when the fish aren't biting. At least, of the wrong gender. All I attract is women (am a male) and looking for a guy. I'll say it myself, I act and look straight, and I am not changing that. With that HUGE, obvious problem in mind, what could I do to get around this without straying too much from my comfort zone?
And I really hate telling some girl I am gay, because it makes me want to be straight and then I get all depressed.
ANYWAYS, share problems like this ITT (and help me you losers).
Do you act gay? A odd question, but if a boy cannot TELL you are gay, he will not want to ask you out or anything.
You can always be a man and ask someone yourself.
Two words: gay bar. Ask around to find out about ones nearby. Most people at gay bars are batting for the other team, so there's a better chance of guys hitting on you.
I understand that some gay men are strongly attracted to straight or straight-acting men (Similarly, some straight men dig lesbians and some straight women dig gay men [Unattainability?]).
Maybe you could let on that you were bi-curious and the men would come out of the woodwork?
Beyond that I have no idea how to help you as I don't know how gay men meet each other (unless you count bars, bathhouses and glory holes).
Perhaps keep a discreet symbol of the gay community on your person? Rainbow flag?
perhaps you could carry around a banana and start eating/fellating it when you see a guy you're interested in. good source of potassium, at least...
i neglected this... sorry. thanks for the advice! unfortunately i don't think i'll be catching myself in any gay bars.
Unattainability is correct. People like a challenge.
It's no coincidence that one of the most proven pickup lines ever is "if I weren't gay, you would be so mine."
In the past 6 months I have had to turn down three really cool girls. It's so depressing. D:
Maybe those girls know some gay guys you could be introduced to? Thats how I done it.
You could always try hanging around with a group of those girls as friends, whenever I see a man with four or more women, I tend to assume he's gay.