Numbing oneself (13)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-14 00:41 ID:WWAijild

if you're really desperate and aren't totaly poor, i bet you could find some poor foreign girl who's desperate to get married to anyone so she can stay in the country. i know a couple of people who've married such people... pretty sad, but it would be a female and it would be in a relationship of sorts with you, right?
or perhaps you could get to know some ugly desprate girls, and through them you might meet a half decent looking friend of thiers- they usualy have some. it would probly help :) anyway, please don't view getting a girlfriend as totaly outside the realm of possibilities, i'm a pretty good looking female, and i'd date someone who wasn't very attractive if i liked their personality.

to totaly numb yourself to the loneliness would be very very hard, as its human nature to want to have such social experiences, your instincts as a male at this age will be screeching 'find a female! reproduce!' and such... i really don't knw how you'd do that. Maybe if you have something lik a hobby etc you're very passionate about, you can focus the vast majority of your attention on that.

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