Where to find a girlfriend? (47)

23 Name: Angel ^_^ : 2007-06-28 07:53 ID:5i73jp/7

*******The Problem with Picking up*******

I personally do not recommend trying to meet new people simply for the reason of "picking them up". This is because you are taking a process which is very delecate and very slow and pushing it all together in about an hour or so.

When someone "picks up" someone, you miss alot of very important aspects as to why people form relationships in the first place. People form relationships with each other because they have intimate feelings with each other and love each other.

Picking up a stranger compleatly ignores this aspect as people are too concerned with impressing each other and ultimatly and unfortunatly, the relationship is rather empty.

The best relationships that two people can have with each other are those when both people have known each other for a length of time and have had time to make decissions about each other and thought things through properly.

So in conclusion, picking up is not a good way to have a relationship with another human being. It can almost be considered an advanced form of lust in my opinion but I know there are many that will disagree with this.

in short: Meet a good person and get to know them more. Become a good friend and show that you really care for them as a human being. After you have had some time together, it will be easyer to talk to them and you can then decide where you want to take the relationship.

Picking up is a shortcut which will unfortunatly lead you through a rocky vally.

I Hope my thoughts have helped someone reading this board ^_^

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