Many Women and One Confused Man \(>.<)/** (52)

1 Name: Lantent Talent : 2007-04-26 18:05 ID:8ZRMpeWe

These "women" some of which I haven't spoken to yet, give me the "look" or are interested. I don't know which one to talk to. So how do I choose!!! Do I play the field?! I've heard that women don't like that. I've been in this same situation since high school! In the end I always end up alone. Can someone please help me?! Thanks.

2 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 18:09 ID:8ZRMpeWe

Just to fix my name it's Latent not Lantent :P

3 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 19:21 ID:ka/hSGYu

Just pick one. Throw a coin. Do that straw thing. Spin a bottle.

Don't, DON'T try them one by one. Unless you're lucky enough to have some kind of gangbang.

...yeah. >_>

4 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 20:35 ID:8ZRMpeWe

Are you sure that will work? I mean I think I had one of these ladies waiting a little too long and now she's pissed (@.@) Do you have any other advice that might work?

5 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 20:37 ID:ka/hSGYu

Then just pick out the most sexually appealing one. It may sound harsh that you will now base off of physical attrection, but if you really can't pick, pick the one that comes fastest in mind. And of course, to us men, the fastest to mind comes the prettiest one. True story. ;)

6 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 20:47 ID:8ZRMpeWe

Thanks I'll try this out... Thats the thing most of them are atractive! :((

7 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 20:51 ID:ka/hSGYu

Ah crap. Okay, do a silly game. Ask their names. The ones whose names begin with a letter lowest in the alphabet (A being lowest obviously) gets a shot of you.

Sorry, it doesn't seem like you have many options so... yeah. XD

8 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 20:54 ID:8ZRMpeWe

Lol Well Thanks, but it seems like my day is coming to an end which means no date for me this evening, oh well. I'll give your game a chance this come monday. Ok so I'll get back to you on the turn out, thanks again.

9 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 20:54 ID:ka/hSGYu

Sure thing, man. I'll just await some reply in this thread then. ;)

10 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 21:03 ID:8ZRMpeWe

I have a quick question, what if one of the girls is Chinese and uses both her american name and her chinese family last name, do I use her first name in Chinese? or her last name and or her english name?

11 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 21:05 ID:ka/hSGYu

You picked the righ guy to ask. XD

I have a thing for asians myself, so I'd say go for the chinese girl.

Yes, I know, I sound a little racist here, but seriously, pick the asian.

Now, asian-obsession aside; Use her english name.

12 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 21:09 ID:8ZRMpeWe

Ok! lol I just said one of them is Chinese but there are other Chinese girls as well that I haven't spoken to yet. Matter of fact the one I was telling you about right now, is the one I think is mad at me. I don't know why either.

13 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 21:11 ID:ka/hSGYu I'm... jealous. XD What have you done to me? XD

I used to have a chinese girlfriend, but we had to break up because her parents didn't want her to date europeans.

My advice to you; unless you're absolutely sure you can actually get serious with any chinese girl, talk to her about the parents approval thing and whatnot. For us non-asian people, it may be a hassle, but it'll pay off if you succeed.

As far as your problem goes, you're better off taking it easy. Don't jump to conclusions too fast, and try not to come off as pushy or otherwise annoying. If they are all interested in you, then you should definately take it easy and just let it all come to you. The chick with the most charisma, the one that catches your eye the most... go for it.

14 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-26 21:17 ID:8ZRMpeWe

I know well of this Parents approval thing you are talking about. Also Sometimes there is a hard translation barrier that hurts the relationship. Well I'll try to get back on good terms with her next time I see her. I'll come back to you with any more questions I have. Thanks!

15 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-26 21:18 ID:ka/hSGYu

No problem. It was my pleasure to help ya out. ^_^

16 Name: Pedo : 2007-04-26 22:19 ID:VIBV2jyb

17 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-27 08:00 ID:ka/hSGYu

Lol, ignore the midget.

18 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-27 08:32 ID:yE4b786p

I think I will ignore him O.O

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-27 13:30 ID:3GbeWUx5

Lol, ignore OP.

Surprised you can't tell what a tard he is by now.

