She is too matured in thinking (16)

1 Name: sadman : 2007-07-27 12:40 ID:NNCKFRKE

have you ever in love with someone at high school? I am sure you do, but the thing is that i love a girl who has been my classmate for years, we seldom talk.

one day i get a chance to express my love, she got the letter i gave, but in her reply she scolded me being not matured and ask me to concentrate on study, she said she has a lot of things she have to plan for her future and actively reject my love.

that's okay, i admit i am a bit too straight forward, so i get her house phone number(she's conservative, thus not having a cell phone), and everytime i call her i am risking myself of being know by her family, which will in turn makes her even hate me.

I called her on a summer holiday, she agree to be friend with me, so i am happy waiting for reopening of the semester, guess what? She still can't accept me as a normal friend as he does to other male friends.

I have to meet her everyday, before, during and as well as after lessons, which drives us crazy......

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-27 16:15 ID:ZDCCpUl1

Hey, that doesn't sound so bad! It's progress, I think, although it seems she's a very serious person, all study and no play?

I guess her family could be an obstacle too.

But still, it's not bad to be rejected for studies, it could be much worse. Maybe you could study together. Then again, maybe she doesn't like you and is using the study-thing as an excuse -_-

What year are you in high school? Is she studying for entrance exams, or something?

3 Name: 红茶 : 2007-07-27 17:57 ID:7fJoeyPV

It's probably hard to deal with seeing her so often but you have to try to act like normal and that nothing is wrong. You should try to distance yourself from a little bit, not so much that you barely talk to her but try not to seem like you only want to speak with her and no one else in the world. She is probably very important to you but if you constantly call her or talk to her all the time she might think you are a bit annoying.

For now I think you should just take it slow and just be regular friends, maybe hang out once in a while when the both of you have nothing to study for. Good luck and keep us posted on what happens ^^

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-27 19:29 ID:BnTxYaXK

okay, i know i'm gonna get scolded by other people for saying this, but this whole thing is just kinda creepy. it reminds me of a situation on of my friends was in. she had a weird creepy guy always trying to talk to her.
and the thing where you say, you seldom talked to her, and then suddenly you write a love letter, that's more than a little creepy.
and i'm hopeing that by getting her home phone #, you asked HER and not got it from someone else. and if her family finds out and gets her to hate you, doesnt that say something? shouldnt she not care if her family finds out about you?
and one last thing... you had to ASK to be friends? that's something that should come naturally. jeez, you really do sound like that creepy guy i'm thinking about. he stalked one girl, he goes around TRYING to talk to people, he goes up to my friend and asks if she will be his friend.... it's all just creepy if you ask me.
-junior in High School

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-28 02:56 ID:ismYawcF

OP’s girl reminds me of myself. Therefore I can kind of relate to her and her no nonsense attitude towards you.

I reckon if she actually liked you in the way that you liked her, she would find a way around all her other commitments. But as it stands, she knows what she wants, and it’s not you. If anything, your confession was probably seen more as a hindrance. You say that she is “too mature”, but I think it’s just you being too immature. Put yourself in her shoes and think about it. If someone you hardly knew professed their love to you, what are the chances of you taking them seriously? She probably dismissed you as having a mere crush on her. Something you would get over in a couple of weeks. The fact that she was so straight forward in rejecting you might of seemed harsh at the time, but trust me, she saved you a lot of trouble.

>>4 Raises an interesting point. You have her number. I’m also interested in how you got it. If you got it directly from her, then I guess there’s no harm done. But if you got it from one of her friends, then she would have a reason to be pissed at you. Personally, I hate it when my number is given out without permission. That aside, I thought you might have guessed from her rejection of you that she would only want you to call if you have a reason to call. Not just idle chat. You said so yourself, you hardly knew her, she obviously doesn’t like you, do you think she would enjoy idly chatting with you? Especially when there’s a chance she could get in trouble with her parents?

Finally, she agreed to be friends with you. That’s well and all, but what exactly are you expecting? You hardly talked to her before the confession, and now all of a sudden, you expect to be treated like her other male friends. A love letter isn’t a ticket into her circle of friends. Of course she won’t treat you like a familiar buddy ol’ pal. It takes time and special circumstances for that to happen.

So my advice for you is to cool it off for now. Stop the random phone calls and respect her priorities. Don’t expect too much from her, but don’t avoid talking to her. Don’t make that dreaded awkward silence. Focus on your studies, and play it cool with her. You have to show her what she’s missing out on. Although, don’t try to stir feelings by moving on to another girl. That will only confirm her suspicions of you being an immature suitor. Time will tell if you guys are going to be good friends or not.

6 Name: sadman : 2007-07-28 05:52 ID:76bj9et6

okay i think it's my strategy that goes wrong, i think she's right, we should concentrate on study right now, because this year we are going to have government exam.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-28 05:58 ID:R6GCmlGY

the first thing you did wrong was confess your feelings in a letter. That is something that would be seen as immature by any girl. it sounds like she's just not interested in you.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-28 06:30 ID:Heaven

OP, are you Malaysian by any chance?

9 Name: sadman : 2007-07-28 16:27 ID:EnP75J1t

ya, that's why i have a dynamic ip

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-28 21:37 ID:BnTxYaXK

you still havnt answered... where did u get her # from

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-29 00:09 ID:Heaven

Actually it was your use of the word "seldom" that gave it away.

12 Name: sadman : 2007-07-29 01:26 ID:EnP75J1t

ya i get it from my friend :C

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-29 02:29 ID:1ia+34lL


How exactly did you deduce that? Just curious>

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-29 02:54 ID:fuJTbzWQ


Yeah, a Japanese student learning English could have used it just as easily.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-29 05:35 ID:Heaven

>>13 >>14

I think you'll find that "seldom" is almost as characteristic of Malaysians as "aiyah" and "lah". I attend an international school, and other races hardly (re: seldom) use the word. The word just sticks out like a sore thumb to me because until I met some Malaysians, I've never heard or used the word in real life.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-07-29 07:36 ID:BnTxYaXK

okay, wow
you got it from a friend...
i say, give up now. stop while you can. be4 she starts complaining to a guy friend, or if he already has, be4 he goes and kicks your ass

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