confused (9)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-03 11:03 ID:X/rrZ8DU

i met this girl for only 2 weeks, we're pretty close as we talk on the phone almost everday for like 3-4 hours and once went for 8 hours, we seem to get along really well and i make her laugh alot. i went to see her one night cos she was sick and shes told me stuff that not even her best friend knows about it. but the problem is i dont know if she likes me cos shes so use to hang out with guys and stuff and apparently shes a attention seeker. she always tell me to call her and stuff so i'm really confused cos if she doens't like me and i confess to her, our friendship is gonna break, so little help here please!

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-03 12:40 ID:4Msw/aZ5

As I see it you're stuck in the friend zone and up until know I know no tricks to get out of there.

I might be wrong though.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-03 13:38 ID:Fho0bo6D

theres definitely a chance that you can bring this to a relationship, but careful though, attention seeking women are very insecure and you might have to sacrifice lots of things if you do go out with her. this is how exactly my ex and i started, but i couldn't take her insecurity so we broke up after a year

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-03 16:14 ID:YoYHVios

i suggest you let her know you're interested in a very casual off-hand sort of way, in which case it should be a lot less awkward if she doesnt reciprocate you're feelings. As a female that tends to have male friends, i can tell you that many females as such are happy to keep being friends with guys that have confessed to them...the onl issue is avoiding any major initial awkwardness.

>>2 the 'friend zone' isn't as much of an obstacle as a lot of guys seem to think. often it isn't an obstacle at least... many women feel that being friend with someone first is very much prefferable to just meeting some random guy.
girls who like having male friends generaly try to make friends with ones they think are good loking, or at least somewhat good looking, since its more fun than being freinds with a bunch of ugly losers. ie the girl probably thinks at least some of her male friends are hot. girls avoid being friens with guys they think are totaly gross.
also, i, and the other girls i know who tend to hang out wth guys rather than a bunch of other girls are often interested in one of those friends, or at least thinking 'hmmn, if [instert name] were to ask me out, that would be cool' and we wonder things like 'i wonder how many of my male friends think im hot?' or 'are any of these guys interested in me?'

here is a strategy to help determine whether confessing your feelings to a female friend would be a good idea or not. i know it can work, because it was used on me by my last boyfriend lol
first make sure you're talking about relationships or taste or something that won't make the question seem surprising to be suddenly asked. then, you say some thing like 'hey, [insert name of other male friend here] and i were aguing/talking [or something] the other night about which one of us is more your type/ you'd be more likely to be interested in [something like that] ?'
her response should hopefully give you a good idea about how interested in you she might be. even if she says its you in a seemingly joking way, its still a pretty good sign. if there's any blushing involved, she's yours lol. as long as she doenst say the other guy lol

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-04 01:46 ID:X/rrZ8DU

op here
>>4 well we talk alot about relationships in the past, what its like and stuff. sometimes she often say how lonley she is now cos shes single and stuff so i thought maybe that was some sign or something. shes also come to my house a few times cos she wants me to teach her piano and stuff, but last nite she said something that caught my attention. we were chatting and suddenly she said " i think you spent too much time on the girl u like" i was confused again so i said 'wat do u mean?" then she goes on saying how its a waste cos i kept getting rejected in the past and its better not to like someone. when she told me that, i thought maybe she already have an idea that i might like her and is trying to hint to me that she doens't like me or something. but if thats true, shes been leading me as if shes interested in me or that she likes me.
>>3 yeh its true, i've sacrificed alot of my own time and got in trouble a bit from my parents cos they said i spent too much time talking to her on the phone.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-08 19:43 ID:SsO6ta85


I agree with 4,

I got out of a friend zone.

just change your attitude towards her.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-09 08:53 ID:X/rrZ8DU

apparently she knew i liked her for like 2 weeks and now shes just pretending i dont exist when it was all normal the other day. my friend said she does this to people when she knows they like her and she slightly likes them, she just ignroes them and see thier reaction. my friend suggested to do the same and act if u dont really care if she does start talking, but i really doubt she'll talk to me, kinda annoys me since i was being used a bit...

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-10 12:46 ID:W/3xk4Bo

hmmmn...sounds a lot like a typical attention seeker. I suggest keeping away from such an immature and probably selfish girl entirely.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-10 13:46 ID:NDFl8Y6H


Agreed, dont waste time on them, at best let them waste time on you

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