Rejected By The Girl I Loved! (17)

1 Name: Anonymous <3 : 2007-06-29 15:35 ID:YFFCBG7K

Good Evening everybody. Many years ago I experienced something very heart breaking and from this is I never recovered. I didn't know who else to tell it to but I felt I had to tell someone about it so I decided to tell it here.

I was in high school at the time and I was hopelessy in love with a girl in my year level name Jessie. I had deep feelings for her but she unfortunalty did not know I existed. She was a very sweet person who always had a friendly smile on her face. I dreamed we would be together everynight when I was asleep and I daydreamed about her while at school. I really wanted nothing more than to tell her how beutiful she looked and hold her gently in my arms. But still, she never looked in my direction twice >_<

I was quite shy and never had the courage to revieal my feelings for her. One day I decided that enouth was enouth and that I would tell Jessie about how I felt for her. I gathered as much courage as I could for the next day when I would finally tell Jessie about my ultimate love for her.

At school the next day, I nervously walked up to Jessie during Biology class and said to her "Jessie, there is something I need to tell you. It is very imprtant. Could you meet me at the top of the school building at lunchtime today to talk?" She smiled and said she would love to. I felt very excited and joyful for the rest of the lesson ^_^.

I waited at the top of the school building for her at the start of lunch, sweating a puddle of water from my shear nervousness of mucking it up. I took a deep breath and relaxed while I looked at the beutiful scenery below me. Jessie came through the door of the building and approched me with a big smile on her face like always. We exchanged breif chit-chat amongst ourselves before I finally said "Jessie, The reason why I asked you to come up here today was because I wanted to tell you something very important. You see, for many years now I have had feelings for you and I like you alot. I have very passionate feelings for you and I would love nothing better than to get to know you better. So I wanted to ask you, will you be my girlfriend Jessie?"

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