How to cure this phobia (5)

1 Name: Bad Engrish : 2007-04-25 12:02 ID:orw3J32p

This maybe a big joke but I ask anyway...
How or Will I cure from this Phobia for being in love again?

I mean, I'm afraid to fall in love again but all my friend already have their GF and they told me to stop being single and find someone already.

I'm know this maybe a simple think to you people, but for me is a serious think.
everytime i feel in Love again, i always giving up and said to my self "it useless" T_T
I don't want to die alone...

sory for my bad english and thx for anyone who's reply.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-25 15:21 ID:i3pqOE3D

Where are you from? Just curious.

The way to get over a phobia is simply to confront it. Don't say "it's useless", just go for it. That's all the advice I can give.

Don't be pressured by your friends to find an "easy" girl. Find someone who you like. If you don't know anyone, don't push yourself.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-25 17:11 ID:VF1JbvYf

it doesn't sound as if you have a phobia, you just have such low self esteem that you cant see yourself as being part of a successful relationship.

and i 2nd >>2 dont be pressured into just getting with somebody because its easy. you may have to wait a while before you find the right one, but when you do you'll want to get over you're aversion to relationships.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-25 20:31 ID:Heaven

>How or Will I cure from this Phobia for being in love again?

cure? you were fucking saved. don't go back to that shithole.

5 Name: Bad Engrish : 2007-04-26 08:20 ID:orw3J32p

I'm from Indonesia, thx for asking.

My past relationship with a girl always ended hard, i once have been decieve by a girl, made a girl cry(not the same girl) and other thing I don't want to do that make my Girl sad(or my self). but I unconsciously did that.

I always said to my self what in past is in the past. but the memory in my past that was I have done is freaking me out.

Thinking that all relationship that I make all this time never been right, i ended thinking that I'm not a person that don't have a talent in love relationship. T_T

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