Liking ppl online? >< good/bad? (19)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 04:17 ID:WB0IVTW0

Eh. I've had some experience with online dating and what-not ><. In your opinion, do you think it's a bad thing to like sum1 online? What if it leads to the kind of question, 'do you want to meet?' which is obviously not smart to do -.- In the end I suppose it always ends up hurting you because you know that you can't meet that special someone. I'm in a situation kinda like that. Any advice?

2 Name: Hanyuu : 2007-06-17 04:29 ID:FuKcctEd

If there is a good possibility that you two can get into a real relationship (not online) afterwards, go ahead. If not, you might be missing out on what other couples take for granted...

IF you can meet in college, go for it. If not, I suggest you don't get into these kinds of relationships. They usually end up broken because of unfulfilled needs.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 04:44 ID:Lk7pkgiT

It really isn't that big of a deal, online meetings and the whole internet dating thing.
Thanks to anonidate, I've met a boy and we are planning a hookup here soon. He seems nice, I of course am very nice, so there isn't any worries to be had.
and you don't always have to find the right one on the first try. it takes time. etc. etc.
in the meanwhile, talk to as many different people as possible to find out what's even out there. you will be very, very suprised.

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 05:42 ID:Heaven

so what you're saying is it's exactly like normal dating? wow, whoda thunk!

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 06:16 ID:Heaven

obviously not OP

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 07:11 ID:Heaven


why would OP sage?

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 07:27 ID:Heaven

not OP

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 12:44 ID:cuVsK6kj

not OP

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-17 21:50 ID:Heaven

>>1 Not OP

10 Name: Shucake : 2007-06-18 08:10 ID:I7T2/XnN

..Ahm. Well. In my opinion, online dating is okay if you're with someone safe. I've had my sure of online dates, and I'm currently back together with a guy I met online. We met once, it was great, and we're trying to meet again.

It's just a lot harder, I think. Because you can't be near that person as much as you want. You can't go walking around, holding hands, hanging out on weekends and stuff like other couples can. And no going on dates, unless you guys manage to meet up.

I don't think online dating is a big deal nowadays. Online dating services are flooding the internet and I don't think many people are that "omg, you met him on whatnow-?!" about it now. If you can meet someone close to you, great! If they happen to be miles away and a really good match... why not go for it? If it works, wonderful. If it doesn't, we live and learn and move on. ...As long as they weren't a psycho.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 09:30 ID:1mg13UgW

It's lame and cowardly. It repulses me when guys "confess" to you online, without even meeting you in real life.
It tells me how deprived, lonely and desperate they are.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 10:00 ID:alD87bm7

I've had one online relationship, and another one that was semi-relationship, Online, but we met as well. The second relationship was more like a "We will meet to see if we are girlfriend/boyfriend good match" kinda thing.

And IMO? It's not really a bad thing to meet up people online. Infact, most of the reasons people give for not dating online are crap.
"1. He could be a psychopath" So a man you meet IRL couldn't possibly be crazy huh?

"2. He could cheat on you and you'd never know it." Like that has stopped real-life couples from cheating on each other.


But I'm moving from the point slightly.

It's not a bad thing to like someone online. Infact, it should be commendable in this day and age where love is seen as something aboce physical attraction, that you feel inlone with their 'personality'(I'm slightly bitter from a past relationship).

Anyways. If you like someone, go for it. then either get your heart broken or come back victorious!

You, I don't like. Not everyone who falls in love online is deprived or desperate. They may be lonely, they may not even connect with anyone around them. They could be a geek in a town full of jocks or a jock in a town full of geeks. But don't you dare look down on anyone for confessing online. If you're the type that prefers guys or girls or whoever like you on personality and not looks. Then you shouldn't say a single bad thing about a guy confessing to a girl online because she's just what he's looking for.

In other words, screw you.

13 Name: whatever : 2007-06-18 12:41 ID:YyJn7LEF

Well im e-dating a girl for over 6 months now.
We had a great time together and now we even want to meet in real.
I'm going to stay there like 1 week...
I have no idea what to do with her so long, and i'm a bit shy though x3
I'm nervous about it but i dont regret anything.
Dont be afraid of that kind of relationships...

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-18 21:42 ID:Heaven

I'd have to agree with >>11 on the 'internet love' thing.
If someone falls in love with someone they've never actually talked to, they're falling in love with a self-conceived idea of what that person is like.
If love is all about personality anyway, then why would someone be disappointed if that pretty young girl the were talking to wasn't young, pretty and/or a girl?

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-19 07:52 ID:Heaven

A lot of guys freak out when they discover that the attractive chick they were infatuated with is actually a guy because it makes them worried they're gay.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 09:34 ID:odIQMOqx

I don't think there's anything wrong with it. i have a bit of a crush on a guy i met online recently. He lives close to me and chances are, we'll meet up someday soon. Wether anything will come if it, i can't be sure.

And a few years ago there was a guy that i considered to be a great friend (i didn't like him in a sexual way though, just as friends)and we had talked for so long that we decided to meet. He ended up being exactly who he said he was and everything was fine. Online dating/friendship isn't as bad as people make it out to seem.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 09:54 ID:Heaven

>If someone falls in love with someone they've never actually talked to, they're falling in love with a self-conceived idea of what that person is like.

That's great, but it's hardly an argument against internet romance. Online, what can you do but talk?

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-25 14:25 ID:8SGuimSu

Since I used to be a stay-at-home and never went out (due to my shyness I could never make any friends close enough to go out with after school), I ended up falling for a girl online (who was also a stay-at-home since she was home schooled while I actually went to High School) and I "dated" (if you can really call it that) a girl online for about 3 years, I got to spend a total of three weeks with her in person throughout all that time. We split up two years ago due to her going to a public high school and making friends with a few boys who ended up having a crush on her and breaking us up that way. In actuality I found out that she cheated on me twice, both with boys online who she met in person.

other than that it was pretty good, but the time I spent with her in person was by far much more enjoyable than anything we had online. If you can meet up with them I think it's FAR better than going out online since you really cannot duplicate what you get in person.

I always advise against it now, since dating online requires a lot of trust on both sides. I would probably advise it for people who have known each other online for a couple of years (at least 4 or 5 years) and if your lucky, you might just meet a really nice person online who is very honest and good looking with a great personality, I've met them before, but chances are very few and if you do meet them then they will probably live on a different continent from you.

Send photos?

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-06-27 15:05 ID:Heaven

webcam, or just call on the phone.

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