I'm a trap. Crossdresser, transvestite, transgender, and I have trouble meeting girls, partly because of other issues, but also partly because I am afraid how women will react to the issue. Some girls like it, some tolerate, some instantly relegate you to friend-only status, and some get grossed out immediately and never want to see you again (not happened to me personally though). Even if you manage to meet a girl that's interested in you...how would you go about the subject? It has to come up sooner or later. How should one react? Or alternatively, how do you find a girl into that sort of thing?
I know the majority of people here are male, but I'm certain at least some people must have similar embarrassing or socially unacceptable natures that are equally difficult to bring up to their partners.
So any advice?
so you are male then went feminine
or you are female and then went masculine?
so at least we know you like girls...
Oh well, I'm biologically male, but sometimes go feminine.