My first date. (23)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-05-25 18:55 ID:Mls/pRoi



  1. Yeah, holding her hand is fine, BUT, since things are still in an awkward stage for both of you, you might do well to make LIGHT of the hand holding. I mean, basically, over exagerate your desire to hold her hand, in a way that seems amusing, like some old formality. ie:"I say, may I hold thy hand, M'Lady?" I might not explain it well, but basically by doing it that way you strip the hand holding of it's awkwardness, while still technically holding hands. If she refuses, laugh, since it was a funny joke in the first place. plus, it sets you up for later uses of comic exageraation to furhter the snugglies. [i can't believe I typed snugglies]
  2. skip the arm around the shoulders. at MOST, simultaneously occupy the armrest, touching arms LIGHTLY. don't drape your friggin arm over the whole thing. Occupy it enough that you kind touch, but not enough that it would make her want to just give you the armrest.
  3. Fast food's your best bet. you don't need to pay, but it would be gentlemanly.
  4. Guage the evening, if you're feeling confident, give her a light kiss, maybe even just on the cheek. if you want to play it safe, why not a hug?

general tips - tkae everything slow and easy, you'll enjoy it more.

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