I'm kind of shy when it comes to guys, i have trouble talking to them without blushing or sounding really stupid. I try to act normal, but its difficult to do without seeming like i'm forcing it. Does this scare guys off?
I know that there have been a few guys who've liked me, but none of them have ever asked me out. And i'm getting a little discouraged...
I hate to say it, but as a guy, if you're shy & not really talking to me, I'd be bluntly afraid to ask you out, for fear that you're not "into me", and would be offended by me asking...
For the sake of all guys like me, you've got to show some interest, or dare I say even ask us out, if you want anything to happen...
A shy girl is pretty cool, and I find that charming, but as a shy guy, we're terrified of rejection, and fear that you'd be real turned-off if we were to ask you out...
Might I add that also, we're afraid of suddenly, if we ask you out, being regarded as a creep guy... Eg: "I was just being friendly w/ Joe, then he tried to ask me out, and that's just creepy, ewww..."...
I know that's the sum of all the fears I have about asking a girl I like out, and if it's a shy girl who doesn't really give me a good feeling, like that's not going to happen, I'm not gonna make a move, for fear it will :/
I agree with every reply. And it was sadly the same for me. I hope the next time I meet a girl, I won't be so shy. So far, I haven't talked to a female(Or rather, a female I had an attraction to) in probably a year. But I think I've build up my confidence enough to actually not fear rejection. That and I figured I've got nothing to lose.
If you have this kind of trouble and you don't have many female friends, go out and try to make some. Just friends, to talk to and perhaps advise you on issues like this. If you do try this, just be extremely careful not to fall in love with them no matter how friendly and nice they are to you. Trust me, I've learned this the hard way... many times.
btw the last post refered to posts 2-5
to the OP: For christ sakes ask them out, especially the ones who appear to be the shy type like you. Don't automatically go for the outgoing obnoxious jock's (not saying you are but i'm just saying). They'll ultimately treat you like shit. You, as a woman, have a very special power to boost the confidence of shy guys just by asking them out. You just might open up a side to them you never knew they had in them. God, I wish someone could do that for me... So, GO FOR IT.
Well, I did have a few female friends. But I had to move so most of the female friends I know now are online. And my best female friend, I haven't talked to her in a while.
I probably should make more female friends around here though, even if they aren't my type. I'm so picky when it comes to girls, they might actually help me find the right ones.
And I also agree with you on one more thing. Girls can actually boost the confidence of shy guys and make them feel more wanted. I remember when I got my first girlfriend, I was shy. But I became more assertive and such later on. It's pretty weird to tell you the truth. Even if it makes a little sense.
Hello to everyone im just new here i just wondering whats goin on...=)
Then don't post, jackass.
I'm dating a shy girl. It's not really a problem, but it's hard when I'm the one that has to do all the affectionate stuff. I sometimes wish she would be less shy and more affectionate towards me.
Make sure you let her know then that is alright for her to be affectionate with you then. She just might be a little afraid.
How do you know if she does like it when you're affectionate?
i guess she'll do the same to you in return to show that she likes it and to the OP i would say if you are quite positive the guy likes you i think is not a wrong move to ask him out.how u ask?you could ask him thro phone(text or call) or jus do it on9 if it feels better.then you can start talking to the guy in real talking bout stuff related to the stuff u talked thro ur convo on9 or phone, then you could ask him if he wants to catch a movie or so.tat's my idea only i m sure there are 1001 ways for a shy girl to ask a guy out
I once talked to her about it, and she said that she doesn't want to be like the girls that are way too clingy and needy, so to avoid that she has to do the opposite. She says she's trying to be better about it, though I haven't seen much change yet.
When I asked her once if it made her uncomfortable, she said no (in a way that you could tell meant 'of course not.') And she usually looks happier after we kiss.
Does she blush? Does she blush? :D
on9? Don't tell me thats suppose to be "online"...
yeah on9 is online...
that's terrible, muriel