Shadow of the Prom: Will she love me back!? (61)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-04 20:37 ID:KM4wh7CD

First of all congrats on going to the prom with a girl you really like. That is a real big step.

But please don't think you will be the next Densha. Don't live in the fantasy that it will all end happily ever after, this is real life it can end pretty badly.

But you don't need to fret or worry about this. Don't be afraid to ask her out or even ask her permission to ask her out. When she said "maybe" (learn to spell) you should have given her an offer instead of backing down and then run away. You should have closed the deal and asked her out for something.

But all is not lost. Monday call her and ask her for some coffee. Just ask her for sometime in the afternoon. No pressure on her and you. If it goes well, ask her out for Saturday. When you ask her out, try to limit your conversation so that you ask her out and that is about it. If she really wants to talk or vice versa, just save it for the "date" so you can have something to talk about on the "date."

Goodluck and live long and prosper...

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