Serious opinions only please. Personally I don't think it matters, and that you can't help it if who you fall in love with is genetically related to you.
Are you in love with your little sister? How old is she?
I don't see a problem with it, I just think someone in that situation shouldn't birth children. It's fine for the people to do what they want with their own lives, but if your kid might end up deformed or handicapped, it's not fair to he or she, especially since there is always the option of adopting a kid.
Well maybe, I was just looking for impersonal opinions though. She might possibly be 12 though...
For a baby, there's a 1/100 chance it will end up deformed. For products of incest, that chance triples. Meaning there's a 3/100 chance, which is 3%. So yes non-incestual couples have a 2% less chance of producing a deformed child, but it's sort of irrelevant.
Oversimplified, and the truth is scarier.
Chances of some of the nastier, more lethal birth defects increase as a woman ages. For example, if a woman is over 40, she has about a 1 in 25 chance of giving birth to a child with Down's Syndrome (and Down's children rarely live past the age of 25 or so, it isn't just their faces and their brains that come out messed up, it's their hearts too).
And when first cousins marry, the risk of severe birth defects is 5x that of the baseline population--which is why it is banned in most of the US. I have seen no figures on brother-sister incest but it can only be more dangerous. When nasty recessive genes get reinforced on both sides, they come out to play and horrible things happen. The more closely related the parents are, the greater the odds of lethal recessive genes being combined from both parents.
She's only 12 though! And honestly, we don't even need to have kids. There's way too many in the world already. What we need to be doing is banning reproduction, having everyone adopt kids, and then once they're all taken care of start making more.
It is wrong except in H-manga.
>>5 Bad math -- non-incestuous couples have 66.7% less chance of a deformed baby if your 1/100 and 3/100 figures are right.
No you're a moron. 3/100 is 3%, 1/100 is 1%. What's 3% - 1%? 2%. If it was 1/3 and 3/3 then you'd be right, but it's not, so you're wrong.
You're how old now? Apart from the whole "sister" thing, is this also a lolicon thread?
in b4 stick it in her pooper
I think it is fine if you feel that this is right.
If these are you true feelings try not to let anybody judge you.
There has been other thread like this but other perspective. Girl came here for advice about persisting brothers affection. FO no like very much how that turned out. This personal freedom of yours to confess is choice for you to make.
FO advise against it though. It gonna make real big impact on her, it no fun for her. You live in same house, your presence gonna be really imposing on her, perhaps. After all, she cannot evade you. What gain will she have from it? You must at least consider that confession has egoistic nature.
You can confess to her, you can try to confess on paper. FO suggest the latter, that you confide to paper the very thoughts you have for your sister. By translating them into language you can view your own thoughts. By writing them down you may view other thoughts that were first obscured by the ones now on the sheet. The exercise is introspection, the goal is freedom from the multitude of incoherent, blunt but loud feelings plaguing the heart. It takes effort, but trust: with perseverance you can follow even the most elusive thoughts. Make sure to follow your thoughts, dont capture them, for captured thoughts wither quickly, faster than it takes for you to properly regard them.
Good luck. FO say bye now!
The first large scale study on the subject was completed earlier this year. That is a study incestuous relationships, and birth defects I mean, and as I recall it found that women delaying pregnancy till they were in their thirties had almost 50X more risk associated with their children's genetic health than a child conceived of an incestous relationship.
Also you could resolve not to reproduce, or use a downer egg, or sperm, to allow yourself to avoid the problem all together.
So the principle concern in this situation is whether or not your sister would be receptive to such a relationship.
WTF is this SHIT
There are more than just physical complications in this equation.
It's the awkward social results and the eventual impact on family bonds. It's an outrage to our deeply sown social habits, it will in the long run negatively affect both ourselves and people around us.
Maybe you can't help who you fall in love with, even though it indicates that you are deeply disturbed if you do fall in love with a sibling or a parent(at an sexually active age when the concept of romantic relations are fully concieved). However, you can definately help which attractions you choose to nourish with your interest, and who you choose to stick your motherfucking dick in.
Do not, don't, don't ever under any circumstances, entertain romantic/sexual impulses towards unsuiting objects. The mind is a maze and people often get lost in it, realize that some things that fly through your head is an enemy of your best interests and should be treated as such. Mental stimulation and pleasure is not an excuse to set yourself and people around you up with emotional distress.
Don't let yourselves be mentally raped, don't rape the good order of social structure because it is the foundation for everything that is good in this world.
Well sorry, but I've already confessed my love for her. I clarified that I meant romantically, and she agreed with me. She told me she'd be my special girlfriend, and I'm now saving up money so I can run away with her. We already had sex too, we used a condom though so no pregnancy. She's so sweet.