Uh.... Yeaah?
> ^^ T^T !! !!!!!! (A) =.= T^T" >.......< OMG! sms ^^ XD ^^; n ^^
I'm sorry, but these were the most legible parts in your post.
my words lose 0_0 wew... that's okay =.=
wew.. my problem now is about a man, i know him from a forum ^^ his name is F, and he always sends a sms in the right time.. when i was feeling down and desperate, and i couldn't handle it again... he sent me a sms... and i told about everything at that time.. and avter that we have been closing friend..
well... he and in different country, and i know the fee to send a sms it's expensive. so, i feel a little bit guilty with him, but when i asked about it, he just answered, "that's okay... i wanna chat with u ^^" wew... ok.. made me blushing...
and in the same time, i have been closing with another guy, who have same history with F ^^; i knew him from forum.. but.. the differet is, he always tells me everthing... about his problem, and just me and God who know it... i very very proud about that..
but i don't want my relationship whit those guys changed... i just want to be their friend.. just it.. but.. i' afraid me or them have different feelling....
so... what should i do?
eh, I do have to agree with >>3. you are a little difficult to understand. but from what i can gather, you are a very young lady. you have A LOT of time to get into a real relationship. as for these two guys, if no one has explicitly confessed for anyone, then just continue to be good friends with them. if either one of them confesses, tell them you aren't ready. if they are real men, they should understand.
You should date me
You're in middle school. Don't even consider meeting or having a relationship with someone you've met online.
...that is, unless they go to your school or something. But other than that, I won't allow it. :)
lol middleschool
Maybe it was the second time you sucked a dick?
Normally, I would ignore or condone such a derogatory remark... but I lol'd.
But I've only sucked a dick once.
It was my father's... and I was cleaning to poison off for him.