May have seen me before ages ago..if not, meh. I need to let loose a bit..sorry...
OK, Met this girl via IRC about 3 weeks ago, started MSNing with her about a week ago.
Turns out she has a really fucked up life, kinda like me, so we've connected quite well. Find out her ex[and first] is a total jackass and can;t get over her...on Friday I found out he actually raped her, which totally pissed me off at that ex, and felt bad for her, so I went to comfort her.
Now, we have really connected. and I mean really. Secret fetishes, sexy emails, the lot. all in about 5 days x_X. We've text-sex'd, she's sent me pic of her, the lot.
Talking to another female friend, I find out she likes me..and I really like her too. Just...she lives in frickin Mauritius. She and her mum are looking to move to England [great for her cos then the ex can't be a fucktard..and for me too]...and I reeeeally want her over ASAP. Not to just do her, but to, like, protect her, y'know...
Now, i'm fat, ugly. I accept that.[quick emo cry]...and I've accepted girls go LOLFAT to much so I have 0 Self-esteem. Mauritian lady..she;s seen me, and knows about me...yet still carries, like, I'm stunned now.
Fears that I'll mess it up are:
a- Say crappy line, insults her massively
b- we meet, she goes eew
So far...
least one good thing as come out of it sofar...I've vowed to lose weight >_>' Go me.
Rant over. post, don't, w/e. Just help by wishing for success.
Hey, man. First of all, she needs to COME to England. Before that, it's totally unnecessary to make any plans.
But yeah man, good for you. People *truly accept others for what they are, not for what they look like. But do lose your weight, as it's for your own good. Nobody wants to be dead at the age of 27 in a heart attack, right?
One thing, though. Don't be obsessive about it. Take it smooth. When she actually does come (assuming she is real, rather than one of those organ-snatchers from hell), THEN make your move.
P.S. How old is she?
Enh, as long as you've really clicked with her, and she seems to be honestly looking to move to be with you, there's not too much that can screw that up... Just be sure you really care about each other, if she's going to move just because of this.. Hopefully, as you haven't said how old you or her are, she's of working or college age, as if she's living with you (or her mother, dunno), you and/or her will need some way to support her... Hopefully, you're in a financial & housing situation to do so...
But as someone said, take it slowly, and until she's got actual plans to really come to england, there's no point in worrying...
(Though losing weight is an admirable resolution! Regardless of relationships, it's worth doing! Good for you!)
I wish i had your luck. Read my post above :\
No long distance relationship I've been in has ever worked out. Good luck to you, though.
All I can say is good luck. I've been in one before and it didn't work out too well, but I'm still willing to try them to a certain extent.
Just be sure to actually get to KNOW her before faling any deeper.