1 Name: O LAWD : 2007-02-20 19:48 ID:OuzKMcjR

Hello, romance...

You see...I like someone I shouldn't like.

I don't know why, either. It's so terrible

Well, a little while back, this person was sexually harassing me. Quite a rude little bastard. Nothing like rape, just putting his hands where they didn't belong and saying stuff he shouldn't have.

Well, we went to court not too long ago, and we won the case.

The person who took him to court decided to try to appeal the case.


Meanwhile, I feel really weird. It's indescribable. I feel some sort of terrible aching for him. His family, his mother especially, is nucking futs, and his mother is literally mental. She can't accept that her son did something wrong.

I'm sitting here, living merely a few blocks from him, wondering what the hell I should do. I definitely need to watch my step, because I'm stepping into dangerous territory.


2 Name: Severin : 2007-02-20 20:03 ID:cMIh/Uvr

Forget about it. You might feel pity for him right now, but at this moment it's best to just let the bastard rot.

3 Name: O LAWD : 2007-02-20 20:15 ID:OuzKMcjR


I don't really feel too pitiful.

It's sad, though, to have such a woman as a mother.


I feel kind of stupid, asking the internets for advice.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 21:16 ID:xeZtym/W

>>1 I don't think pity is going to get either of you anywhere, relationships on based on pity go down the drain.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 21:42 ID:UN1+4OE6

classic case of a girl trying to change a man for the better...

he can take care of it himself, just worry about yourself.

6 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-02-20 21:46 ID:xwu2AT81

If >>1 want 4-ch to consider this problem, which sound interesting enough then please, >>1, talk about it seriously. Spelling, phrasing, laying out problem --> FO don't get the problem.

Alternatively, don't troll. It is crime to falsely call out for help even on internet.

7 Name: O LAWD : 2007-02-20 23:27 ID:OuzKMcjR

I'm not interested in changing anyone particularly.


I beg your pardon?

8 Name: O LAWD : 2007-02-20 23:31 ID:OuzKMcjR

I think, in all honesty, part of me wants to keep him away from his mother. I feel so terrible for feeling this way...

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-21 00:09 ID:Heaven

jesus christ ur hawt.
i mean that.

10 Name: O LAWD : 2007-02-21 00:26 ID:OuzKMcjR


oh sh-

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-22 12:42 ID:NxMUri2d


I was originally going to just snap out at you in hopes of shaking you into common sense, but instead I want to understand your train of thought instead.

Start at the beginning. Guy sexually harrasses you, inappropriate contact and comments and the like. It eventually becomes too much, so you decide to go to court, press charges. You win the case. That part's pretty open and shut. Then you find out the mother's insane, and this guy's life at home might not be as good as you thought it was.

Since I don't understand the rest, I'm going to speculate. You've had contact with this guy. Negative contact, but contact nonetheless. Turns out he's in a bad way. You think you can fix his situation, or alleviate it, because you happen to live close by.

Ask yourself this: Would you do something to help a complete and total stranger in this situation? What about if that stranger, say, on the bus or a train, had groped you and then told you their story?

I know myself that I wouldn't help. If I were a girl anyway.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-22 18:50 ID:xwu2AT81

bottom line: groping is a succesful technique to get girls.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-23 00:15 ID:Heaven

wanna make out

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