Numbing oneself (13)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-13 19:56 ID:ADleCBdt

It's a hard question. It really is. One that I don't believe actually has an answer. The best thing I can come up with right now would be to see if you can find a girl to get close to and see how you feel about it.

I understand the workings of your mind. I'm 19, still a virgin, and even though I have had one girlfriend before, it wasn't a serious one and we broke up within a month, it was my choice to. I fade into fiction a great deal to provide myself with the type of emotional relief you were explaining.

But the only way out of it is to find someone you care about, even if it's not necessarily looking for commitment. See if you can find someone. You really don't have anything to lose from what I can tell. Keep us updated. We'll see what we can do.

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