My brother just confessed to me that he's in love with me, what do i do? (140)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 04:14 ID:v+1s0KIV

My brother confessed to me yesturday that he has been in love with me romantically all throughout highschool (He's a senior right now and i'm a junior). This was a shock to me because, well obviously, he's my brother. It kind of makes me feel all dirty that he loves me in that way even though i never did anything to make him love me except be a really good sister to him. I really love him, as a brother, so i don't know what to do. He's been a really good brother, very protective of me, kind of extremely so (now that i think about it maybe i'm mistaking his protectiveness towards me whenever guys are involved with jealousy). I basically told my brother that i was shocked and that i didn't know what to say to him. He told me i didn't have to say anything and that he doesn't expect me to love him like that in return. So i don't know. What should i do because i don't want things to be awkward for us, even though he reassured me that it wouldn't. It's not like a crush either but he says he's in love with me. He's rejected a lot of girls throughout highschool and now i learn that it's because of me! I dont' know how to act around him now, do i just act like nothing has happened or do i address the issue and tell him nothing can come of this because he's my brother? The thing is, if he wasn't my brother i would date him because he's really handsome and he cares for me a lot and would make the perfect boyfriend i think.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 07:26 ID:+s9x9DuO

He was brave enough to come out and tell you this, the least you could do is go out to dinner with him,
We still live at a day and age where incest is looked down at, I would keep it on the down low.

Man, talk about morals, I bet myself up for thinking about a cousin in law, she's not even blood related.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 08:09 ID:og+5eZZP

Acting as if nothing happened gives no consequences to his actions. Maybe he might not have expected reciprocation, but confessing is like he was hoping for it. I think you need to address the issue with him.

It seems his confession has confused you about what your relationship should or can be. Uncertainty about your feelings will only perpetuate this awkward situation.

You don't know what to do? I'll offer these comments: you're parents would be sad, and this is a bell that can never be un-rung.

4 Name: Kira : 2007-05-01 09:00 ID:h25xLEFe

Well if you feel that it's wrong then just tell him carefully... And tell him that you'll love him just as her sister or something like that. Hope you find your way for this.

5 Name: 映画男 : 2007-05-01 12:49 ID:SXR1W8Pz

i agree with >>4 tell him how you truelly feel, as your brother i'm sure he'll understand. good luck!

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 16:57 ID:+90eMcBE

If there is no way around the brother/sister aspect of this, then tell him so. Let him down gently, otherwise you may help destroy whatever relationship you had before.

Think about what it would be like to kiss him. If the thought is completely repulsive to you, then don't proceed any further. If you're not 100% sure, then kiss him.

If you're still not sure, then tell him so. Do small-time date stuff as brother/sister. If it feels nice, think about it. If it doesn't, do everything to make him see the worst parts of your personality so he'll come to the realization on his own that you are not right for him.

No matter what happens though, do NOT tell anyone "personally" (as opposed to the internet) about his feelings for you. Ever. Even to your future husband/best friend.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 18:59 ID:bXmck54t

Yeah. All this brother/sister incest is really hot on hentai and all, but in real life, it turns into utterly gross D:
Not that I mind.

But seriously, assuming that this is not just some sick fantasy, are you BOTH OK with this whole incest thing? I mean, there probably will not be LOL WE ARE NOT BLOOD RELATED SO IT'S AWWWWRITE card to play for you OR your brother. (Read: All hgames which involve sisters. God, that totally ruins the point.)

Well, whatever. If you want to go with it, go. But if not, then you have to say it to him. It will turn really creepy when your brother grabs your tits and says "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, LITTLE SISTER!"

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-01 19:38 ID:KzvuSXgh

Well if he truly loves you, and so long as you're sure of that and know him enough to know he doesn't have any ill-intentions, then he won't want to (intentonally) do anything that would make you uncomfortable. Remember also, if you love him as a sister then you've also got to respect his feelings, don't do anything you don't want to do but at the same time understand that this must be a difficult thing for him.

So talk to him, be open, that's my suggestion. You must be close to each other so talk to him about how he feels, how you feel, set boundaries. Think hard about this and if you really don't want that kind of relationship then I think the kindest way is to just tell him that so he can move on. You shouldn't feel in any way 'dirty' about it, for a start it's him, not you. He hasn't done you any harm (I assume) and there is no harm in being attracted to someone. And I agree you shouldn't tell anyone, unless things get out of hand.

9 Name: Shizuki-san : 2007-05-02 01:08 ID:U4xPtngu

I agree with >>8. Just dont let him use you and make sure you really love him and he loves you. Dont make it very obvious either, so no rumors will be spread about you. :3 It sounds like he really likes you so I'd go for it. =D Good luck!

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-02 02:40 ID:zbPDqdeE

play by his game, tell him you are not interested in him like that, but he is still your precious friend and brother instead of telling him you are his sister (he already knows that and chose to ignore it).

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-02 04:52 ID:+90eMcBE


You sound like you're undecided about this. On one hand, he's your brother--a guy you probably took baths with as a young child.

On the second hand, you acknowledge that he's a hottie and totally your type, and has done everything in his life to protect you.

There is no such thing as different types/kinds of love. Affection is affection. There is a difference, however, in how love is interpreted.

What is morally correct isn't always the best answer. I'll admit: When I was a teen I had sex with my older sister. We both wanted to have sex, we trusted and loved each other, and we both knew we'd never do anything to harm the other. Afterwards, though, we both felt it was just...odd feeling. Not wrong feeling, but odd. Once we got past the excitement of doing something that is socially unacceptable, we realized that actual intercourse with each other was kinda meh. We knew each other TOO well for it to feel like the magic we were both hoping for. We still cuddled and made out, and when one or both of us were feeling frustrated with our love lives we would masturbate each other, dry hump, and/or go down on one another.

6's suggestions are kinda odd, but they also have an ounce of sense. Kissing him will tell you if there is any kind of spark between you two. Not like "an electric bolt ripping through my flesh" kinda hentai crap, but rather if it felt good...or bad...or somewhere in between.

IF you are undecided, then I suggest you tell him so and take this suggestion to heart, and explain to him what it is you're doing--lest he think you're open to making out with him right on the spot.

Do what FEELS right, not what you are told is right. Remember: He took a huge gamble revealing his inner-most feelings to you. The least you can do is be honest to him and yourself as well. If you're not sure what that is, then find out.

12 Name: thread poster : 2007-05-02 08:01 ID:v+1s0KIV

Thank you so much you guys for the advice. I really appreciate it because i really do need advice right now and i absolutely cannot talk to anyone i know about this! I'm actually very surprised that a lot of you suggested that i give my brother a chance. To tell you the truth i was expecting to see a lot of "ewww, that's gross" or "that's really wrong" comments.

Well, since i really haven't made up my mind what to do, i basically chose the first of my option which was to not address it and pretend everything is normal. So far, he has tried his best to act like nothing happened too. I was afraid it would be awkward when i see him this morning and all throughout the day but he acted normal and was very talkative to me this morning. However, i can tell he's just trying to act all happy and normal because, well i'm his sister, i can always tell when he's "acting". But seriously, i don't know what's wrong with me. I should've just told him straight up this morning that nothing can ever happen between us, but i think a small part of me is wondering if it could. I do admit that, after he confessed to me, i began to think about it as a possibility because, i don't know...i kind of am attracted to him (i think i always have been), but that's normal because he's handsome and i'm not blind or anything. And also, he has a great personality and he's always thinking of me before himself. Basically these are the things i thought about last night lol. And when i saw him this morning, i kind of felt like....really nervous, anxious and giddy at the same time. It's the same feeling you feel whenever you see a crush.

