A girl I really want to go out with, caught me before I was going to ask, and said "I'm sorry, I don't think I can trust you just yet."
What can I do to have her gain trust in me?
What she said doesn't even make sense. It would seem to me that she has some personal issues to work though.
Its a cheap cop out, either cause shes coo coo and isn't ready for relationships, or she isn't interested in you. In her mind, that was probably her way of rejecting you without being a total bitch about it. Give her some space, continue on with your life, be confident and calm, and if she is ready, she'll come crawling to you.
jerk on her breasts then lick it up.
yeah hate to say it to you, but you're pretty fucked. basically you cant really try to score with her. you really have to make her want you, without you obviously trying to get her. its a tricky situation because theres a chance you could become "just friends" in the time that you try to show her she can trust you. id say, try to limit your time spent talking to/being with her, and when you are together or whatever make it something she wont forget (in a good way) - do something out of the ordinary. im guessing a good thing you could do is the two of you go along to some kinda group activity that requires an element of trust. like i dunno maybe climbing or something like that. check it out before you ask her though you dont want to pick something she is terrified of, you want something where she will be a bit nervous and you step in and act like its a walk in the park and help her overcome her nerves. try to avoid any "date" kind of activities, those will scare her off. a group thing would be good especially if you have a few of your female friends come along, thatll show her that girls (in general as a sex) can trust you as friend so she should be able to trust you enough to date.
good luck
OP here. Thanks you guys. I'll restate some stuff I hadn't gotten to earlier.
The girl I'm talking about, is my ex-girlfriend from 2 years back. We loved each other, and nothing really could break us apart. And then, her parents told her to break it off with me, for some odd reason. Not because of me, she said.
On Valentine's Day of this year, I decided to ask her out again as like, a second chance to get back together, hoping that her parents have changed their minds. But we didn't like the idea of being in a standstill, since we didn't really understand where our feelings where at the time. So, I ended up breaking up with her 2 weeks after, for her benefit, not mine.
And now, I finally realized that she's the only one for me, but when we talked about how we felt about each other, she said "I'm sorry, but with the feelings I have for you right now, it's not enough. I don't think I can trust you just yet."
So, that's where I'm pretty much in need of help ;___;
Quick question, the answer may have some bearing on the advice you get. How old are you? Junior high age, high school age, college age, or adult?
>my ex-girlfriend from 2 years back.
Move on. Two years is too long to get back with a girlfriend.
>her parents told her to break it off with me, for some odd reason. Not because of me, she said.
Probably was because of you, she was just trying to be nice. Her parents probably didn't like you or she just need a way to end the relationship without hurting your feelings.
Again the best advice I can give is to move on.
OP again.
High school. But I'm not that stereotyped type of guy.
We were off and on, but I never really asked her out. The feeling was still there though, that's for sure.
I actually found out that her parents decided that a 'punishment' for her hosting a party while they were out would be to cut off her phone & computer usage, and also, me.
You aren't spontaneous enough, and are infected with oneitis.
OP for the final time.
I decided to screw it, and ask her out one final time, and told her to think hard about it.
If she says 'no,' then that's it. I give up.
>>12 that's the correct action from you anyway.
my girl friends is mad at me for something that i didnt mean to do now idk how to get her trust bac and i promised her that i would tell her evry thing but then i didnt so nows she mad at ,e how do i get her trust back???