I am 18 and very interested in a girl at uni. How do I approach her? What should I say?
Just say hi.
Yea, it's that simple. Look at what she's doing, If she's reading a book, talk about the book. Get a little interested in the book and see if she reads books often and what kind?
Or if she's writing something, ask her about that.
Anything she seems interested in at the moment, ask her about it.
If she has a weird shirt on, or pants on, something with writing, make a comment on that(Try to keep it respectful, no matter how lewd the shirt is.)
Basicly, Just seem interested in her.
Another way of going about this is to find someone she and you both know, and ask that person about good topic starters and how to approach her in general.
If you have the same class as her, you could ask her for help in that subject, but that only works well if she's really good in the class.
>>1OR if you already know her (like you speak with her in class, or you both run in similar circles of friends, etc.), you can always strike up a conversation about what you're planning on doing for the weekend, and ask her to join you for a movie.
there's many threads in the archives about approaching and talking to people, you can read those as well.
Not the OP here, but am I the only one who thinks that's weird? I get weirded out when people I don't know randomly start talking to me, and I can't help but think if I tried to do that to a girl, her reaction would be along the lines of "I can't believe this guy I don't even know is hitting on me."
yes it is sort of weird, id be a bit thrown if somebody came up to me and randomly chatted. but its different for girls, if you go up to them and chat it shows your confident enough in yourself to go up to random people and talk to them like friends. and confidence is hot.
>>6 That may be so, but being overly confident and talking to her like you want to know everything (or in some cases, like you've known her for ages) might throw her into confusion to an extent she'll just be scared of her pre-assumed intentions of you.
>>5 I can understand where you are coming from. I think it's more of a culture thing, You know, Like It's different in certain cities and such. I'm from the city, and people coming up and talking to you out of nowhere, is often times weird. Since I've moved to the country though, It's pretty much the norm, people do it all the time. It's actually quite weird, but I'm getting more and more used to it.
Is right though. Being too interested is bad, Just stick to one subject when talking to her the first few times. And then you can slowly move onto another subject related to the first subject.
Actually, When you move onto another subject, it's often better is it's done unconciously instead of intentional.
Just be cool and act casual. She'll lose intrest if you make a boring conversation, so while talking to her make wise choices in answers and comments. :3
give her an alabama hot pocket and combo it with a dirty sanchez...then take a dump on her face!
You say, " H3y b4bii r U j4maic4n, cuZ j4maic4n m33h cr4zii!!one11eleven1!!eleven!!"
for narnia