i need help with my girl and her bad cousin (26)

1 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-16 13:00 ID:uz/uVl3f

well first of all i met this wonderful girl... shes 2 years younger. her parents are ok with me dating her but then along comes her cousin who for some reason judges me cuz i USED to play DDR and wore army boots when i was like 15-16 and now im 18. and everyday he says bad things about me to my girl and she doesnt believe him but it hurts her soo much she cries and she and i arent giving up just cuz of that. but i cant stand to know that she cries cuz her cousin claims hes saving her from pain BY GIVING HER PAIN... and he threatens her by saying shell destroy me to her family... and i cant fight him cuz she doesnt want me to tech him a lesson... i wanna resolve this and just get him to stop making her cry and feel bad before i lose it and make a mistake with him... i already tried talking to him but he just played along till my "sources" told me he just did that to let my guard down so itll be easier to bring me down... i dont know what to do i cant find a way to reason with him... hes the typical "socially inclined rich guy" whos smart and ignorant and only cares about social strata... and hes egocentric he is one huge ass thats trying to take the world inside >_>

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-16 13:28 ID:pWyX1aDZ

why does your cousin care so much about you and your gf?? is he attracted to your gf at all?

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-16 13:42 ID:Sez136Sl

.... Wow this thread died fast, it's because all of the Densha wanna bees thats why. Well stop trying to make a Densha story and make one of your own. The fact that its a movie, a series ,a special, a manga, a book and it actually happened means that it has gone a far way and this is a Love Story that has ended already, it's time to create your own love story. Peace.

4 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-17 01:50 ID:uz/uVl3f

its not my cousin its her cousin and im ot sure all i remember was we used to be oppenents when i was a kid in some literary contest... and for the other pster this isnt a story its real i dunno wth densha is... i got this site from a friend of mine and he said i could get some advice here... please dont be mean and ust judge things asap... just cuz you like some story or movie doesnt mean i do,

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-17 03:18 ID:ilpWjZiE


-Tell your girlfriend the truth about you if she doesn't allready know, your past and that you're different now, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.
-Tell her not to listen to this cousin of hers because he's just trying to get in your way for whatever reason, maybe he just doesn't like you.
-Just be cool about it, be cooool. Show that you are a really nice and decent guy so that this fucking cousin will eventually have to be ashamed of accusing you. If the rest of her family loves you because they see that you're a great guy who makes your girlfriend happy they will eventually turn on this foulmouthed asshole.
-Do not talk shit about the asshole, say nothing bad about him neither to your friends, your girlfriends family nor your own, just make sure your girlfriend understands that he's just wrong.

In time she will realize what is going on and so will everyone else, you just have to endure and stay strong. Teaching idiots a lesson(beating up, angrily confronting etc.) never works in the short run, and you don't have the situation here to wait for a long run to pay off. As I said just be cool and show by example.

It will work out fine if you do.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-17 03:19 ID:wFNsPceu

> for some reason judges me
> the typical "socially inclined rich guy" whos smart and ignorant and only cares about social strata... and hes egocentric he is one huge ass thats trying to take the world inside

Cut back on the hypocrisy and you might get a little more sympathy.
A little honesty on your part could also go a long way.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-17 06:29 ID:jMDhaDEC

it is possible the dude is just jealous of your happiness. he probably has a shitty love live and by ruining yours he may feel better because he isnt the only one suffering.

8 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-17 12:20 ID:uz/uVl3f

5th poster thanks im doing that right now. my girl knows hes lying and all but i just cant stand her crying every night cuz of what hes sayin to her that hurts her... i tell her to keep her chin up and not listen cuz only me and her matter... shes happy about that but the guy rus it in her face that were a plane ride away... we live on diff islands but in thsame country... and i already told her all the bad things ive done i introduced her to everybody i know that she can ask question to about me and she doesnt cuz she trusts me.... basically im ok with being passive but im sure you know how much it hurts and how hard it is to hear the person you love cry so hard cuz somebody is insecure or just being a plain ass... i dont have a prob with this guy nor do i care it only matters cuz hes hurting her alot and i ask my girl if she wants to rethink us cuz of how shes being treated by her cousin and how shes being hurt... im happy that she doesnt want to and got mad at me cuz i mentioned it... but i just wish i could stop her crying every other day... words of love only go so far to cheer her up every day... thats all i can do now is to make things better when it happens... i just wish i could just stop her tears and pain.

