What does that mean when someone says "You don't love me, you just love the idea of me."?
That you are in love with the way you imagine a person to be rather than the actual person?
but i poop from there...
not right now you dont
yes, basically the 'idea' of someone is what you think she is, due to looks or attitude.
try to know her better.
>>1 it either mean i don't want to have romantic relationship with you, or, you idealize my character and do not know the real me, I'm not the girl/guy you seek and I am not comfortable to show my real self.
Probably something like that, is it womanies or english?
It's a standard break-up excuse, and used to brush someone off or break up a relationship without giving a real reason.
She (sounds like something a woman would say) could just be trying to let you down easily, meaning she most likely doesn't hate you (a good thing).
At WORST she finds you very annoying, and at BEST she's in love with you but feels too guilty, has low self worth, or any other of numerous possible hang-ups.
But I could be wrong.
If I am, see >>2