I have a girlfriend. We've been together now for 15 months. She once cheated on me, but she promised that she would never do it again, and really she's been very faithful since.
Problem is, we often argue about little things. It's getting really tiresome, and a lot of times I'm thinking of breaking up with her. I would too, only that I have very few friends, and I don't want to be alone when I finally break up with her. (I live away from my family by the way.)
She's like the only companion I have. I have friends, but she's the only one I really hang out with for the past year. Also, I love her. But I just can't with her anymore what with everyday arguments over practically nothing.
tl;dr Guy wants to break up with girlfriend but scared of being alone
try going out and make some new friends, if you are comfortable with your social life then break up with her
If you're interested in saving your relationship, try to spend just half of the time you'd usually spend with her. The quality of the time you spend together is inversely proportional to the quantity.
This way you save the relationship and enrich your social life.
I don't think spending time with is girlfriend will enrich his social life. He hangs out with her most of his time, and he the time they do spend together they are not enjoying it. Also by spending time with her, he is avoiding time with your other friends. If he hangs out with others, he will have a greater chance of meeting new people and start to rebuild his social network.
OP sorry to say it, but this relationship is going sour. If you don't end it soon, she will, those little arguements will quickly build up into bigger ones until it's over. End it on YOUR terms, so you can have the dignity of knowing she didn't dump you. And how, just sit her down one day, some place quiet and public and tell her it is not working out and you want to end it. Obviously there is no real nice way of ending it, so just be quick and clean with the cut.
>>4 3 isn't saying he needs to spend time. Or rather, he/she is saying that the OP should spend LESS time with his girlfriend friend. Put the quality of quantity. Make a fun 2 hours instead of a terrible 4 hours.
You don't need to wait until you make friends to break up. Because you just don't know when that will happen. It might just be better to break up then meet up with friends.
Yes. Spend Less time with her, more time with other friends. Hey, it might be that you two just need time out from each other. Plus if you're with someone 24/7, you're bound to be irritated and snappy after a while. It's natural that you need some of your own space. It's also healthy too.
Thanks guys. Yes I'm gonna give >>3 a go. That way we appreciate more the time we spend with each other. It's actually quite exciting cause it's like starting over again. I'm going to talk to her, and tell her that we should try to patch the missing links in our relationship, and try to make things different this time.
Ok, she said something last I talked to her about her cousin trying to take her place...
not sure if this is serious or not, but her m.o. is usually to say something like that to get me to stop worrying about it... I dont know, but I need to get a sense of what's happening. I'll call her tonight and post tommorow.
when someone cheated u and she/he told to u that she/he will never do that again.. don't really believe that... because almost all of the person like like bore their promise ^^; i did
Yes, I definately agree with >>3 idea. Even if you love someone, if you spend too much time with that person, you will begin to nitpick, and things might end badly.
You also might want to try talking to her about all the little fights. Sit her down and say that you hate the squabbles, and you'd like to try and keep them at bay.
If that doesn't work, then it may be time to try and make some new friends...