HELP! I only attract Catholics. (37)

6 Name: Crucified : 2007-07-02 02:59 ID:PQh5TS2k

I think to say that is harsh and a misunderstanding of the nature of my Atheism. I personally find theism to be an unscientific and destructive force in society; however, I understand the material and social basis and why so many turn to religion. I see people who are religious as simply misguided, and hey, we all have our hang-ups. I still maintain that people must have the right to religious freedom and should be able to practice what they shall (I have many, many close Christian friends who I do not look down upon). Yet I am very confident of my beliefs, and I will state my opinion if you ask for it... but I digress.

So, tl;dr disagreeing with a belief system and being firm about that disagreement =/= hatred/intolerance of those who believe in that ideology.

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