20 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-27 14:26 ID:yE4b786p

Well this is my first time seeing him. OP is that guy Pedo right?

21 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-27 20:12 ID:ka/hSGYu

OP stands for Original Poster, doesn't it?

22 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-28 01:42 ID:yE4b786p

does it?! Then he/she is talking about me?!

23 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-28 01:55 ID:yE4b786p

So he/she is talking about me?

24 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-28 08:14 ID:ka/hSGYu

I guess.

>>19 Why do you say that?

25 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-28 19:42 ID:THUzH65D

Why?! lol I speak the truth here. There is no falsehood in my words! I really do have the Tenchi syndrome!!! Except the girls don't exactly know eachother. Thanks though now I realized that I must choose b4 it's too late! If I don't make up my mind b4 summer hits then I'll have to wait 3 full months being alone and I can't take that!

26 Name: Severin : 2007-04-29 07:35 ID:4nPV3Euw

Bro, I so feel you. Seriously. Spring seems to have everyone horny.

Thankfully, I've narrowed my original 5 down to 2. Do what I do: go on very simple, cheap dates with each one originally, and then work up from each one... shred them off one by one, until you've found the girl who you like most/is most receptive to you (hopefully the one you end up with will be both!)...

Here's a good rundown of how multidating can help:

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-29 07:38 ID:SRTuzqeS

What I've realized, is that if you can't decide between them, then NONE of them are right for you.

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-29 12:49 ID:6l6ThrqT

That's a nice way of putting it.

29 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-29 18:30 ID:Zgddsr2O

You're right. That is a NICE way of putting it. Frankly, I was thinking about calling the OP a dickhead with a stone for his mind and hole for his heart. Can't decide? Excuse me? If any one of those girls knew that you were playing the fucking bachelor, they'd dump you. You're putting them up and appraising them like objects, you loon. And guess what? If you were serious in a girl and the situations were reversed, how would you feel if she said, "Oh you're not as good as #3, so I chose not to be with you!" They are all interested in your for a reason (God, I swear I don't know why), but from the looks of it, it's not because of your intelligence or kindness. Maybe you're some fucking actor who just got the perfect mask for the perfect act, your charlatan.

30 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 19:34 ID:TpxzV4uj

:)) I can't believe what you just said, I'm not treating any of them like objects! I've hung out with them and its hard for me to choose because I like all of them! I've already decided in the beginning of the year who I was going for and now that I've reached this limit I'm trying my best to decide who I can see myself with! If you were any kind of man then you'd see it my way as well! How! can I just blow off any of them?! Thats like WTF!? If I choose one over the other then I'm still going to end up hurting someone! I just want to make sure that in the end what I'm truely doing is the right thing! So before you call anybody a dich head you should think about it from my perspective!

31 Name: Severin : 2007-04-29 19:37 ID:4nPV3Euw

I think you guys are forgetting a very wise saying:
*Sex ist ein kampf
Liebe ist krieg*

"Sex is a battle,
Love is a war"

BOTH sexes do this, and I don't see what's wrong with seeing other people in the initial 1-2 months of dating, until you become official with someone. It's good to meet people and look around. I think that only pursuing one person initially will keep you way too focused on that one person, and increases your chances of your heart being broken.

As long as he doesn't see these women as his personal harem, and plays the game fair (i.e. allowing these women to also see other people and decide things for themselves), I don't see what's so horrifically sexist.

32 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 19:45 ID:TpxzV4uj

Exactly! Thank u for agreeing Severin. I've been told the same things before and I appriciate it again! Btw I love that quote!

33 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 21:56 ID:TpxzV4uj

Hey Severin I loved that multi dating page, had some very good tips!

34 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-29 22:25 ID:Zgddsr2O

See this from your perspective?

"I've already decided in the beginning of the year who I was going for and now that I've reached this limit I'm trying my best to decide who I can see myself with!"

Really, you sound like an indecisive man. You didn't decide from the beginning because you're still stuck with them all. What really bothers me is that, you don't seem to know the reverse situation: the "girl who's kind to everybody." Just to clue you in, in case you don't know, guys hate that.