I'm soooooo confused right now! I don't know what to do! And to answer the person asking me to imagine kissing him and gauge my reaction, i did and my reaction was a mix of nervousness and repulsion! Ahhh, I'm so confused!!! I know it's wrong and bad and everything and that my parents would be devastated if they knew and that we'd probably not ever be able to get anywhere with any kind of relationship because we can't tell anyone and whoever we do tell will be disgusted! I guess the obvious thing to do is to let him know directly that i won't be able to reciprocate his feelings, even if it is a lie, for both our sakes! I will let you guys know what happens. Please give me more advice on the matter.

13 Name: 映画男 : 2007-05-02 11:09 ID:SXR1W8Pz

>>12 people who go "eeww thats gross" is just being plain immature i must say lol.

unless ur intro secret love, i reckon ur doing the right choice. Always think before u take actio, think further ahead so u dont regret anything u did ^_______^

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-02 13:56 ID:5wtsb29a

I'm actually surprised at the number of gullible and serious responses to this thread.

15 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-02 14:55 ID:tEW/tvug

This is obviously a fake post (-.-)~~~~~ Most of the people who responded with, give it a try, are trying to be preverted and want to imagine it actually happening. I have no biased if this post was actually real but, its not (~.~) well there's always a possiblity that it is real. There is no way it can be disproven. Oh well Then good luck, I'll be keeping an eye. :/

16 Name: anus butthole of destruction : 2007-05-02 20:48 ID:5cCXQeQA

i once dreamt that i had 2 penises. Therefore I assumed one was for sexxing while one was for pissing. I decided to test this theory by fucking to wommen in the ass simontaneously. I was happily mistaken

17 Name: crusty vagina of displeasure : 2007-05-02 20:53 ID:5cCXQeQA

i once dreamt that i had 2 penises. Therefore I assumed one was for sexxing while one was for pissing. I decided to test this theory by fucking to wommen in the ass simontaneously. I was happily mistaken

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-03 06:05 ID:v+1s0KIV

Okay, why would you think this is fake?? I don't have the time to go around posting about fake problems! But whatever, i'll just try to figure this out by myself.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-03 12:59 ID:Heaven

>>14 >>15

Well it might not be fake - there are stranger things in life that I think this thread is not so unbelievable. Anonymous boards won't work if people don't have a little faith.

