Hmmmm.... well, I just read the whole no Densha otoko psychotic reenactment thing at the top of this board
but since this is just a matter of chance and maybe a bit of fate I hope they won't delete it; at least not right away...
So here's my request. This is for anyone who believes in fate. I personally have almost made a religion determined on it; that fact aside I'm a 16 year old guy who is considered by most standards weird. I like climbing trees, drawing, using sherlock holmes logic, and I've had near psychodelic experiences though without the use of any drugs. So my lifestyle is pretty singular.
(I've seen a talking cat in real life before)
Okay, another interesting side-effect of this lifestyle is that long-shots pull through for me. I've been able to locate people that I only had a 1/1000 chance of finding and many coincidences occur. So I'm going to see what happens from this message..
(this is quickly approaching tl;dr status)
Oh well...
So here's my request and the reason why I mentioned fate earlier: I would really like to meet a girl over the internet.
I know, you're all probably thinking "He's MAD! Or at least a troll.." No, I'm not a troll, you have to admit; this isn't all that lulz worthy.
So if you believe in fate, are female, and actually took the time to read this whole thing then contact me and
I'm serious.
I don't care if we don't meet. I just want to meet you and talk to you. Why? I'm not really sure myself. Hell, I don't know what made me decide to make this post. Must have been fate. If you're the person who is meant to reply to this I'm really looking forward to hearing from you.
(if you're not the person who this message is intended for then the above paragraph is void for you; if you are the person who it's intended for then this paragraph is void.)
(hahahaa.... I'm so crazy.... serious though......)
shit shit shit!!!!! Sorry! I forgot my password! Send it to instead. This is not a false poster. You know why? because not only am I the first person to do this. (other people wouldn't think of doing this) but secondly because I actually gave the reasons that I'm doing this which other people also would do. And third, this is fate remember?
(but seriously, no one could duplicate this kind of writing; you have to be at least slightly crazy to try to pull this kind of thing off.)
haha... :3
Fate? What a grandiose word for an interbutt relationship.
Although a little bit of me wishes you luck.
your id shows that it's the same person. and
it's a trap
yea... you may have put some more in depth strategy into this, but you sound no more than a flirt trying to use romantic cliche's in order to find that "girl". fate. if its on your side and you manage to find that person with 1/1000th of a chance, then go out and find them. what you're doing has nothing to do with fate. just blind luck hoping somebody will bite.
"I don't care if we don't meet. I just want to meet you and talk to you."
awesome. now even if you meant the two slightly different meanings of "meet" that's a dead give away that this is just a dating ploy. chances are, you're a middle aged man who doesnt want to go outside. if you are a 16 year old kid, don't look for a soul mate online, take it into your own hands and find them.
At least you can admit that you are crazy.
nah, not trying to even find that "girl" Just wanted to see wth would happen. I am 16 years old; I am probably crazy, and I'm not looking for a soulmate unless someone else just happens to be as crazy as me and decides that it would be a good idea to talk to me. That's all., knock yourself out.
oh great, the kid who 'just' wanted to see what would happen.
"ooh! a button? I guess I'll just have to press it. I'm a 16yr semimature and consequences are not my responsibility. Everybody loves the inquisitive child, right? What, oh lets also say I'm slightly crazy - the audience loves such cute naive selfdemeaning talk! it really can't be a problem that I'm not thinking about what I do, because I'm sure that's what geniuses do too.yeh"
Don't you know 90% of the people on the internet are dudes?
no, the only thing one should believe in, is karma and equilibrium, good brings bad, bad brings good, it happens
wow... that is quite possibly the most ignorant thing i've heard...
"...karma and equilibrium..."
"...good brings bad..."
karma and equilibrium are no way similar in that sense.
karma means that if you do good, good will come to you in return.
equilibrium means that for every positive force in the worlds, there is a negative.
get it straight before you start preaching.
Seconded, though I've heard far more ignorant things in my life.
>>11 reminds me of something someone online (who must have been a prepubertal kid) replied to someone who had a genetical heart disease, that they "Probably has done something bad to deserve it. Karma is like that, haven't you all seen 'My Name Is Earl'?"...
haha. let me correct myself then. most ignorant thing on the internet.
outlandos d'amour
hahaha secret. zenyatta mondatta :P
As much as I hate using the weakipedia as my source. :P