Let's say you do narrow it down to one person and you decided, "I really love her. I think I can be with her for the rest of my life." That's a commitment I'll respect, but if she ever asks you about the past, can you honestly tell me that it wouldn't hurt to say, "I dated ____ other women while dating you and you were the one." Sure, you get the aspect of "choosing" her, but you also cheapen the moment by dividing your attention to all of them instead of putting your whole into one. Now, I'll agree with Severin to a degree. Playing a numbers game wouldn't be as risky as putting your heart on one, but... I still don't think it's fair, Laten. You may like them all, but what it feels like is a cheap date and, worst of all, a cheap romance. If this were okay to do, I think you should let the girls know you're doing this. The thing is, you can't. You know they'd disapprove. Ever wonder about that?

So, I'm not asking you to blow off any of them, Laten. I never said that.

"I don't know which one to talk to. So how do I choose!!! Do I play the field?! I've heard that women don't like that. I've been in this same situation since high school! In the end I always end up alone. Can someone please help me?! Thanks."

I just feel insulted that you don't realize why you end up being alone. First, you come to a board and ask, "How do I choose?" Well, simple, by how much you like them. Second, you state that you like them all "equally". I think that's an excuse for not pursuing ANY of them. Go. Go do it. If you truly like them all "equally" then you got nothing to lose by choosing one. Hurting the others? Well, what hurts more is you're keeping their hopes up AND dating OTHER women. So, you've the Tenchi Syndrome? Then, you should know that what hurt the women most was his indecisiveness. The only advantage you got here is that these women you're considering don't know each other and I feel that's cheating.

Let me end it on this note. Both sexes play the numbers game, but it's only acceptable if you don't have people WAITING for your answer. The reason why you're alone is this: you didn't pursue any of them and they got sick of you. Laten, just start the process. Decide on one instead of keeping them waiting. There's no other way to find out of if you like one more or less than another, so date them and date her as if she were the only one. That way, you gave it your all and it didn't work out. That's fair.

35 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 22:58 ID:TpxzV4uj

When I said choose who I was going to talk to, I wasn't talking about the girls I'm talking to now but a larger number of woman to whom were interested in me (not to be cocky or anything because I'm not trying to) I do see truth in what u are talking about, I do believe in true love, and in order to find that love I need to sort out my own feelings before I set out to find a girl, but u see I am very inexperienced as u can tell So I came here asking for help to sort it out and find the best possible way to find the right one. So sorry if u felt I insulted you in anyway, but believe me what u said that u agree with Severin is basically the same thing as agreeing with me since Severin did pretty much just sum up my words and added a lil advice.

36 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 23:14 ID:TpxzV4uj

O.O .... I see I didn't read your entire post so it seemed like you were just posting the bad. I must appologize since you did say some really encouraging things in your last post. I know I always miss the boat and thats my biggest fault, but when I'm about to say something my mouth goes dry and I sound like a babbling idiot. I really just need to work on my approach. Its onething to look cool, its another to actually act up on it. Any Help?

37 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-29 23:14 ID:Zgddsr2O


"Now, I'll agree with Severin to a degree. Playing a numbers game wouldn't be as risky as putting your heart on one, but... I still don't think it's fair, Laten."

I agree with him only to a degree-- that means to a certain extent. Just because both sides play the numbers game doesn't make it justifiable. I still feel it's wrong and...

"it's only acceptable if you don't have people WAITING for your answer."

Love shouldn't be a game of luck. You're not rolling dice. You aren't putting women up in a line and picking numbers.
I'm not on your side or Severin's side.

"When I said choose who I was going to talk to, I wasn't talking about the girls I'm talking to now but a larger number of woman to whom were interested in me (not to be cocky or anything because I'm not trying to)."

Don't understand what you mean there. Can you please clarify? You want to know how to talk to women who "were" interested in you? That's just going to bring back odd moments and pain :/.

Laten, look. Go with Severin's advice, but with a pinch of mine, too. He said something about how he used cheap dates. I pray he means price-wise, but please, please when you take one of them out on date, think about her and only her. Don't be light in your approach because you're thinking about another girl. Once again, that's just not fair. Use these dates to get to know each girl if you must, but don't keep them waiting.