20 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-03 16:07 ID:tEW/tvug

~~~I have no biased if this post was actually real but, its not (~.~) well there's always a possiblity that it is real. There is no way it can be disproven.~~~ Is what I've stated earlier. I've read it over and I'll give u the benefit of the doubt. Its just hard to believe in this after so many have done te same post b4 and they were proven to be farse.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-03 18:45 ID:v+1s0KIV


Oh, sorry. I didn't know that a lot of people have posted fake posts about the same problem. I guess if that were the case, i wouldn't believe in my post either. I guess incest is so taboo that people think it's funny to post about it or something but believe me, i'm totally serious.

To people who are curious, i didn't do what i said i would which is to reject my brother because i couldn't bring myself to do it. It would be so awkward to just bring it up again because we're both playing the pretend nothing happened game, plus i don't want to hurt his feelings.

22 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-03 20:36 ID:tEW/tvug

Well I think thats for the best for now. In the future if he ever brings it up again, just tell him that whats in the past is in the past. If you still choose to love me then good, but I will continue loving you the same way I have been. As my cool older brother! or something cheesy like that. I think all in all that will break him from the spell and help you guys mend that broken chain in your relationship. Incest is cool in some animes and hentai, but this is real life, we are in a generation of social vulnerbility. Just do as I said and all will be fine.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-04 00:26 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>22 Thanks so much. That's exactly what i plan to do. Getting together with him would be exciting and fun at first but i have to think realistically. It's going to be hard though because i think i have a crush on him now, but I'm sure it'll pass with time. In the meanwhile we're still really close siblings and i would never do anything to jeopardize that relationship between us.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-04 04:43 ID:Heaven


How the fuck did you manage to get a crush on him anyway?

25 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-04 05:43 ID:8CDVHkkK

Well crushes are normal between family members. It's the same exact thing as being a little girl or boy and wanting to marry your mom or dad. It's nothing to worry about. You are just confused because of the words your brother said to you. This has thrown you for a loop. So just give it time and take my advice above. You want to stay the furthest away from actually loving him as a lover as u possibly can.

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-04 09:03 ID:Lpqjh0mC

>Well crushes are normal between family members.

You either have no siblings or need to meet more girls.

27 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-04 09:23 ID:8CDVHkkK

You took it the wrong way -_- I know plenty women and I have 5 siblings one being of which is a girl. Stop flaming and read the rest of it where I compared it to psychological terms where a little boy loves his mommy or a little girl loves her daddy. A crush doesn't nessersarily mean loving someone as a lover, but having an emotion for that person. :/ really are most of the people who come on here and talk shit just 11 year olds?

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-04 14:16 ID:tYC35Bl/


Well maybe you missed other parts of her statement, like this one;

>>"Getting together with him would be exciting and fun at first but...."

This isn't the definition of the asexual crush-feelings a young person may have towards a sibling or a parent, which is indeed quite common. Those crushes you could innocently entertain before the concept of what all those emotions were about struck you in the face.

No, this is the grown up shit with mixed in sexual connotations, oki? The hots, I believe this one is called, and the "in love"-sensation may very well be tagging along, but all that is very different types of emotions. You may have "the hots for" without the "in love", you make have the "in love" without actually loving(agape or whatever you wanna call it), etcetera etcetera. There are many possible combinations, and I've experienced that "in love", even at my age doesn't need to mean "the hots for", i.e. wanna bang.. But it's clear thats what we were dealing with here, hence the:

>>Getting together with him would be exciting and fun...

Deranged motherfuckers.... I mean grow some understanding of this biological machine you're sitting in, might help you all to live less complicated and more fulfilling lives.

29 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-04 14:40 ID:8CDVHkkK

... ... Do you understand that everything you wrote was all rambling and not anything that could be put towards definition? We could both sit here and argue on what's wrong with this situation but, in the end its really her choice she has to choose what's wrong. Also, I'd like to say that as I have been taught to stay as far away from ignorance as possible. So I will not argue with you since you are obviously "__________"-"___." You decide what should go there! :P Well Missy OP if you have any more problems just drop a line. Goodday now.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-04 22:53 ID:aqzpf3Qo

There are plenty of fish in the sea, all but one of them is not your brother. If your still living at home your not mature enough to make a decision that will not only turn your world upside down but will have outstanding biological consequences for would be grand and great grand children. Chances are Oedipus and Electra here will get over it eventually and be able to live easier lives if they just wait it out.
Its just not worth it.
Be warned: If you go through with it and you are found out you WILL be separated.

And assuming the OP is not a troll, do either you or your brother have a sense of taste or smell? Its actually relevant.

31 Name: Mega Orc : 2007-05-05 03:17 ID:XaJhabiS

oh damn thats so hot...incest..any chance that you could post some pics of you guys?

Well in any case id probably advise against dating your brother. First of all, you'd have to keep your relationship a secret from everyone. Thus, you will never be able to marry or have children. This brings the argument to anotehr point...if you dont marry then that means you guys will eventually seperate thus wrecking your current siblibn relationship.

However, if you guys really start dating that'd be pretty exciting imo. Youd have the thrill of knowing that your in a forbiden relationship.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-05 05:49 ID:v+1s0KIV

You are completely wrong! My feelings for my brother aren't purely sexual like you said! I really care about my brother and love him deeply as he does for me. It's true that i have a crush on him now, but i don't want to simply "bang him" as you so articulately put it. And i must admit, i don't love him "asexually" either, hence the "i have a crush on him" statement. I'm very confused about my feelings for him but i know for sure that i don't just have the hots for him. It's a lot deeper than that.

>>29 Are you referring to me? I don't know what OP means. I'm not a frequent browser of this forum, i just went here for this particular problem because this forum is the only one i know that's purely anonymous. But thanks for helping me out.

>>30 I know fully well of the consequences, believe me >_< which is why i'm not making any rash decisions. Thanks for your advice though, waiting it out is exactly what i plan to do. And as for your question, uh...yeah me and my brother have all 5 of our senses. Why??

>>31 Pictures of us??? Hell no!!! lol I would DIEEEE if anyone i knew in real life found this thread.

As for an update on my situation, still crushing on him sigh and i think it's actually gotten stronger. I wonder if i'm just crushing on him because i know he loves me unconditionally. Other guys have said they love me before but they were just trying to either date me or get in my pants. I guess i'll see if it's just a temporary fixation.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-05 10:27 ID:+s9x9DuO

I'm sorry to say this, but this thread gave me a really big boner.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-05 12:51 ID:tYC35Bl/


You're the one being ignorant; learn to read between the lines, learn to read period. How she choose to pronounce herself gave away her position, obviously. And what I wrote in addition to pointing this out is all true and relevant, thus not rambling. I mean you guys all seem fucking confused, therefore I feel responsible to shed some light on the subject.


Yeah I'm sure you love your brother also, but Mr.ForAllNeeds wanted to insinuate that what you're feeling for him now is completely natural and very common, I felt I needed to point out that he was totally fucking wrong because, I know that what you said was:
You'd think it would've been fun and exciting to have gotten into a sexual relationship with your brother because you feel for him that way now.

The fact that you'll do the right thing and let this shit slip because you also love him, was unrelated to the point I was making, which in turn was directed at Mr.ForAllNeeds.

Hope this clears things out for you.

But besides all that my question still stands; How can you allow yourself to become infatuated with your own brother? How could you even play with the thought so that you would say it would be fun and exciting? How can you be like that, how can you allow yourself?

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-05 12:56 ID:Lpqjh0mC

>A crush doesn't nessersarily mean loving someone as a lover, but having an emotion for that person.

I'm pretty sure a crush is mostly because you're physically attracted to a person, or at least it is initiated by physical attraction.

You do realise that you're fighting immaturity with immaturity?
Hypocrite muchly?

>We could both sit here and argue on what's wrong with this situation but, in the end its really her choice she has to choose what's wrong.

