How do I flirted on the internets? (6)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-13 15:16 ID:wfpnavMM

I don't know how to flirt and make contact, even on the interenetsz, help me? :O

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-13 15:26 ID:Heaven

...Give people true compliments. Never ever say something that isn't true, just to flatter them.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-13 15:54 ID:D/waIFi+


How: Don't flirt on the internet.
IRL: Don't flirt on the internet.
srsly: Just say whats on your mind.
Tip: Don't have a sick mind.
Expl: Sick according to regular standards, not -chan standards.

You'd be surprised however, how well it works to be honest about your needs and intentions when interacting with the opposite sex. A girl looking for a boy typically wants to know head on that he's turned on by her and wants to fuck her brains out. You might not want to blurt that out all to blatantly though, but implying you're turned on by someone for whatever reason is perfectly ok.

In the end, both men and women knows that romantic relationships is only a mean to the end, which is sexual relations. It's our second most powerful drive, and since we are usually well fed here in the west, we typically spend all our time thinking about fucking. Goes for both men and women, don't believe otherwise. If anything, girls just like to fantizise about the circumstances leading up to sex as much as the actual thing, which men usually skip right to. In that regard it could be said men think more about sex than women, but really we don't, we just have different ways of looking at it.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 08:57 ID:FZGeTHsM

Just wink at everyone who walks by.

You will have phonenumbers in your pockets in no time.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 09:06 ID:Heaven

>You might not want to blurt that out all to blatantly though, but implying you're turned on by someone for whatever reason is perfectly ok.

Very true and very useful.

>In the end, both men and women knows that romantic relationships is only a mean to the end, which is sexual relations.

Not auto-true.
A lot of people look for a partner in life that they also can shag, rather than someone to shag whom they also can share their life with.

>we typically spend all our time thinking about fucking.

Not true, however in a way that's unrelated to gender. Some people do that indeed, but there are plenty of people who think very little about it.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-14 18:43 ID:D/waIFi+


>>Not auto-true.

A lot of people look for a partner in life that they also can shag, rather than someone to shag whom they also can share their life with.

It's the same thing basically, althought the first alternative is preferable, because it will likely make sure that the relationship is based not primarily on emotions, and thus lasts better. But in the end, again, we wouldn't look for romantic relationships in the first place if it wasn't for our sexdrive. It's a natural conclusion.

>>Not true, however in a way that's unrelated to gender. Some people do that indeed, but there are plenty of people who think very little about it.

Heh, don't kid yourself. Are you one of those people? And if not, how do you know the ones you've been talking to told you the truth? I've been kind of hypocritical about this so I know, and it has turned out that most who also wanted to seem prudent were doing the same thing.

Sure, I don't think awfully much about sex, at least not when I'm satisfied, i.e. not sexually frustrated. But if I haven't had release my mind is a fucking sex-vortex.

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