38 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 23:17 ID:TpxzV4uj

Yes I've gotten it up that that extent but, you might've missed my last post^^^^

39 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-29 23:17 ID:Zgddsr2O

It's okay. Think we can talk on AIM or MSN? It's better that way.

40 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-29 23:17 ID:Zgddsr2O


Actually, I did >_>;;

41 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-29 23:20 ID:TpxzV4uj

Sure but do u actually think its safe just to post a SN on here?

42 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-29 23:22 ID:Zgddsr2O

I'll post an old sn (aim) that I used to use, then I'll exchange my MSN sn with you there. Got that?
Meet me on aim and talk to...

Midou Banz.


43 Name: Severin : 2007-04-30 02:12 ID:4nPV3Euw

I think Hanyuu has some valid criticisms and clarifications of what I was saying, and I would warn Laten of some things:

>>That's a commitment I'll respect, but if she ever asks you about the past, can you honestly tell me that it wouldn't hurt to say, "I dated ____ other women while dating you and you were the one."

What do you mean by "dating" in this context, Hanyuu? If you mean "dating" as in she is now your official girlfriend, then it is DEFINITELY not the way to go. If you are still in the initial 2-3 dates, if the subject does come up, you should be upfront and honest: "Look, I'm seeing others right now, and I think you should see others too, but I genuinely like you and am very interested". Or something like that; how you word/approach it really depends on the person.

Now, I must warn you, you say you like them all equally- now do you treat them all equally? Do you send the "you-are-the-one" signals to each one? Then you really are acting like an asshole, and should pull out before things get SERIOUSLY messy. I agree with Hanyuu on that. Be honest with them and with yourself.

>>Laten, look. Go with Severin's advice, but with a pinch of mine, too. He said something about how he used cheap dates. I pray he means price-wise, but please, please when you take one of them out on date, think about her and only her. Don't be light in your approach because you're thinking about another girl. Once again, that's just not fair. Use these dates to get to know each girl if you must, but don't keep them waiting.


44 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-30 02:31 ID:TpxzV4uj

Well we talked and we decided that my problem was that I am too nice. Thats why I am probably hurting the cause instead of helping it. Don't worry I am going to try something out tomorrow and I'll post on here if and what happens! :) Thanks for your help! I appreciate it! Now its time for me to take action!..... with that and my paper!!!

45 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-30 02:45 ID:Zgddsr2O


I was thinking dating as a means to get to know someone better. Since Laten had trouble determining whom he liked best, I thought this method might work. So, what you said here:
"If you are still in the initial 2-3 dates, if the subject does come up, you should be upfront and honest: 'Look, I'm seeing others right now, and I think you should see others too, but I genuinely like you and am very interested'."

Well, I think this issue is pretty much solved. Severin, how about we go out for a drink or something.
*gives him a beer.

Oh, also, if you're up to it, we can talk on MSN sometime if you want.

46 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-30 02:59 ID:TpxzV4uj

Hey how long does it take for a thread to die?

47 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-30 03:00 ID:Zgddsr2O

We can always sage it to death, lol.

48 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-30 03:00 ID:TpxzV4uj

sage it? this is new, explain these terms further. :~?

49 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-30 17:02 ID:8ZRMpeWe

Here I am waiting, and she has not come yet. Maybe I'll see her tomorrow?

50 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-30 20:01 ID:Heaven

>>48 Sage: Posting a reply without bumping it to the front.

>>49 Maybe you blew it? No offense.

51 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-30 20:18 ID:TpxzV4uj

Well the other girl I was telling you about showed up! But, we are cool like that, and the girl I was actually waiting for showed uplast time on a tuesday and thursdays and I won't be there tomorrow so I'll probably have to wait til thursday :(

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-15 00:27 ID:X0STCCvA

I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible. Some people may like it, and in fact it came highly reccommended to me as a meat substitue, but I thought it was awful. The flavor was bland, and the texture was like eating pine nuts.I don't know if you've ever had tempeh before, but I found it to be terrible.

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