for the 6th poster =

ask anyone around who knows him they all say thesame thing its only cuz his family is rich and is in politics that they look past him... i dont have anything against him but i am angry hes doin this to a person he says hes protecting and that he loves if you loved somebody would you insult the person they love and watch them cry every chance you get? im aware in being alil hypocritic but as i said alot of people agree with him... if i mention to you what his best friend whos my bestfriend says about him youd think what i said about him was just being sarcastic.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-17 14:32 ID:pnWehkmA

Ummm... My only real question here is what's wrong with playing DDR and wearing army boots? Does this somehow make you a bad person? I play DDR... Am I horrible now?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-17 22:39 ID:wFNsPceu

Worse than Mussolini.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-17 22:58 ID:ilpWjZiE


I guess in some circles that's simply not the cool shit and it implies you're a fucking loser somehow.


He'll run his own mouth right into the ground eventually. Even if your girlfriend cries, don't react on it so seriously, knowing already how stupid the reason is. Just stay cool and comfort her, get her on other thoughts.

12 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-18 01:12 ID:uz/uVl3f

LOL @ 9th & 10th poster

ill keep that in mind thanks 11th poster

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-18 09:09 ID:Heaven

>i already tried talking to him but he just played along till my "sources" told me he just did that to let my guard down so itll be easier to bring me down...

I lol'd. This line just sounded so ghetto.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-18 09:14 ID:Heaven

And after just viewing your myspace, I'd have to say you look pretty ghetto too. Who can blame her cousin for trying to keep her from a one eyed monster?

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-18 13:09 ID:KqNFg6k3

>>14 is right.
Your (and her cousin's) problem is more probably that you want to die than that you played DDR years ago.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-18 13:27 ID:ilpWjZiE


Wow, yeah, you know if I had only realized you were this dark hearted emo-dude wanting to die, my answer would have been very different....

So here's a new outline for you: FUCK EMO BULLSHIT

To a certain degree I can definately understand your girlfriends cousin now, even if his approach suck cocks.
You need to stop wanting to die because of your past, whatever happened there, it's gone now. And you need to start wanting to live for your girlfriend. And that change is going to transform you, inside out. Don't let the past define who you are, live today for the future.

If you don't, you've totally lost my backing.

17 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-19 04:52 ID:YgLs8JE6

lol its sad you guys think im emo hahaha again with the hypocricy... dude im not emo nor ghetto nor whatever im just me trust me ive seen my share of emo fags who cut themselves cuz they thinkk its a fashion sense besides if i was emo i wouldnt be a breakdancer nor would i be a dj in a night club that only house/rnb crowds go to now would i... so before you go around judging people look at your own freaking self cuz you guys NEED a serious rain check

18 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-19 05:05 ID:YgLs8JE6

one more thing im not into that suicide crap i admit i probably was when i was like 16 cuz my father was murdered and the killer got away cuz of the how do you say... uhm stupid and useless police force of the country im in... but however ones myspace is like doesnt reflect a persons whole life. its just a freaking way to contact my friends in the us for mei dont give a damn about it thats why its s barren the last time i even updated anything in it was like 7 months ago and that was just chaning the song..last time i uploaded a pic was 8 months ago... so if any of you people want to be ignorant assholes my guest but it only proves 2 things
youre insecure and you probably have such a sad and angry life that you take it out on others dont make me get all psychoanalitic on you im a junior in psychology you nitwits i hate people like you who judge people on their outter appearance youre most likely like her cousin and i pity you... atleast 90% of all the other posters before you came along had a mind and arent as judgemental as you you prick.

>>14 & 15 i admit those thing but that was in the past and he only knew me when i looked up to him as a older brother when i competed against him in a impromptu contest he doesnt know anything about my life after that nor does he have a myspace... so its not that cuz he doesnt have a clue that at one point in my life i made a mistake and i thought i went down the wrong path and then my dad was murdered so i thought i was doin the right thing being "emo/gothic" but about 9-10 months ago it all changed and i did too for the better so im sure its nothin about the time i wanted to die... which i say WAS a very stupid and bad choice i made i wasted 1 year and 3 months just kicking myself around so you can call me stupid for that and call me a asshole or whatever... but i assure you im not "emo" nor do i want to do the things i did... if i still do why would i ask for help and/or even give a damn with whatevers happening... please rethink what you said and please give me advice cuz everyone changes and gets a second chance in life and joy and this is mine... and if you were in my shoes im sure you wouldnt want to lose or give up now would you

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-19 12:33 ID:ilpWjZiE


So what the fuck am I supposed to believe then, you must realize the importance of making a good impression, and I don't know you from anything except what you've said here and what I found in that link.

