After reading fart man's guide to get girls, I want to write one of my own.
Lesson 1 for today:
Do not make assumptions, an example of this would be thinking the girl might not like you because she's too pretty or if she's really hot that she might be taken.
Today, very attractive adult women are single with very well off financially and does not have a love life.. mainly because they're too busy with work and business for one. If a girl is taken, SHE WILL tell you, don't make assumption that she is taken.
Advice for Teenagers: Watch Teen Romance movies.
Ok, I understand my advice is a bit cheesy. But, i'm not a teenager.
PROTIP: Draw your inspiration from the weather when talking to her.
Lesson 2 for today:
Know your boundaries.
If you've been rejected twice, you're most likely asking girls waaaaaay OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE.
So stop moping "woe is me" because you were freakin asking to be dumped.
I had to get that off my chest.
>>1 thinking the girl might not like you because she's too pretty or if she's really hot that she might be taken
Oh, HOW true that... how true... [sighs]
Not twice by the same chick, I hope. If it's in a longer time span, then that's okay, as people change and anonymous probably sensed a change in her attitude, but if it's shortly after the other, he's just begging for a beating. In which case he should go to some BDSM club instead of trying to aggravate random chicks to beat him up.
Okay I gotta step in.
>Advice for Teenagers: Watch Teen Romance movies.
Ok, I understand my advice is a bit cheesy. But, i'm not a teenager.
Teen movies are movies, bad ones at that. How often do you see the cheerleader fall in love with the nerd? Teen movies are BAD places to look for advice when it comes to dating.
>If you've been rejected twice, you're most likely asking girls waaaaaay OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE.
Dating is a numbers game. Getting rejected twice(by different girls, its futile to ask out the same girl twice) is no big deal, it happens. If it is like 8 times, you should take a look at your method. You should drop down a level to make things easier, but you have to stick to it. Re-evaulate your approch, it could have been that you did something that turned her off. If you are more sucessful in the lower level, apply what you learn to better looking girls.
>PROTIP: Draw your inspiration from the weather when talking to her.
The weather is a boring,cliche topic. Just use your environment to your advantage. See her reading a book, ask her a question about the book. Find something she has, is doing, or is with. It may be hard at first and scary, but if you can carry a conversation, then you will be fine. Warm her up to you, and don't forgot to end it with her phone number.
>Do not make assumptions, an example of this would be thinking the girl might not like you because she's too pretty or if she's really hot that she might be taken.
Truth to that. Never be afraid to take a chance, in fact don't even hesistate.
Wow. People posting for me for >>2 and >>3.
Alright, Lesson 2!
I believe this has been mentioned before, so I will repeat it even if it has. The second lesson is a two part lesson or rather a test for yourself, especially for the really shy ones. Let me tell something about myself, I use to be very shy and one day my friend offered me a challenge:
Test 1: Go to a public place and say "Hi" to as many girls as you can. You don't have to say anything else, just a simple "Hi" to a passing girl would be sufficient and try to do it 10 times.
After you successfully pass test 1, the next day, another challenge for you is a bit harder. But, that'll only push you a bit further.
Test 2: Go to a public place and have a small conversation with just 5 girls. Something along the lines of "how are you doing today?" or "The weather is nice today isn't it?"
After successfully passing the test, it might not overcome your shyness completely, but it is one step closer to doing so.
a little more about myself, I am still currently dating and looking for that one special lady. Hopefully, the things that have helped me get over my shyness will help you as well and you will find that one person you can love.
I agree with the "Know your boundaries" and Yes, if you've been rejected... just even once, just move on to the next girl.
Ok, yeah, it's not good advice on the "Watch Teen movies" I admit that. But, hell I'm not a teenager and I was god damn shy and anti-social back then... so I can't really give any advice using my past experiences.
Haha, I used that one for the longest time, works like an absolute charm.
what if some people get off on being rejected?
clubs suck shit sage
>Never be afraid to take a chance, in fact don't even hesistate.
Ok call you in 10 years.
>Test 1: Go to a public place and say "Hi" to as many girls as you can. You don't have to say anything else, just a simple "Hi" to a passing girl would be sufficient and try to do it 10 times.
Fuck that, where is the point? I have better things to do than to talk to people, you and everyone should know that.
>Test 2: Go to a public place and have a small conversation with just 5 girls. Something along the lines of "how are you doing today?" or "The weather is nice today isn't it?"
Howabout I start conversation with my fully enabled stare ability and a nice "FUCK YOUR SHIT" and maybe throw things? Can I still pass the test if I do this to 10 million people?
Better things to do than talk to people? Well enjoy your lonely life.
