Umm, shit... (7)

1 Name: Severin : 2007-07-22 12:40 ID:M1WvpeLN

Well, new neighbors moved into the apartment right across the hall from us. Two cute women, very nice... well, we ended up havin' a good night of throwing back some drinks, smoking a blunt... and well, one thing led to another and... well.... I ended up spending the night with one of the girls. Much weirdness happened the whole night.

Well, now it's morning and I'm like, ummm.... this could get awkward. So, yeah, how am I gonna keep this shit from getting weird? Should I just play it cool for now, or...?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-22 12:53 ID:aVRjgZJt

do you remember her name?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-22 23:11 ID:fGUsJcmT


This could be important.

4 Name: Severin : 2007-07-22 23:52 ID:M1WvpeLN

I DO remember her name, thankfully.

I also got a note on my front door about a dinner party going on at her place tonight, so I think things are alright for now?

5 Name: ND : 2007-07-22 23:53 ID:IXcJDbj2

O_O....Uh...are you like, in their apartment typing this upon the computer or whatnot? And what weirdness? I want a

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-23 00:35 ID:PtYDKXDZ

Give us updates as the situation progresses.

7 Name: : 2007-07-23 04:43 ID:ZIP1HDra

Things are going great, it sounds like she likes you.

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