But I thought I'd share my story about how I lost my virginity. Ironically, I lost it BECAUSE I was a virgin!
I'm 18 years old. I'm an alright looking guy. I wouldn't call myself cute or hot, but some girls seem to find me attractive. I've been a loner most of my life, and have enjoyed being on my computer more than going out. Well a few weeks ago a friend of mine bugged me in my room for an hour straight to go get drunk with him. So I did. And we ended up going to a club.
The "CLUB" seems like a daunting place to us antisocial people-- it stands for everything we despise, or makes us uncomfortable. I was definitely not excited about going, but since I was already drunk I allowed myself to be forced to go.
We met up with some other people there. It was common knowledge among my friends that I was a virgin. Being a virgin has never really bothered me. Sure, I wanted to have sex, but I figured it would find me eventually and was nothing to stress over. I didn't really care. Anyway, I was content sitting in our booth drinking free coke's (I gave the bartender 2 cigarettes and she gave me free sodas the rest of the night, hehe. being underage sucks) watching other people make fools of themselves. To my friends, however, this was unacceptable. Since I'm not the best looking guy in the world, they played a dirty card- walked up to random girls, told them I was a virgin and that they should dance with me. I am not a dancer. I can't 2-step or anything. I made a fool of myself the first dance, so bad that the girl I was dancing with left me in the middle of the dance floor. So i returned to my booth and cokes...
Eventually they found 3 older women who were drunk enough to cope with the 'club' characteristics I lacked. I was dragged out to the dance floor by them. nigga music was now playing, and the only appropriate dance for it is grinding. This shit is easy. All I really did was move my hips and keep ahold of the girl I was dancing with. At first it started with all 3 of these drunk girls dancing with me, but eventually other guys started to butt in so I was left with one. One of my friends later told me (since he had been talking to her) she was in her upper 20's and an elementary school teacher. ah, my high school fantasy... fucking my teacher. so we 'danced', and i was really turned on. she way she rubbed her ass on my crotch area gave me a raging hard on. This was the first time I ever really felt up on a girl, I might be shy but when my male instincts came over me and i started feeling her up everywhere. being drunk she didn't mind. i hadn't said more than 2 words to her during the whole ordeal, but in the middle of our dancing she said "we're going to have sex tonight" i was overjoyed. but, a little later her girlfriends dragged her away because one of them was leaving with her husband (the schoolteacher didnt have a ring on so i think i was safe) so she went to go say good bye. i didn't see her again for 30 minutes so i thought she had left, and we'd been there for hours, so i left with most of my friends. one of the guys who stayed behind said she was looking for me later. ah, my chance lost...
well over the next couple of weeks i went back with them, they still playing the dance-with-the-virgin card, which never got me with a girl out of the club. but those people who go there every chance they get started to get word of it and i built up a sort of infamy- they said it was impossible to get me into bed. oh lord you have no idea how well this worked out for me.
after that, it just became easy. it was like a challenge for them to try and take my virginity. In the past 3 weeks i've had sex with 4 different women, and i get asked to dance all the time. the first time was embarassing and i'm sure i was horrible but oh well. however, i'm still known for being a virgin, which kind of sucks. i still havent seen that school teacher again though :[ (ctnd..)
moral of the story: it's easier than you think if you get out and give it a try! i can honestly say it's changed my life a little and overall i feel a lot more happy being sociable. i'm a LOT more confident than i was before. so, if your friends are trying to drag you away from your computer, give in to it once in a while, you may never know what happens
but have you had sex with a dog?
haha, good story!
lol @ the silly women!
>Ironically, I lost it BECAUSE I was a virgin!
eh....can you lose it without being a virgin then? :O
you misunderstand, some people lose their virginity because they are drunk and have sex, some lose it by rape, some lose it because their girlfriend wants to have sex, some lose it cause they are sexy. i lost mine because i was virgin
i lost mine when i had too much fun with a rhino's pooper
Everyones dream is to be with a teacher
Hence my name.....
That's just not ironic at all.