What is this supposed to mean? In the end it's her choice? Of course it is. But why the hell would she post here if she didn't want advice or opinions?

Not to mention the fact that you completely sidestep a point that was raised by >>28 twice by dismissing it as "rambling". Niice. As if your own points aren't ramblings...

>I compared it to psychological terms

Psychological eh? That's deep. As if any type of attraction isn't psychologically related.

>but having an emotion for that person

I feel emotion towards you right now. Contempt.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-05 19:48 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>33 Ewww, I didn't need to know that >_<.

>>34 You're making it sound like i WANTED this to happen. Let me make this clear, i was fighting it all the way, okay?? I didn't WANT to feel this way for my brother, and if you read my previous posts, i realize that this is unnatural and wrong. I didn't ALLOW myself to feel this way, i was helpless to it. You can't help how you feel. Look at all the threads on this board about people falling in love with their best friend even though they knew they shouldn't and that it might ruin their friendship. This is kinda like that except my best friend also happens to be my brother. And stop guilt tripping me and making me feel bad about this by insinuating that i had a choice in this! You don't know the internal struggle i have to deal with and you don't know how much i'm disgusted by even myself that i'm going through all this so shut the hell up!! The only REAL choice i have is what to do with my feelings, and i choose to suppress them, as i have tried all along, so get off my case.

37 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-05 20:03 ID:QauG6c+Z

... ... I was gone for one day and it looks like I missed so much >_> wow. Well little missy I hope you find what's in your heart and I know you came to this site for an honest oppinion. I'm sorry that we were argueing on your thread it was childish I will admit... So yeah again I'm sorry. As for my oppinion I'd say you shouldn't supress it, that could be bad for not only your brain but as well as for your heart. Maybe you could try relieveing your stress stress somehow? A good way is to tire yourself out. I'm a big fan of DDR you should give it a try turn all that stress into energy! I find this very effective and it calms you down. Or just try to have fun, get your mind off the situation and enjoy life to the fullest! XD Lets take our worries and throw them to the wind!

38 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-05 20:04 ID:QauG6c+Z

Oh btw OP means Original Poster!!! \(>.<)/

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-05 23:49 ID:dESWyX/0

Ooo...key...this thread is spiralling outta control.

My best advice for you is this: Before your brother made his feelings known, did you have any sexual urges or longing toward him? How much have you thought about this situation since you found out? Has your interest increased after the realization that you now know there is a guy who genuinely loves you, in one for or another, who wants to date you? Did you seek sexual release (masturbation and orgasm to the C- folks) while fantasizing about your brother in the last week? What of during the week BEFORE your brother confronted you? Answer those questions and you should be able to see what you should do as well as the truth behind "your emotions vs your hormones".

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 08:23 ID:liFX8ExX


Just a question, are you asian? I have a feeling you are... Coz if you are, I might be your brother. :P

41 Name: 映画男 : 2007-05-06 08:31 ID:9JbG7Afh

>>40 wtf..?

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 09:11 ID:Lpqjh0mC

I have a feeling that >>37 is asian too.
I'm kind of ashamed that I share that commonality with this outrageous hypocrite.

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 10:16 ID:L/NESIe4



44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 11:59 ID:tYC35Bl/


Do you think you can fool me? Because you think I don't know? Perhaps you are forgetting that I am a human too, I have a mind and I have emotions, I know how we work.

Give me a fucking break.... You should know, deep inside, why this happened, how you fell into it. If you deny, you will never be able to even begin working against it.

You wanted, you desired it, and you played with it in your mind so it growed, and it outgrowed your will to resist it.

45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 12:01 ID:+s9x9DuO

I have a feeling she is white, I know how asians type, I am asian and I don't type like that :|

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 13:44 ID:L/NESIe4


Uhh.. being asian doesn't mean you type in a certain way. Maybe the emoticons but its not that stereotyped.

hmm. but I cant imagine incest in an asian family.

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 17:05 ID:Cx+88439

To the poster of this thread: I think most of the advice people have given you is wrong. You shouldn't tell him that he's deluding himself, and you shouldn't pretend nothing happened.

TELL HIM THAT YOU LOVE HIM and that you'll do stuff with him to a certain extent.

You're siblings, and siblings can and should love each other. Anything short of making out is absolutely fine and you shouldn't feel pressured by his "romantic love". You can go out on dates, hug, snuggle, sleep in the same bed. As long as you're comfortable with it you can take comfort in the fact that he loves you too.

He already got the message that you can't return his feelings. It was awkward, and that's too bad. But that doesn't mean you should pretend you are just in a distant relationship. Take this as an opportunity to become closer. Don't just pass it up. That's horrible.

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 20:51 ID:tYC35Bl/


Worst piece of advice to ever crawl out of the interbutt.

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-06 21:28 ID:tm2rAMCB

Reading this thing makes me so fucking hard godamn...gota fap to Maria Ozawa

50 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 01:47 ID:liFX8ExX


Incest exists in Asia just like in any other part of the world. In Japan, no comment, but you should take hints from most of the H-Manga you've read (if any).

51 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-07 03:23 ID:8CDVHkkK

...... :/ ok Missy You won't get any good advice from these people. Most of these people are pervs and you won't get any good advice from people who just want to see you and your bro so they can imagine you guy shaving sex. That's just low. :/ Well what do u think about this situation? Whats the update is what I'm trying to ask.

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 03:48 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>39 Okay, to answer your questions: 1. No, i did not have any sexual urges towards my brother before all this although i've always been attracted to him. 2. A lot 3. This question is worded really weirdly but yes, i guess. 4. No 5. No

Seriously, i don't see how answering these questions will "help me see what i should do". Like i said before, i don't desire my brother in a purely sexual way which your questions aim at. I just love him and want us to be together since he loves me too. It's as simple as that.

>>40 Sorry, i'm not going to answer any personnel questions that doesn't pertain to this situation due to obvious reasons (I'd like to remain as anonymous as possible). Although i'm curious, why do you think i'm asian? And haha to the "I might be your brother" thing.

>>44 Okay, fine. I'm bad, i sinned, it's all my fault that i fell into temptation and i should be punished in hell. Happy now? Seriously, if you sought out to make me feel worst about this, congratulations, you've succeeded.

>>47 You're joking right? I'm aware enough of the social stigma attached to incestuous relationships to know that dating my brother isn't "fine" and is not socially accepted. Sure we can go out on dates, cuddle, hug, etc. but it will go nowhere. In the end, we'll both want to do more.

Okay, anyways, my brother has been acting strangely lately. LIke, i could tell he's not happy. His smiles look forced and after school he just goes to his room and locks the door. Usually we're always watching tv or hanging out together but these days he's always in his room. I think it's because of our situation. Maybe he feels awkward and embarrassed around me now that he has confessed his feelings to me. From a guy's perspective do you think it could be this reason or something else? I don't know what to do. It hurts me so much to see him so sad.

53 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 03:51 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>51 Thanks so much for caring =). And don't worry, i can usually tell the difference between good and bad advice lol.

54 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-07 04:15 ID:8CDVHkkK

Hmm It does seem that to be the reason, hmm maybe you should talk to him now. Being a man I've gone through times where if I didn't know what was going on inside the girl I liked head I would go crazy. Usually in that situation I would go to someone to vent to or talk about whats going on. In this case he can not... He can not do what you are doing right now and that is come to someone and talk about it. So he locks himself up in his room and decides to sort it out with himself. Which is a very ver very bad thing to do. The human mind is a very dangerous thing. So I think since you are the only other known person to know about this, (other than all of us)I think you should have a conversation with him. Just to talk things over. I wouldn't tell him how u feel just yet. Just talk to him like old times. Whatever you do. Do NOT! Ask him What has been the matter with you lately or What's been on your mind? Since we both know he will bring it up or tell you something like "You know Damn Well what's been on my mind!" something like that. Just catch him off guard and have a chat with him like old times. Be Strong! Be Tactful! Be Prevalent! We will make it through this!

55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 07:00 ID:tYC35Bl/


I'm glad to see how you're all sarcastic and distanced about what I'm conveying to you, that's great...