Your tests intrigue me. Perhaps I should... do them. There is no reason I should be scared. But in truth, I'm fucking terrified :D
>>The weather is a boring,cliche topic.
I thought it was an obvious troll..
PROTIP: Read fart man's guide to girls and lose weight at the same time!
Some guys could take a clue from teen romance movies. I was dating an adorably nebbish computer science student for awhile that COULDN'T TAKE THE HINT that I expected a nice Valentine's Day. I ended up buying him a box of truffles and making dinner reservations-- he gave me a card promising flowers at a later date. Needless to say, I was upset. Kid could've taken a tip from a chick flick.
the trick is to do what you can to fulfill a girl's dreams. you WILL fail, but she'll appreciate the effort.
>>13! nyaha! some guys really need to grow into concept of hints. They aware of them, just not able to recognize very fast. Is life.
In fact, a lot of them really are aware of hints. Problem is that they are maybe too aware of them, and then don't know what to think because they see hints everywhere. Girls are so twisted...
I think that's probably the main reason >>1 said "Do not assume": there is a whole world between "seeing" the hint, and understanding it correctly. Actually, misinterpreting a hint might be worse than pretending not having got it, so guys often skip them - more or less conscientiously.
u wanna know how to get girls! then whack off and fuck a pig!!!
btw i'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mwahahahahhahaha and here to stay s0 u can keep fucking pigs!!!!!!!!!!
I knew it! I just had a bad dream tonight and BOOM, you here.
OH SHI-! I've been rejected three times, by three different girls. D:
Alright the next lesson is "Dress for Success" So, lets begin with lesson 3.
Image is important. Take dating like a job interview, you wouldn't go to a job interview wearing a dirty pair of jeans, mustard covered t-shirt, and greasy hair. But, dating on the other hand is a bit more relaxed on how you look. I'll break the section into parts.
Hair: Long hair is fine, but keep it clean. Nothing says 'disgusting' than greasy long hair and the same goes for short hair. Visit a stylist to keep your hair trimmed, like a weed, your hair will go out of control and end up looking rough.. If you own a garden, you would need a gardner to keep your garden from going out of control.
Clothes: Wear what you feel comfortable, but keep it clean! If you need help deciding on what to wear, look at some fashion magazines. Great source of information.
So, what I'm trying to say is... Clean yourself, do a periodical maintanence check, and at least keep updated on some info.
Alright the next lesson is "Dress for Success" So, lets begin with lesson 3.
Image is important. Take dating like a job interview, you wouldn't go to a job interview wearing a dirty pair of jeans, mustard covered t-shirt, and greasy hair. But, dating on the other hand is a bit more relaxed on how you look. I'll break the section into parts.
Hair: Long hair is fine, but keep it clean. Nothing says 'disgusting' than greasy long hair and the same goes for short hair. Visit a stylist to keep your hair trimmed, like a weed, your hair will go out of control and end up looking rough.. If you own a garden, you would need a gardner to keep your garden from going out of control.
Clothes: Wear what you feel comfortable, but keep it clean! If you need help deciding on what to wear, look at some fashion magazines. Great source of information.
So, what I'm trying to say is... Clean yourself, do a periodical maintanence check, and at least keep updated on some info.
haha, no problem. btw, love your advice. i might go through with it, as soon as i find someone \(><)/
i'll keep an update of my efforts, whenever i can
Hi all, i'm a girl, and all what he said about >>22 are BASIC.
Good Job, Gin
>Guide to being a normal human being
lawl ur guide is good man!!! plz dont stop i made ur stuff, i talked to grlz many times and i felt cooler... (well in fact i just looked and hi'ed them..) .. uh anyway this is the real stuff man lol great job
the point about talking to strangers is a good one, because youll learn that actually people arent going to turn around and bite your head off if you try to smalltalk with them - this confidence in speaking to strangers can then extend to starting up conversations with girls with the aim of getting a date.
also another good tip for dressing, when you look at fashion magazines or whatever, try to pick out a certain look that you like. find an actor that you would like to look like, and buy clothes that they would wear. so e.g you want to be a brad pitt sort of man, then build wardrobes around nice jeans, nice t shirts and maybe a blazer for neater occassions; if you want to be a george clooney, focus on proper trousers, proper shoes, suits, buttonup shirts etc
also one more thing, make sure you have nice shoes. it doesnt matter if they are trainers or proper dress shoes, make sure they arent falling apart. apparently its a major thing girls notice - if you arent taking care of your feet then youre probably not taking care of other parts of yourself and therefore couldnt take care of them.
I dont talk to negros that I dont know.