There's a girl I want. She's older than me (about 1.5 years), cute and kinda hot at the same time, and fun to be around. Basically all the right pieces. She's also my teacher (kinda sorta, it's complicated). I get the feeling she may already be with someone or even engaged due to a silver ring with glittery hearts she always wears, even though her Myspace profile says she's single. What do I do /b/? What do I do to win her? Eastern Washington isn't filled with much in the way of romantic aid. You gotta help me!
leave the TAs alone.
Before making any move I suggest that you should find out, through a proxy or otherwise (eg I know somebody...) whether or not she is taken.
If she's not taken, I myself would take either of the below actions.
You could just outright tell her how you feel, although you run the risk of ruining any friendship you two have. But that's probably the worst case scenario where she's probably too immature anyway.
The other, more safer approach is the good old subtle approach. Try to drop a couple of hints (eg compliment her, maintain eye contact). Be careful tho, just because she's being nice to you in return doesn't mean that she likes you.
I myself have tried taking the first approach, although I didn't do my research to see if she had a boyfriend. My friends were saying that it takes balls to do that. I did feel pissed off for a while, but only coz I acted without thinking. It didn't hurt much coz I barely knew the girl. I haven't seen her since tho.
lol someone actually answered to kopipe
Same thing as copypasta? Never seen this one before. Probably the real thing.
suicide is your only option.
ahhhhh there was a hint... I just saw it.
Go for it. I have yet to see an engagement ring that's "silver with glittery hearts." From your description, it doesn't seem like you two are close friends, so there's not much at risk.
How to win her over? That always depends on what the girl likes (try finding that out first).
While research shall be done, she's Japanese, but not one of those annoying whore bitch students (anyone who's been to place with japanese/chinese/korean girls will know of the type. same concept as, but different in style than american annoying whore bitch girls) all the anime fans seem to want. What do Japanese girls like? Even as an Asian guy, I don't know that.
You are sooooo out of luck. All the japanese girls I know only date white guys.
But seriously, you can't figure out what a girl likes just from their race. That only works with guys.
I don't understand what you mean by "whore bitch girl." Do you mean slut? I'm pretty sure you're looking for the word slut. And as far as I can tell, every race has sluts. Even guys can be sluts. The way you say it makes it seem like all japanese girls are sluts and the one you're infatuated with is one of the few exceptions. Choose your words better.
Maybe in other parts of the US they only date white guys. Around here they only date the male Japanese students. And why a community college at the ass end of the Pacific Northwest has so many Japanese students is something I'm still puzzling out.
As for the whore bitch girls... You're right, my wording wasn't that great. Here's what's hopefully a better thought out version. There's three types of people who study abroad. From any developed country to any other developed country. First is the people who really want to learn something, develop new skills, experience new things, etc. These people are generally decent people. Sadly, from my obeservations in various locations, these make up a small percentage of students. Second is the type who just wants to go somewhere else to say they did it, to shop, and maybe have teh hotz foreign sexorz. They tend to not learn much of the domminant language(s) of whatever country they're in, and are generally pretty lame. The "whore bitch students" fall under this type of person. And from everything I've seen, a large chunk of people who travel to other countries for school are like this. Note that there are plenty of great people in every country who don't study abroad, thus, these more loserly types should not be viewed as representitive of all people from their home countries. As for that third category, those are the nerds/geeks/etc. Never seen a non-American one, and haven't seen many American ones. For some reason, few of the weeaboos ever travel to their motherland. But they're out there.
So yeah. That pretty much sums up my thoughts on foreign whore bitch girls.
Deepest apologies for not lurking more, jeez. I know copypasta, but wapanese lingo is beyond me.
As for the overseas Asian girls, I think they fall under two types:
When you look at it, it's not very different from the types of local girls we have.
Well OP, drop this girl a line something that goes like "hey, that ring of yours, is it just pretty decorations or does it mean something?"
Update from OP: She hasn't had the ring on yesterday and today. Maybe something happened last week during Spring vacation. She did seem happy to see me in class though.
...What are signs a girl is into you, and what are signs she's just being nice?
what hand is the ring on?
i think she just wore that ring because she liked it then !
i too wear silver rings with sparkly romantic stuff, its just cute and it feels good to look at something nice, maybe she lost it?
how about asking her what happened to her ring? something like:
'hey, i noticed your ring is missing, i really liked it, why don't you use it anymore? :('
woah, i though people like you were already dead Σ(゜д゜;)
>If anything it will give her the subtle hint that you care enough to pay attention to that kind of thing.
Girls not only like attention, but they like attention to little things that belong to them, like their smile, some kinda of ornament, their hands and such (they do their nails). At least i like it when people pay attention to my 'little things'.