I have been with this girl since 1 1/2 year.
She is 16 years older than me :\, but still cute and everything.
But she piss me off now.
1)She wants to change me, go out together, stuff like that.
2)She is maniac. She become angry when I use to much water to do her lunch, when I don't clean correctly etc
3)She don't do anything in bed. She ask me to rub her with my hand and that's all. I like that, but it's like having someone masturbate with your hand next to you.
4)She act like a 10 years old, crying when I show her she is wrong or acting very shy in front of unknow people (eyes down, playing with her fingers). It's cute but annoying.
5)She criticize me. i'm stupid, I'm good at nothing etc..., dump me multiple times and call me back several days later.
So, I dump her.
She's crying, she is going to kill herself, her life is meaningless now etc etc...
She send me plenty of sms, mails and call me in the middle of the night to hear my voice.
My friends ask her to stop bothering me.
She still calls me, crying or asking me to go walking with her.
Stupid woman. Crying or threat me is not a good solution. If she did me a blowjob, I'll be with her again.
Well, I don't know how to stop her.
>If she did me a blowjob, I'll be with her again.
This really depends on whether you have a formal or informal eunuch to look after the harem. I guess the girls also need to be informed about this situation before you can call it a harem (unless you're a girl. in that case it would be easier to gather a harem. But it would be stupid to assign a eunuch, I think)
Welcome to Dumbsville. Population: You
16 years older?! How old are you?! Nothing wrong with older women, but damn. You must be at least 45 years old!
Ok.... Well, it sounds like you're getting jack out of this supposed "relationship"... Age-difference aside, what are you getting out of this relationship?
(Now, I don't understand about the comment about "change you", "go out together", etc...) Hate to say it, buddy, but successful couples usually do that kind of thing... Yes, you go out together...
Otherwise, though, it seems like you're putting up w/ a lot of complaining & whining tantrums in this, there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of actual love, and you're apparently not getting anything sexual out of it after a year and a half...
Sounds like you've already come to the realization that you need to drop all relations with her, and move on, but now she won't leave you alone...
You need to see about getting your cell # changed, for one thing... That'll bluntly stop the stalking... (And yes, sms, mails, calls through the night, are stalking, folks...) It's pathetic, and she obviously will continue it until she gets the reactions she hopes for out of you...
Otherwise, explain calmly and seriously the next time you see her of all these reasons... Explain that you're tired of a one sided relationship, where there's nothing physical between you two, nothing but complaining and reprimanding from her, that sort of thing, and explain that it's better if you see other people from here on...
Oh yes you can.
Thanks for you replies (even 4).
"Otherwise, explain calmly and seriously the next time you see her of all these reasons..."
I did that, but she is crazy, she simply said "No". like a child.
"You need to see about getting your cell # changed, for one thing... "
I can't since I use it for work :\
She will become tired eventually.
Hmm... I see that was a thread only for criticize her and clarify myself.
>She is 16 years older than me :\, but still cute and everything.
In regards to >>8
(Even if there's no way to have your phone # changed, you should easily be able to block her number, if you really want her out of your life...
If she's not capable of being mature (and given her age and your age, from the other posting referenced by >>10, she should be the more mature one, if anyone, then there's no future in this relationship...
If you truly wish to break this off, then just block her phone calls, block her e-mails, and drop it; But it seems like you don't fully want to...
"If she's not capable of being mature (and given her age and your age, from the other posting referenced by >>10, she should be the more mature one, if anyone, then there's no future in this relationship..."
Yeah you're right. We are both unexperimented, she is my 1st one, and she didn't have much lovers (i can see why now).
Anyways, I'll ignore her and forget her suicide bullshit.
(She calls me about 30 times in two hours, one call every 4 minutes, quite a performance. And no even for myself, only to not staying alone >_<)
Thx again guys, I'll resist.
She is clearly tsundere for you: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsundere
Just tell her the truth, but break it to her as nicely as possible.
I don't know what else to tell you. I'm kinda in the same situation as your ex ;_;
LOL fucking fob
>>12 congrats for the resistance:) Either she'll realize that it's over because of how she's behaving like a spoiled brat, or she'll finally get some sense in her head and realize that she's behaving like a spoiled brat & grow up!
I see.
Sounds like she's at an age where she's looking to settle down desperately. She got a lucky break and snagged a young guy (aka: you.). Except she also wants someone mature, a steady income, and with the experience of an older guy. Hence her "manic" tendencies in trying to make you into suitable husband material. She can probably see it's not going to happen and she's frustrated, causing her to take it out on you (calling you degrading names etc.). Your age difference makes her shy in front of other people. But she doesn't want to let go of you because she's scared she can't find anyone else at her age, let alone find another young man like you.
Solution: Dump her, before you reach her age, look back, and regret you ever wasted your youth on someone like her. You don't have that much to lose if you drop her now. She on the other hand, has a lot. Apparently enough to die for.
cut her off and start fresh somewhere else, if you give her the opportunity to change you it will be basically be the end of your life, and that is wtihout having lived one to begin with.
Explain more. =]
wait, dont rush. okay put it this way. now she would listen to u in any way u want. why dont u tell her to drink ur piss and eat ur shit. you can probably explore new field.