So I love a girl, but... she's fat (51)

1 Name: Vampyr 0 : 2007-04-30 01:36 ID:o3enIlnE

This woman is like, the woman I've always wanted. The real deal. Intelligent, nice, and deep. She's pretty, but... she's fat. And I can't help it but think of what would my family/friends say if I actually dated her. I really don't know what to do.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-30 01:37 ID:4/MEY6xN

please don't make troll threads

3 Name: Vampyr 0 : 2007-04-30 02:13 ID:o3enIlnE

please don't make troll posts. I'm serious here.

4 Name: Laten Talent : 2007-04-30 02:33 ID:8Zn+hsp6

Yeah I need an overview of the terms what is a troll and I'm pretty sure I know what a flamer is. Are there any other ones?

5 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-04-30 02:40 ID:WZMsPrhx


Spammer, I guess is another. A troll, in case anyone is wondering, is a person who makes a post or a thread in order to provoke others into flaming. Well, at least that's what I think it is.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-30 02:42 ID:MHYVgZRk

This is a serious question, but there is a real simple solution. If you like her then be with her. It doesn't not matter if your friends or family look down upon the fact that she is overweight. If she is as wonderful as you say she is, then I say you have it made. Besides, your friends and family should be behind you with whatever decision you make so you really have nothing to worry about. Goodluck

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-30 05:18 ID:Ll+X2Eq6

If you really love her, you would defend her if your friends or family said anything negative about her.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-04-30 11:11 ID:efhvXU8c

yup, if you want her you shouldnt care what your friends say about her weight. you can always start dating her and exercise/eat right etc and then hope that she may want to become involved in that. dont just say "id like you to lose weight", you need to lead by example

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 06:30 ID:Q0rJkkce

I once heard an amusing thing about men and women. Men will love a girl generally considered to be ugly as much as any girl- but they won't be seen with her outside of the house. Women who love their man will parade him around calling him the best looking man ever no matter how they look.

10 Name: Kira : 2007-05-01 08:57 ID:TLzfiZWz

Love... Doesn't always happen because of appearances... Well mostly... While shallow people only look for appearances no matter what... People who are deeply in love with eachother don't care appearances as much. If you truely loved your girl friend,then you wouldn't care about this unless she is so overweight that it's bad for her health... If not you shouldn't even have posted this on the first place.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 09:38 ID:efhvXU8c

he isnt in true love with her, all he's talking about is starting to date her. i believe what youre saying about true love being stronger than appearances, but you have to admit that humans will pick someone they're interested in by their looks before they've had a chance to talk to them and find out if they're compatible.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-02 12:45 ID:SyXBIIME

if you feel so much ashamed because she isn't thin you aren't worth to have a good woman. People who are too much intrested in appearence and body are too unserious and not matured enough to love.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-02 19:33 ID:5c60LnR3

Bloody hell, what a terribly cliché statement.
>>10, >>12
I beg to differ.
Idiots are every single bit as much of a turn-off for me as simply unattractive women. With intelligent and unattractive women, I'm far too busy being repulsed by their sheer fugliness to get into anything even resembling an intimate relationship, while idiots with delicious breasts and cute smiles simply get on my nerves far too much to even associate with (In before somebody says I'm immature, callous, haven't experienced 'true love', or anything of the sort)

>>1, seeing as to how you seem to only be concerned by what others will think of you associating with a fat woman, and not by the fatness in and of it's self, I say you ought to tell everyone to put a sock in it and enjoy yourself.

Now, if only there were more attractively beautiful and intelligent women out there, for the likes of me.

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