As for the current situation with your brother, obviously it's related. Just go talk to him, openly. I suggest you tell him how you feel, and tell him how you feel about that. I'd make him understand that you both screwed up, but now you have to move away from this s..... Actually.... You should both go talk to someone else about this.... TOGETHER. That would definately sort things out. I think that if you guys talk to your parents about this... Yes, that will do the trick, instantaniously! I assure you. It will be painful and very awkward, but this thing will definately die that way and you can have it out of the world, and move on with your lives.

Or whatever, go talk to a priest or something.

And I think that the both of you should start seeing other people of the opposite sex, prefferably outside your usual bullshit crowds because obviously they don't stimulate you two sufficiently. You should plan to kill this thing with fire, together. If you plan and work together against this that should make you more comfortable about the situation and would destroy the current awkwardness in the air between you.

56 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 07:28 ID:TpfYo/L2

Are you even trying to give a good advise? or where do you pull this shit out of?

57 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 09:33 ID:liFX8ExX


40 here.

Should take time for things to come back to normal again (hopefully for you though, soon). In the first place, your brother shouldn't have confessed his feelings to you if he knew better. Not because it's wrong or anything but just because of the fact that you're brother and sister, and falling in love with your brother/sister is OK but confessing your love just cause problems nowadays. He shouldn't have done that. I, for one, regretted having to kissed my sister torridly (it was our first kiss) when we were kids and we almost had sex, good thing I backed out early. That fact haunted me until college, until I had the guts to tell her and drain it out of my system. But I think it still bothers her, and I think it's one of the main cause of why she's turned lesbian. Sad really.

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 09:34 ID:liFX8ExX


Oh, and i'm taking that as "yes, i'm asian.". :)

Just because.

59 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-07 11:59 ID:OrhKyCGl

Guy who wrote 39 here...

It's simple. Before your brother made his feelings known to you, you felt towards him like a sister would a brother. After he made his feelings known, you started seeing him in a different way.

Therefore, if your brother hadn't spoken to you about this, you wouldn't have thought about him like this on your own.

Ergo, your current confusion is related directly to your hormones. and not related a true change in the expression of your feelings towards him.

Which brings us to the answer to your original question of "...what should I do?": Tell him you love him but not in that way, and then do NOT seek a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with him.

60 Name: The Salvation Army : 2007-05-08 00:02 ID:6NZEwiew

fruit loops made my poop turn lavender

61 Post deleted by moderator.

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63 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-08 00:06 ID:QFDqHnqi

Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready! Tell him your pooper is ready!

64 Post deleted by moderator.

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67 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-08 04:07 ID:OrhKyCGl

Best advice all day.

68 Post deleted by moderator.

69 Name: argg : 2007-05-08 22:29 ID:CLKuUC5x

i fap inside my pooper

70 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-09 14:41 ID:tEW/tvug

Hmmm, it seems this thread is going to hell >_> Well missy what's the update?

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72 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-09 15:21 ID:tEW/tvug

Who the hell are you and why are you being so immature ?

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76 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-09 20:55 ID:v+1s0KIV

Sheeesh, the trolls have taken over lol. Anyways, there is no update. My brother is still acting the same and i haven't brought up the courage to speak to him about it yet. He seems to want to be left alone. I miss him! T_T

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-09 21:07 ID:v+1s0KIV

Oh, but there is this guy from school who is interested in me. He told one of his friends who told my friend who told me that he has a crush on me. He's in one of my classes and we're friends but not super close or anything. He's always flirting with me but i never took it seriously because he's the type of guy who jokes around with everyone. Anyways, i don't really like him back in the same way (because, duhh i'm preoccupied with someone else at the moment T_T) but i was thinking that if he does ask me out maybe i should say yes to him to help me get over my brother and at the same time give my brother the message that I'm unavailable so he can move on. What do you think?

78 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-09 22:43 ID:qY/oEV1T

Hmmm that sounds good, other than the fact that you will u will be pretty much using the guy who likes you. It'd be unfair for him especially if he were to ever find out that he was being used. Do you think you will have fun with this guy and not just use him as a tool?

79 Post deleted by moderator.

80 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-09 23:43 ID:OuZew9zg

Go ahead and hang out with him if he askes you out. ^^ I don't see the harm in it. And who knows, it probably could get your mind off your brother and you might end up liking this guy more.

81 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-10 03:19 ID:L/NESIe4


hit the g-spot!

82 Post deleted by moderator.

83 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-05-10 18:58 ID:JWx+JDmn

First of, Frigid Onanoko think your brother is stupid enough to actually desire you for such a long time. He really should (have) move on. Well, at least he talk about it, so you know. With that, you now also responsible for dealing with situation: since you are now aware that your brother likes you very much, you are now a player. You must play the game because the matter concerns both you and your brother (so two reasons to play.) That should be obvious.

Which direction should you aim for? Probably you realise from what FO is saying that pursuing romantic love with you brother is not an option. That's what Frigid Onanoko think anyhow. All good for liberal thought, all good for revolution against outdated social institutions, yeay for rock'n roll, let's go freedom of expression and all that... but this just one bridge too far.
So, advice is to get your brother to understand that he should get over you. What are you waiting for? Its been nearly two weeks since he started this and yet you no give him any direction either way! So frustrating for him no doubt - is that a loving sister?

Frigid Onanoko also wonder where this brother get the courage to say he in love with you. Has he ever had girlfriend? Sounds like not. He seem not to know what the hell he talking about. Since you are girl, you have tops on subject of love. Just insist that he don't know love as it should be - as it could be at its best, that you wish him good luck in finding a good girl in school or whereever. And maybe offer helping him in that a bit. It'd also be very good idea to "solemnly swear" that what is said between you will never leave the room - it'll be important to him. Make sure you do that. Btw, in the rare case that he try to assault you, hit him decisively: This part of the game is not to be played soft. In fact, the best preparation for such a talk is probably to resolve yourself to hitting him if it gets to this (FO think it may easily get very emotional so that's why) and then for the conversation try to avoid drifting into situations where you must hit him.

Ok. Frigid Onanoko ranting ranting ranting never stop now, right? Ok, gonna get to closing then. About the other boy. Come on girl! getting together with guy you don't even feel much for? don't waste your first love like that! Besides, you're letting feelings for your brother dominate here, where in fact you want to get out of this zone. This is loser strategy. Resolve matter with brother first. Then if you still don't mind "being asked out," well give him some signals that he get courage!

FO say byebye now!

84 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-10 22:24 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>83 Thanks for your advice Onanoko! It made a lot of sense and I love the way you write ^_^.

To answer your question, my brother has dated girls before but he has never had a girlfriend. He is popular with girls though because i remember a lot of girls were interested in him but he said that he was in love with me throughout all that time so he rejected all of them. But i don't agree with you that just because he's never had a GF that he doesn't know what love is. Who am i to tell him that he doesn't know what love is? It's all subjective anyways.

But you're right. I've avoided the subject too much because I'm a coward. I was just so scared of how awkward it might be, what might happen, how i might handle it, how my brother's feelings might get hurt etc. Because my feelings are so mixed up right now about this i wanted to wait it out until i was more confident in my ability to handle this but i don't think that's ever going to happen. I know my feelings, i just know i can't accept them which is why i'm so confused about this. But i won't run away from it anymore. I know my brother had to gather a lot of courage to tell me about his feelings so the least i can do is give him a response. I will talk to him by tonight. Thanks again FO.

85 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-10 22:35 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>83 Oh and my brother would NEVER assault me so no worries ^_^.

86 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-11 03:47 ID:qY/oEV1T

>_> ano...

87 Post deleted by moderator.

88 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-15 04:17 ID:v+1s0KIV