Sure it's just a myspace or whatever but it's about YOU nonetheless, it's the front you have chosen to represent yourself, and if that's sooo not you anymore why don't you just fucking change it?
And in general be sure that the way you dress and act and talk really reflects that you are a happy, sane and stable person, or else you really can't blame people for thinking otherwise.

Seriously you can't, people simple are like that and there's nothing we can do about it. Then again I don't really see why we should make hints with our appearance and acting towards a way of life we don't stand for. Understand what I mean? It's just stupid.

So you can rave all you want, I understand you're upset but you're sort of setting yourself up.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-19 13:58 ID:cipmRDj3

> so before you go around judging people look at your own freaking self cuz you guys NEED a serious rain check

yeah i know, phoenix wright was sold out when i got to the store :(

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-19 16:35 ID:fsIKrzTw

>>20 lmao

>>18 I have to agree with >>18 here. But anyway, I doubt that your girlfriend's cousin is really as horrible as you say he is. Before you can have people stop judging you and accept you, you need to stop judging them and accept them first. In this thread, you were the first to judge as well as most frequent. Re-read your posts, you'll see.
Anyway, you said you didn't have a problem with this cousin guy, but clearly, you dislike him. You said you tried talking to him, but what was the conversation about? Try confronting this guy again. Everyone has a motive for doing things. No one does something just because they want to be an jerk. He must have a motive. Find out. Don't let things get violent. If he hits you, let him, if that's the only way to have him stop. Chances are, if you lay a finger on him, it will make things so much worse for you. Does he realize what he's doing is hurting your girlfriend? If that doesn't help, you're out of luck. You just have to wait until your girlfriend is mature enough to not let something like that bother her.
If you truly want to put this matter at an end, then you have no choice but to stay calm and think clearly. No one here really cares about your past or what you do or what you look like. You're letting your ego get to you, taking this way too personally.

By the way, please, if you're not gonna use caps or spell things correctly enough for me to decipher, at least put some grammar to good use. You're giving me a hell of a time figuring out what the hell you're trying to say half the time.

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-19 16:36 ID:fsIKrzTw

>I have to agree with >>19 here.

Fix. My bad.

23 Name: Not_YourFriend : 2007-08-19 16:58 ID:5TFCd885

I completely agree with >>21 here

I dont really think you should mind her cousin as to fighting with him, instead of fighting him you should teach her how 2 defend her self agenst him. Fighting for her could make her less independent & lean more onto u.
& i dont see why though you all have the need to use vulgar language in here! People come here for help, not to be judged.

24 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-20 02:56 ID:YgLs8JE6

thanks 23 and 21 i get your point sorry about the ranting i do admit i have been a ass and judged the guy alil fast but its just that when i tried getting to know him he just insulted me i guess you guys have a point just dont make it about my past lifestyle ill edit my myspace sometime this week then thanks for the help and advice you guys helped and for those who did insult me i apologize for fighting back i guess i did kinda set myself up with the myspace but im not the kinda guy my myspace reflects anymore so at the very least just reconsider that part. sorry for the wrong grammar i and spellings i dont watch out for it thanks for givin me a reality check while helpin me ill take most of what the negative posts said and prove them wrong but some things i admit is my fault i just hoped they wouldve said it alil more kindly rather thank insulting me and all that. i thank all of you for your help and im open to any more advice so youre welcome to give more. to everyone whos helped me so far i thank you for it and i owe you and one day god will repay you for this thanks guys for keeping the love alive in the world

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-08-20 08:59 ID:ilpWjZiE


Yeah you seem like a sensible person when everything comes around, I won't look at who you were but who you want to and try to be, and you're showing the right attitude. You have my blessing, best of luck to you.

26 Name: Amphetamine Kiss : 2007-08-21 01:09 ID:YgLs8JE6

thanks my girl red the post she got mad cuz i was being a jerk hahaha i got myself in trouble
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