Well, I am a young lady, and I am gay. I have been pretty avoidant of the LGBT "scene" for a few reasons. This has pretty much kept me from finding the other lesbians in my community. Before the girl I'm about to tell you about, I'd only ever met 2 other lesbians. One of them was the crazy LGBT scene type, and the other was her very uninteresting-to-me and strange sister. I went to the first one's MySpace once, and it's pretty much just sparkly LGBT ~Lezbian Pryde~ shit everywhere. No visible trace of a personality anywhere...She's just so impressed with herself that she's gay, that she needs no soul I suppose. Her sister just weirds me out, and after highschool she ended up with a boyfriend anyway, so whatever.
But back when I only knew these two, I felt pretty shitty about being gay. I hated to look at the two of them, and then throw in the other lesbian I knew of--Rosie O'Donnel--and think, "I am a part of this group, and this is who I have to choose from for a partner."
But I recently started a new job, and there is a lesbian girl there. She is SO great. She has a real personality, real interests, is into more than just the fact that she is gay, and she is very genuinely nice and funny. I am so glad that I met her, even though we're merely acquaintances at this point. But it makes me feel better that there is at least one lesbian out there who isn't totally nutty and obnoxious. Hopefully I'll meet another one like that someday who I have some chemistry with :3
I come to you with no problems, /love/. I just wanted to tell you about that, 'cause I'm feeling cheerful.
You cheered me up. So much that you make me wish I was female and a lesbian one.
You cheered me up. So much that you make me wish I was female and a lesbian one.
I can empathize. I happen to be bisexual, and it annoys the hell out of me when gay/lesbian/LGBT folk throw pride around and seem to be part of a faceless mass/lifestyle. (And how TV shows now portray gays as humorous, and how some people come out and then suddenly change their behavior and personality to be more "gay".)
Rock on. I'm happy for you.