Okay, I've talked to my brother about our situation. I was planning to tell him that i'll never be able to feel the same way about him but things didn't exactly work out that way. I started out by asking him what was wrong with him these past days and he was like "you should know" blah blah. Anyways, i ended up telling him the truth. It just came out, i wasn't planning on saying anything about my own feelings but he just looked so sad and i don't know...i just wanted him to know that i liked him too...i thought he deserved to know. So yeah, i told him everything, my feelings, my doubts, etc. He was really happy. He told me he was really relieved and that he thought that he had messed things up for us by telling me his feelings and that i didn't like him anymore, which is why he's been feeling so depressed lately. But anyways, i did tell him that nothing can come of it, even though we both have feelings for each other because it would never work out. He said that he realizes that too but he couldn't help the way he felt for me, and then...he kissed me! And i kind of kissed him back. It felt so natural to kiss him...but afterwards i realized what we had just done and it felt so wrong. But yeah..he kissed me again after that. I knew i should've stopped him but i didn't...i couldn't even think straight because i was so nervous. Anyways, I told him how confused i am about all this and he completely understands. I don't think i'll be writing about this anymore...i need to discuss all this with him. I just wanted you all to know what happened i guess and thank you all for trying to help me, even though i'm more lost now than ever and am probably really screwed up right now lol.

89 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-15 05:49 ID:Heaven

We wish you the best (whatever that means).

90 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-15 13:39 ID:4dKU2z6U


Why am I not surprised. Your brother is an inconsiderate asshole by the way. He obviously doesn't care much about you, he actually cares more about his retarded emotions. You have to come to terms with this fact and act accordingly.

91 Name: For All Needs : 2007-05-15 15:10 ID:5tEH+HEz

Wow. I came here thinking. This thread is coming along nicely... Then it just ends like that?! I don't really think its the end of it. This situation has gotten a lot deeper than you think it has. ... Was it real kissing or just a peck on the cheek. because there is nothing wrong with a peck on the cheek, but what it sounds like is that you guys just gave eachother their first kisses... Well I guess its over now... God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world :P

92 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-05-15 16:18 ID:JWx+JDmn

Dammit! FO warned you for exactly this no? Ok. You did well to break the silence and start the talking. It not really wrong to unveil some of your emotions either, but you need be careful about it. Since you interpreting own emotions still, you extra vulnerable.

Frigid Onanoko see it this way: You brought over the message of nono. He kissed you anyway. Whatever - you can brush it aside as a mistake - you made your point and fulfilled your duty to communicate. You think you need to discuss anything else with him? Like what? You are in charge also, so its your fault also for the kiss (that is, in social terms, which is the level on which you interact with your brother. In reality he abused your vulnerability.)
An apology from him therefore is the cavallier thing to do, but you cannot demand it from him. Perhaps you want to discuss how relation between you two should now go? Perhaps you can ask your older, stronger, handsome, loving brother to please not kiss you and not touch you... "oh please, brother, don't! not there!" (humbly apologize for trying to make risk disgustingly obvious.)

Do you understand the risk?

This is what Frigid Onanoko meant by 'assaulting,' although granted, choice of word was awkward because assault is an act of aggression whereas your brother is acting out of weakness. Nonetheless, the effect on you is the same. FO implore you, please please value your own feelings above your brothers'. Instead of discussing with your brother 'where this is heading'/ 'how are we going to resolve this'/ bla bla, why not set the rules on your own? You can, you can do that.

It may be a bit of a struggle though, a struggle against yourself at least and perhaps your brother too. Against your desire to not let your brother down, against your sense of guilt perhaps - can you think of others? Against your brother, and FO (such a doomthinker!) sketch worst situation where your brother corner you in your own room to 'demonstrate the extent of his affection,' you need to be prepared for that. Perhaps you think your brother will never do such things... But do you really want to give him a platform to actually prove he wont? Better to just close the door on that possibility.

Dont let yourself be put off, don't subordinate your actions to the demands of your brother, don't subjugate yourself to his sorrow, his desires. Above all don't think you can get support from your brother. You may ask it, he may offer it, but it will be worthless, in fact he will gain from it, which is here your loss. Struggle through this and push through this fight. The big reason why you not inform your parents about this is to protect him, right? This is your weapon, a threat. You need the proper way to handle this weapon. Describing here:

The threat is a commitment to tell on your brother. If you are unable to make a credible commitment, the threat is void. Therefore you need to set an example beforehand. Repeating the 'hitting' argument from before. Threaten to hit him if he gets too close. Be a bitch. Hopefully he won't stress it but if he does, make sure to be aggressive (He no respect your demands wtf!!!) Now if you threaten him with telling on him, he has adequate reason to believe you have the balls to do it. This strategy much more effective than whipping out the gun that really hurts, immediately, before even demonstrating you can actually aim and shoot. Every time you fail to validate your threat, your opponent feels strengthened and you feel weakened. This game is simple. It has just started. There are three relevant outcomes:

(in next post continued)

93 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-05-15 16:18 ID:JWx+JDmn

1) Both of you win if you can get it into your brothers head that you are off limit without executing your threat. This is what we aim for.
2) Your brother wins by getting at you while you do not tell on him because you still want to protect him. (and you obviously lose from this situation.)
3) Both of you lose by if you execute your threat way too late.
The fourth option is the one you tried to avoid from the beginning - telling on your brother straight away and make him suffer the consequences. Play for the win-win obviously.

Frigid Onanoko sincerely apologize, these advices are based on ugly assumptions. However, even in the case that situation is much less severe, solution still very applicable. Be aggressive!

Gonna finally shut up now. whew... Bye now! and wishing you much strength!

94 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-16 06:07 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>91 It wasn't a kiss on the cheeks. He kissed me on the mouth both times. And i wouldn't say it's over, it's pretty much more complicated now than ever, arghaolhfahslkdfhklashdflkh. I just feel weird writing to strangers about this since it's turned out this way. It's kind of embarrassing.

>>90 My brother isn't like that and he DOES care about me. It's true that he kissed me after i told him that we can't have a boyfriend girlfriend relationship but I don't think he did it because he didn't respect my feelings. I think it's because he wasn't really thinking when he did it, kind of like how i told him i liked him even though i wasn't planning to and knew it was a bad idea in the first place. And i also blame myself because i could've said no and i could've stopped him but i didn't.

>>92 Thanks FO. And yes, like i said, i realize it is as much my fault as his because it was my responsibility to stop the kiss but i didn't. I feel so guilty because, despite everything, i did like the kiss. Everything's so conflicting! I wish none of this happened at all and that he just kept his feelings to himself! Arghhh! What you advise me to do is so hard. I can't picture myself doing any of that. I love my brother so much that it's going to be really hard to treat him as an "opponent". You're right, i really don't want to let my brother down and i hate to see him sad or depressed which is why i told him my feelings in the first place. But because i have this mindset of always "subjugating myself to his sorrow and desires" as you said because you put it in such better terms than i could, i just don't want to do anything to hurt his feelings. And my not telling my parents about this isn't only to protect him but to protect me as well. I have feelings for him too so we are both in the wrong. I think my worst nightmare is if anyone finds out about this, especially my parents because they are very very strict and if they find out about this, especially the kiss, I don't know what they'll do, they'll probably disown us or something lol. So i can't threaten to tell on him or anything like that. Also, i can't see myself hitting him, i can't even see myself having to resort to that. My brother is not a bad person. He kissed me in a moment of weakness but he would never force himself on me or rape me. But you're right in that i need to set boundaries and i have.

Since the talk i've told him again that we can't possibly have a romantic relationship. He made it clear that he wanted one with me but that he respects my decisions and that he didn't want to force me into anything that i was uncomfortable with and that no matter what he will always love me and be there for me. He's been really really understanding about everything.

95 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-16 07:59 ID:Heaven


>>My brother isn't like that and he DOES care about me. It's true that he kissed me after i told him that we can't have a boyfriend girlfriend relationship but blablablablablablablablablabla

Give yourself a break and just look at all the facts, or are you to caught up in all your emotions to see clearly? Stop defending him because he is your brother and try to see this whole thing with my clarity, I have no emotional attachements here, nor any other particular interest in this issue that would sway my judgement.

