heya everyone! I started a thread months ago about sexual attraction and like to tell the people thx for the advice again and some news (http://4-ch.net/love/kareha.pl/1164833832/l50).
Well as things went on I met this guy at some other occasions.
Horrible enough that I could never stop to think about him and pestered my friends with questions.
It turned out he isn't that kind of man who'd just sleep with girls without feeling anything.
I told him I kinda liked him (yeah kinda confusing) but he rejected me. So I apologized and we became friends.
After some other events (and I seriously don't know what happened because I was drunk >_> I guess we kissed wildly or something) he didn't write me text messages anymore. All that time I thought about him and when I forgot him I met him again at a birthday party. Somewhat angry I was rather rude to him. After that he texted me again and asked me why I was suddenly so rude to him and asked me what I thought about him. Kinda startled I answered that he's a nice guy and wondered what he might think of me. He answered that he doesn't quite know but feels that we're somewhat alike. So we started dating but were still not really a couple because none of us talk about feelings.
Now I think about him everyday, it drives me insane. But I do like him. I feel foolish for what I said and did before. So I dunno... I'm kinda clumsy with this matters but was it actually love from the beginning?
then doesn't matter. the real question is now isn't it?
Well judging from the fact that he rejected you and you made a fucking weeaboo face as most weeaboo girls are pretty disgusting there's a significant chance he doesn't find you hot and/or want to date you. Btw there is no such thing as "we can just be friends" afterwards. It just never works out.