regular non-anime girls (19)

1 Name: rogersmith : 2007-07-19 04:58 ID:vSlmrCRs

Well, to first start out when a girl that dosent even know what anime is and you ask a question about it to her, or talk about it. The first thing is are u talking about pokemon or yu-gi-oh as it was in highschool when i did that. But now in college you have your own clubs and im in a club that dose and makes comic strips of anime. also making are own manga for the club that we have been working over the year. But the thing is when you think about it what happens to the people that were labled a anime geek or a cosplay fan person. do they get married to normal people and forget about there love of anime and manga and never go back to it. or do that marry a woman that enjoys anime and manga and have a loving relationship but have bumps in the marriage like every marriage is. i just wonder because for me right now anime is in for me, but music is also a part of my life and going to be a part of my life in my future career in Recording industry. so what do you think people should a person forget about being the anime fan and stop buying anime and go back to being a normal person in society in america. Or stay true to yourself and love both anime and music and never let go of it. i would like for your anwsers and questions on this topic.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-19 05:17 ID:rniVDOts

My own opinion is to stay true to yourself. But if you change, then as long as you believe it, that's still being true to yourself. I just prefer to avoid change, that's all.

I married a girl who didn't really care for anime at all until she met me and happened to discover a few things she liked out of the enormous quantity of things I watch.

The marriage has since ended for completely different reasons, but that's a story for another day.

3 Name: rogersmith : 2007-07-19 05:23 ID:vSlmrCRs

i mean yeah stay true to yourself, but it seems to me if i meet a girl who loves music like me than i have it made, if i find a girl who loves anime like me i have it made. I just want someone in the middle who loves anime and music. I've actually found someone like that who loves music and anime like me, this past anime expo in long beach. Got to hang out and have a lot of fun time talking to each other and talking about anime i mean if you can have a conversation about dragonballz for 2 hours late a night. That has to say something about the connection you have. Were even going to make cosplay costume as a couple or try to even a get group of a anime series together for next convention. i'm just enjoying this time right now and this time im not going to let it go so easiliy than all the rest of the girls i met.

4 Post deleted by moderator.

5 Name: rogersmith : 2007-07-20 00:09 ID:vSlmrCRs

what was delated from there was it a troll or something offensive on there

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-20 01:31 ID:mXVTIkX/

Lots of people like music, and I'm sure many people tolerate anime. You've nothing to worry about.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-20 02:54 ID:Heaven

i couldn't understand a word of the OP.
could someone translate it please.
not a troll.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-20 07:12 ID:/ucqRGwh

Recording Industry huh?
OP, are you a rapper by any chance?
Because none of that made any sense, and it sounded like you didn't take a single breath between any of that.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-20 09:44 ID:H7P6YDmC


**I move away from the mic to breathe in

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-20 18:34 ID:Heaven

third this sentiment.

Try some paragraphs. Question marks would also be helpful.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-21 03:23 ID:wtjvQTt/

Translation: "Hello, how might a college age(!?) individual who enjoys playing and talking about Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and other such crap approach a "Regular Non-Anime Girl"(Which is how I will refer to normal women.) without greeting a can of mace?

Recently I have come to realize the fact that individuals whom join Anime clubs in College are not as likely as others to have long-lasting relationships. I also enjoy music, although that seems irrelevant to this post.

My actual question is this: based on my inferences on real life, should I
A.) stop being a nerd
B.) not stop being a nerd

in order to achieve my goals of getting laid 4 life.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-21 03:30 ID:/ucqRGwh

When you first start talking to a girl who doesn’t know anything about anime, you know you’re in dangerous, unknown territory. Does she like mudkips? What are mudkips? I SAID, DO YOU FUCKIN’ LIEK MUDKIPS??!!

I played Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh a lot in highschool, so I pursued that same passion in college by joining a club. I grow mangoes for the club all year. Unfortunately, people have realized me for what I am, and once again I feel like the fat pokeball in highschool. I have never minded being labeled the fat pokeball before, but now I am at an age where my hormones are raging, and I utterly desire the feel of the fairer sex. I have realized that my fat pokeball stereotype is messing with my chances of getting a non-fat pokeball woman.

I have admitted that I am not normal (see >>1), but even though I recognize that I have a problem (first step of rehabilitation), I am scared of cutting my ties with pokeballs once and for all. An alternative I suppose would be to settle for a fat pokeball woman and pretend that two big bumps could have a happy marriage. I just wonder if I could be a bit more ambitious than that. You know, keep my anime in my heart and the funny music playing in my head.

So I’m asking you guys what you think. Should I go and buy a fan and hope that it will make me cool enough to attract some hot women? Or should I stay within my league, find a fat pokeball woman and never let go of her?

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-21 04:05 ID:/ucqRGwh

Translation for >>3:
Yeah, I know I should just find a fat pokeball woman, but I don’t want to meet just any fat pokeball woman. I want a woman who likes music (such a rarity!). That would be like heaven. Just to re-iterate; it would be like heaven.

Funnily enough, I found pokeball who likes music and anime at an anime expo (what are the chances?!). We talked about dragonballz for two hours. Our connection was just so platonic. We’re even considering going to the next con dressed as a couple. That was a very big step for me. I’m never going to let her go.

So guys, it looks like I ended up with a fat pokeball woman after all. My pokeballs are still intact. My dreams of marrying a non-fat pokeball woman (aka. “NORMAL GIRL” quote: >>1), lasted only for an instant. It last for two posts to be exact. Haha, someone remind me why I started this thread again?

14 Name: rogersmith : 2007-07-21 05:41 ID:vSlmrCRs

What number 13 what do you mean started this thread i started this thread. Sorry about the paragraph, i mean what are u english teachers all of sudden. Anyways to make so clear anyone could understand. Do you think that i should stay with meeting girls who relate to anime and music, or go towards girls that are the total opposite of me and hate anime and music. And the girl i talked about yeah were friend right now so i hope it will stay like that for right now. I want it to go further in the future.

15 Name: rogersmith : 2007-07-21 06:38 ID:vSlmrCRs

She actually skinny

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-22 03:03 ID:wtjvQTt/

Translation for >>14
>>13 Although you are in fact translating what I am saying, I choose to suggest that you yourself are claiming ownership of this thread which in fact, I started.

To reiterate: Should I get with the girls what get with my pokeballs? Or should I get with the girls whom will never appreciate my true character.

And yes, (although I failed to mention this earlier, I am going to pose it as if I HAD mentioned it and further, that we had had a conversation concerning it) the girl I talked about is currently my friend, although I am wishing for further involvement.

Actually, she is in fact, thin.

17 Name: rogersmith : 2007-07-22 04:26 ID:P3ti2bru

okay well keep on making a story for it then if you want. my wish is to kiss a girl that loves anime like this girl to kiss her that my wish

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-22 05:34 ID:yGv7Ufaf

Get a ticket to Otacon.

Im sure there might be someone where, Mr.Smith.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-22 15:50 ID:dgU/nBLd

A woman who doesn't dislike anime and music is the win ^_^b. Doesn't have to be a true otaku...just openminded. I have bad experience with women who dislike anime and my musical taste. I'm not someone you'd call an otaku, but anime, games and music are normal things in my life and I don't like being called "trash" for it O_O;

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