I mean from start to finish, he did all the things that would disprove he ever had any true love(not romantical) for you:

He allowed himself to become infatuated with you, i.e. he played along with some retarded impulse, because he found it amusing.

He continued to harbour these feelings, in spite of you being his sister, he made no real effort to, in the name of love, kill them. And I don't CARE if he has told you differently.

He THEN, told you about this shit, not in a desperate attempt to rid himself of his feelings, but to try his fucking LUCK!

Then, he goes all emo about it, not really because he thinks he has done something totally moronic, that he has ruined it for his family, but because he's afraid you wouldn't LIKE him anymore, and because the both of you didn't get down with this shit!


Now you tell me your brother actually cares for you..... He doesn't, and if you think so then hey, maybe you don't really care for neither him nor yourself. Maybe you too care more about emotions. And in that case, whatever, then it is as if I've been speaking to a stone all along.

96 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-05-16 10:51 ID:JWx+JDmn

Happy to see you are dealing with this with both your mind and heart. Yes, it difficult to see your brother as opponent because he no want harm to you. Don't worry, he's not your enemy, no need to force yourself. However, you can see that he sometimes not think about his actions, and in the heat of the moment, you two get too close. This to be avoided because it too stressing on you. >>93 is too harsh judging your brother, but correct in one thing: Even though there no malicious intent, he trying his luck. It great he respect your demand, but it not enough for you to stop being cautious, both towards him and towards yourself.

Frigid Onanoko try to illustrate with silly metaphore. You live in your house, the house is a zoo, your brother a baby elephant (cute!) and you the keeper of the elephant (jumbo). Happy Jumbo, upon seeing you may rush to greet you when he sees you. He likes his familiar caretaker so much and just want to be close! However, if you don't step aside, or stop the kiddy elephant in its tracks, it gonna trample you. Oops, accident! That never the intent, but then, can you trust a baby elephant to understand all that? Jumbo need to learn to keep distance and you need to teach.

Method is simple conditioning. It take time. Just keep at bay. You already showed you can do it during first two weeks since original confession, no? FO confident you can manage, especially after seeing you can and want to think through this problem. You could be a bit more critical perhaps, (even about FO's babbling nyah!) So don't worry about the 'opponent' mentality. When Jumbo is too eager, you can just shove him aside gently but decidedly. Your brother will understand that. He will respect it. In fact he probably expect it anyway.

BTW, you not so alone in your adventures. Wikipedia mention that in USA, 10-15% of college students have had sexual experiences with siblings Floyd Martinson study (which usually remains limited to kissing - definition of sexual experiences very very broad.) And then Frigid Onanoko also... well, very glad this is anonymous board! Anyway, it by no means so very odd.

Stay alert and succes to you!
~Frigid Onanoko

97 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-18 21:21 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>95 Yes, i agree with you that my brother has made some mistakes and has acted selfishly on some occasions. I believe him when he told me that he tried to fight romantic feelings for me however because this has been going on for 4 years! Don't u think, if he hadn't tried to fight it at all, that he would've told me or made a move on me sooner rather than wait until his senior year to do it? Bottom line is that yes, he made mistakes and acted selfishly but who doesn't?? That doesn't mean he doesn't love me or care about me. People act selfishly all the time, it's human nature. My friends all have love-hate relationships with their siblings and most of the time i think they treat their siblings like crap but deep down i know that they love each other because they're family. In fact, I think that me and my brother have a better sibling relationship than most people (aside from the romantic feelings for each other part of course lol). Look, loving someone romantically and loving them as family is not mutually exclusive. In the end, i know that he'll always be there for me (yes, even if i reject him 100 times) and that's all that matters.

>>96 Thanks FO. I will keep that in mind and it's great to hear that our situation isn't THAT unusual lol. It's so comforting to know in a way that 10-15 percent (that's a lot!) of people around our age have gone through the same thing.

As for an update, me and my brother are closer now than ever. We've been spending all our time together lately. Of course normally we would spend a lot of time together anyways, walking to and from school and hanging out afterschool but these past days he would also wait for me by my locker between classes to walk with me to class as well as eat lunch with me and my friends (usually he would eat lunch with his own group of friends). I don't mind it at all and think it's nice to spend more time with him but i just hope he doesn't have other ideas. Don't worry, he hasn't tried to put any moves on me lol, we've just been acting like normal (which is great b/c i didn't really like his emo self =P). Off topic but today is the last day of school, yay!! Summer!!

98 Name: Visual Kei : 2007-05-19 04:17 ID:yZJqbZTi

But if he truly cares for you, why can't he respect and honor the fact that you are siblings?
I think he's just a bit too much of a drama queen.
He's not searching the world for other opportunities and meeting other girls.
I think just because when you told him that you don't think that you're feelings for each other will go anywhere. Him being all depressed and sad is all an act so that you would be sorry for him and get even closer.
And if you guys are still in school, (dont know what grade) but I know many relationships (not all) in school don't really work out. Especially if you were to date your brother, think of the criticism you will get. Have you thought how your parents would react if they knew? How they'd react to your brother being the first to admit his feelings towards you and causing you to question your own feelings towards him?
Because you are siblings, you have a strong bond with them. But it shouldn't be that you'd actually think of dating one another and getting married in the future. Perhaps your brother is lonely. He needs other friends to hangout with. Nothing wrong with hanging out with your sibling once in a while, but not all the time. It creates a bond between you that when it becomes strong enough, you wont let anyone come between you or perhaps even neer you both that all you have to depend on is each other and that isn't totally healthy in a relationship with anyone.
My advice to you is, try to keep some distance from your brother, while you're in high school anyways. Focus on your friends, getting new friends, school grades, getting a diploma and all that Jazz.

I know an anime that is kind of a good example of this. If you're into anime that is.

99 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-19 06:04 ID:Heaven

> As for an update, me and my brother are closer now than ever.

Hah! You rejected my advice but it turned out fine as I said. :)

Just don't let him flirt with you... ho ho ho.

100 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-19 13:21 ID:Heaven


100 GOT.

101 Post deleted by moderator.

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103 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-19 21:19 ID:3+EHKodM

OP >> i recommend u to see "dreamers" a bernardo bertolucci film about two siblings in love in 1959 Paris, is based in a true story and the end, IMHO is very typical in this type of infatuations.

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-21 11:00 ID:Heaven

while we're talking reading material, "flowers in the attic", virginia andrews.

105 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-21 17:36 ID:7DU08zwo

>>104 Is gay.

106 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-03 22:20 ID:4sShKo9s

hey fuck him itl make it all easier trust me

107 Name: Touch of Ink. : 2007-06-03 23:51 ID:AD9jWEtL

Heh. Play some Hentai games where the main character gets to screw his sister. It always has a happy ending.

Seriously speaking, that's just... That's harsh. You got to go with how you feel. I wonder who you are now that I've read your story. Hit me up on AIM Y!M or MSN. --> " rpencounter "

108 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-04 00:27 ID:pieXR2zs

Dear >>1-san,

Their is only one thing to do..... Kill your brother and feed him to the local hobos

109 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-04 15:39 ID:Heaven

stop responding to trolls, this is the cancer that is killing 4-ch

110 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 05:01 ID:v+1s0KIV

Hey guys, i'm back. I've just been enjoying summer vacation. It feels so good to not have anything to do! hehe I'm here to update on what's been going on with my brother. We've been hanging out together a LOT, more like all day and every day. Also, we've been more touchy feely with each other lately, and no that doesn't mean we've been kissing or doing anything like that. We've just been more free with each other as far as hugging and holding hands goes. I don't you guys think this is weird? It seems like pretty innocent stuff, but i'm always afraid we might slip and go further than that.

>>98 Ahh, what you say is what i've been worried about. I love spending time with my brother but lately we've been inseparable and like you said, it might not be healthy to do that. We both have our own friends but since school ended we've just been hanging out with each other. It's not like i don't want to hang out with my friends it's just that i prefer to spend time with my brother and i guess it's likewise for him. Plus, like, he just assumes that i'll be spending my day with him. My friends are already thinking something is weird b/c they keep calling me and asking me why i've been avoiding them, when i haven't been, at least not intentionally.

