get out with friends and enjoy life instead of moping in self pity. You might also meet "her" while you're out celebrating your youth. It's not your time to start whining over hormone driven crushes.

STOP CRAVING for love, and maybe you will get some.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 13:36 ID:+dTuhu0f

affirmative, your whole world isn't over, its just your beginning.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 18:51 ID:lq5Kyc5K

There once was a puppy who asked his mother "what is happiness".

and the mother replied "why dear, it's your tail"

so the puppy started chasing his tail. He'd chase it day and night but was never able to catch it. Exhausted and defeated, he went back to his mother. "mother, i keep chasing my tail day and night and it is always just out of my reach!"

and to that the mother said "all you need to do is keep your chin up and walk forward instead of backwards and in circles"

and the puppy followed his mothers advice and walked forward and just as his mother said, happiness followed.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-08 19:15 ID:dnjPQM5q

Thanks for the tale, I really like it.

14 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2007-02-09 02:09 ID:DUf+QNq5


Very touching.......


It's just get's to your head and stings the heart when you see people, people COOLER than you are already findong happiness.Love. IT makes you think if you will be lonely forever, why must I wait so long, do I have to change the way I am too find what I want in life.....

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-09 03:16 ID:Heaven

>people COOLER than you are already findong happiness.Love.

Do you actually believe that every single cool person is finding love?!? Look love does not exist in high school. All of those teen dramas you watch...pure bullshit. Honestly I do not remember a happy couple in high school that truely love each other. I knew couples that loved each other, but after 3 months it was over. YOu are over reacting to a trivial problem. You are 16 years old man, you got at least 10 years before you should be even thinking about marriage. So how instead of moping around, crying about how nobody loves you, you go out make friends, enjoy your youth, and have a new attitude. Cause of right now, I understand why no girl likes you. You either act like one or at best you act like a little kid.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-09 09:27 ID:Heaven

Oh, and you know, that Art Of War thing... never start a battle if you think it is lost. You are sure to win, you may win. You are sure to lose, you will lose. Hey, that also applies to life, you know?

17 Name: Newoz : 2007-02-10 00:03 ID:Heaven

I agree.

Sometimes I feel deattached from society just because I am always busy with other stuff (i.e. school). But whenever I come across my friends I try to be the happiest guy ever. And still, love has appeared in front of me very few times.

Most of the times you just need to keep on working, keep on living, keep on rocking, and love will decide whether or not to come in your way. It's just like luck: it doesn't happen to you very often.

And, >>1, yeah, Valentine's Day is a real bother to me. At school the seniors sell roses and balloons to whoever wants to buy and sell them to someone inside the school, with a message. It would be all day long, people coming in with boxes filled with roses and balloons wired up to their fingers. Then, my friends (specially the ladies) would become upset for not buying them a rose.

It's just a rose!! It dies, it decomposes. I know it's a symbol of love (and sometimes of lust?), but I just don't want to spend on something like that, on that single day in the year. I feel pushed, as of: "Fucking loser, get a gf willya?" or "Poor bastard" (the roses and ballons at school are really expensive! The seniors are just trying to get some money for their gratuating prom and rave). At my school, people are really materialistic (engulfed with fury).

And my brother still tells me: "You got no feelings". I do have them, I just don't want to spend my savings.

A tip: ignore everybody on Valentine's Day. Hopefully everything gets fixed overnight.

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