Date to the Movies (4)

1 Name: Latent Talent : 2007-04-27 06:50 ID:D15BoF4X

I have a quick question that I've been dwelling on. On the first date, or a date to the movies. Who usually pays? Should I pay for both tickets?

2 Name: かやしゅ : 2007-04-27 07:56 ID:bAD1kIax

You pay for both, if you're really interested. It would probably impress her somewhat, I guess. Not too sure.

But yeah. Movies is good, and pay for both... Good luck!

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-03 00:00 ID:RSZu4i9K

just writing 2 move this thread 2 da top 4 a joke. dont mind me...

4 Name: man nympho : 2007-05-08 22:40 ID:+/OIgkap


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