Also, i think our parents suspect something b/c just last night my mom was asking us why we never hang out with our friends anymore.

And yes, i like anime. Could you tell me what anime that is? Maybe it can help me. Omg, turning to anime for advice! That's so pathetic! >_<

>>103 What happens in the end?

111 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 11:32 ID:Heaven

>>110 nothing good will come outta this.

112 Name: Touch of Ink. : 2007-06-05 14:42 ID:AD9jWEtL

Duh, that's what Japanese Manga is for. They have a Manga for EVERY SINGLE RELATIONSHIP SITUATION POSSIBLE.

113 Name: Touch of Ink. : 2007-06-05 14:45 ID:AD9jWEtL

Your brother is in Love with you? Tons of Manga

You want to sleep with your Father but are afraid of what your Step Mother will think? Several Manga

You want to dress your little cousin in Girl's clothing and have a Lesbionic Relationship with him? Sure.

Your stuffed animal becomes conscious and tells you you have to save the world from some Evil, and this mysterious man who aids you won't even give you a second glance at your workplace at Dennys? You can't walk through a manga aisle without seeing that.

114 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 15:17 ID:Heaven

fucking kill yourself

115 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 15:30 ID:Heaven

I don't know if this is all real or not (every time the OP posts, it seems more and more fake...) but I'll tell you a true story, OP.

One of my best friends admitted to me that she and her cousin dated for 4 years secretly, from age 12-15, I think it was. No one suspected them. No one ever caught them. So what went wrong? Guilt. They both felt horrible guilt every time they were together. When their relationship became sexual, the guilt was even worse. They both cared for each other, but eventually the feelings of guilt and dirtyness overtook that. Now they avoid going to family reunions and parties because they don't want to see each other because it reminds them of their "sins".

And that's just her cousin. Imagine how disgusting YOU would eventually feel...with your BROTHER! You're already on a slippery slope just by holding hands at your ages. Don't ruin your life or your brother-sister relationship with your brother. Find a guy OUTSIDE the family.

116 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 15:48 ID:feK1TlNc


Words of wisdom.



117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 16:14 ID:RTS66tg2

Lame troll is lame. GTFO.

118 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 16:15 ID:RTS66tg2

Lame troll is lame. GTFO.

119 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 20:48 ID:v+1s0KIV

What the hell??! I'm not a fuckin troll!! How hard is this to believe?? Do i sound like a troll? If i were a troll, i'd go around posting "eat my poop" or some stupid shit like that. Just because someone has an unusual problem (that is considered taboo) doesn't mean you can just disregard them as a liar and a troll. I knew i should've just disguised this problem as me falling in love with my best friend or something. Whatever. I'm not going to post here anymore b/c i'm sick of being called a troll and someone telling me to fucking kill myself is the last straw. So i will GTFO as you requested.

120 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 21:13 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>115 Okay, i know i said i'd GTFO but whatever, I feel like replying to yours.

Yes, what happened to your friend seems like a really realistic ending to these types of situations. These days i feel guilt just for spending time with my brother. We are doing nothing wrong and I STILL feel guilt! It's because i know that i'm falling for him more and more each day. SO i can see your friend's ending as being totally realistic if i do end up pursuing a relationship with my brother.

FInd a guy OUTSIDE the family, haha that's funny. It sounds like you were expecting me to go after my cousins next or something. Yes, i know i should find a guy outside the family but that's a lot easier said than done. Have you ever tried to date someone when you love someone else?? It's not exactly the easiest thing, especially if the person you love freakin lives with you in the same house!! This would be a lot easier if it was one sided, but since my brother loves me too, i have that to think about. I don't want to hurt his feelings. We're not dating right now but there's this tacit agreement between us that whatever the hell we have right now is exclusive. What am i supposed to do, date behind his back?? And if i DO decide to date someone else, wouldn't that be unfair for that guy if i'm just using him? So you see, i have a lot to think about.

Okay...anyways. BYEE

121 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 21:16 ID:Heaven

Just be hedonistic, if it feels alright then keep on it.

122 Name: Harry Potter : 2007-06-05 22:02 ID:xOsz85sn

ask if you could give him a blowjob. He will say yes. While your doing it bite off his sexual organs and he will instantly never want to be near you ever again!

worked, i did it.

123 Name: j2sexy : 2007-06-05 22:04 ID:RD4bekBO


124 Name: Harry Potter : 2007-06-05 22:07 ID:xOsz85sn

what? so i got arrested and raped by a pissed-off father, but oh well.

125 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 22:18 ID:Heaven


126 Name: j2sexy : 2007-06-05 22:22 ID:RD4bekBO

no, isnt a troll u shitbag. :(

thats right, u get a frowny face

ooooooo the shame

127 Name: Harry Potter : 2007-06-05 22:28 ID:xOsz85sn

125 shut up u stupid retard.

Ontopic..i think you should look at this:

128 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-05 22:41 ID:xOsz85sn

corke is a nut
he has a rubber butt
every time he turns around
it goes putt-putt

129 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-06 02:53 ID:Heaven

Where are the L&R police when we need 'em?

130 Name: Mireille Guy : 2007-06-06 04:43 ID:Heaven

I only read the first 2 posts by op, but here I come with a few questions, before I give any advice...
How old are you and what is your age difference? Did you grow up together, or was there a time where you both were separated from each other?
Before addressing any issues with your brother, or trying to fix him, be empathetic and treat the situation with care. A man that rejects other girls for a particular girl really means he's serious. Beyond that... I have no advice. I can relate a little since I've felt feelings for a cousin, but that's a relatively different situation (you are relatively closer).
I'll wait for answers. Blessings to you.
>>115 clearly explains what has happened from second hand experience... I'd listen to him/her. Yes, part of the reason I ask these questions is because most posts like these are fake. There's a scientific explanation for incest, but it'll be cleared up when OP answers my questions.

131 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-06 07:48 ID:zbPDqdeE

I liked a cousin, and in my culture and background relationship with cousins are not considered incest, so even our families wouldn't get mad if we were very serious. Nothing sexual happened between us, I didn't even say anything, but she somehow got my intentions and rejected me before everything. I was 15 at the time and to this day we avoid each other and I have removed myself from the presence of my relatives, which were relatively close. we were playmates when we were kids.
Seriously, I say it again, drop this whole shit.

132 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-06 10:56 ID:Heaven


Stop whining about what is hard due to your feelings, you need to kill them with fucking fire already, DO YOU KNOW HOW YOU DO THIS?
Doesn't seem like it so I'll tell you. Stop thinking, planning and acting acording to your emotions, and instead start thinking, planning and acting according to your sensibility. If you strive into the direction of the wind long enough it will turn, the resistance is about your feelings lagging where it's most comfortable for you to have them(believe it or not, you need to realize this). That is because we are lazy, habitual bitches, and these facts don't care about right or wrong, they care about easy or hard, more or less. So if it becomes more of a bother for you to have your feelings where you stove them now, you will be able to dislodge them from there, and plant them somewhere else.

So what you have to do is prepare yourself to suffer for a while, and start investing your love somewhere else, even if you don't feel a bit like doing it. This is an excellent oppertunity for you to find a guy according to sensibility and not senses. Senses will only betray you as you can see, so you should start to think of them as a slave to serve your own will insead for them to serve themselves and bend you to their will. Get used to kick yourself around, especially if you define yourself more through how you feel.

133 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-06 19:08 ID:Heaven

this is the same person who created the other incest thread. he is having fun with you, you are a toy to him, stop responding and stop bumping this thread. let it die.

134 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-06 21:01 ID:v+1s0KIV

>>133 OMG, you are such an idiot.

135 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-06 21:36 ID:Heaven

I'd recomend everyone to watch "The Lovers of the Arctic Circle", it is a film about pretty much the same problem, you might find advice on it.

136 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-10 11:12 ID:psqzEllF

no updates?

137 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-11 03:54 ID:Heaven

No. Stop bumping this shit. LET IT DIE.

138 Name: ~Reila~ : 2007-06-14 10:15 ID:ziV5jDXc

So, what I need to know. Is he adopted? I mean, that would be logical...I'm just wondering.
Go read a manga called "Hot Gimmick."
Your situation reminds me of Hatsumi's.

139 Name: IKEUCHISAN : 2008-01-04 12:44 ID:D8TV+8Az

Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru

140 Name: KD : 2008-01-05 23:13 ID:BNSvAlQR

hahaha! omg its an episode of autumn in my heart!!

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