Alright. I'm a guy, and I have a fear of blushing. I don't experience it much at all in everyday life but more than everything I experience it with girls my age.
Even if I'm not interested in the girl, I will blush. Probably because I think to myself that it can be misread as a sign of interest. To me it's like holding a sign saying "I'm embarrassed, uncomfortable AND I have a crush on you" (when it's not even the case). It's not just about what she, will think of it. It's also anyone who'd be around and who could see me blush to her for example. (especially groups of people my age, that has got to be the worse)
This has kept me away from relationships all my life and I'll soon be turning 19. When the lights are really low though, I'm just so social and worry-free that it's actually hard to believe for myself.
Acceptance goes a long way and I know it, but I have not been able to accept it yet. I really don't know how to overcome it.
Any advice is appreciate
Get a tan?
Hey, thanks for the idea! This could fix the problem temporarily, to a certain extent, but I'm having way too much skin problems already for me to try something like a tan o_o
I already thought of make-up but that'd be hiding the problem away and make it even worse inside
ignoring the blush and keeping a straight face might work, you come off as creepy at first, but slowly, people will get used to and and you will, and when you do get used to it, you start to notice that you blush less. I still have my whole face turn red when I have to speak to more than one girl , or do some sorta of public speaking like a presentation or answering a question, but its starting to fade away.
>>4 thats my advice... minus the horrible punctuations, spelling and grammar.
Blushes are cute, unless you're fat. Girls appreciate that kind of thing when or if you are crushing on them (the whole GIVE US ATTENTION thing). And if you're having skin problems like acne and stuff then getting a tan will help dry out your face, minimize the blushing and add to teh sex factor.