Hmm... came here kinda accidentaly you know...
Anyway. I'm in love with a little girl. I think she is in love with me too. she is 9. I'm 22.
she is the daughter of a good friend of mine. he is around 45. we have a big group.
She always hugs and kiss me, tallks a lot with me, and touch me a lot too.
Of course you may say its normal, because she's a child etc etc. But she doesn't hugs, kiss and touches etc other people of the group.
So I think she loves me.
Or am I too friendly?
Or she sees me as an "older brother"?
what do you guys think?
(BTW: Her younger sister (5) does the exact same thing with me)
Thats great! It's perfectly fine to love them, They are like little sisters to you right? Or maybe like your own daughters or own nieces yes? It's perfectly normal to love them like that.
yes, kinda like little sisters. I didn't have brothers or sisters so it feels like it.
But I think I love the older one in a more...romantic way...
Please, continue.
I say go for it, just don't let anybody find out. Age is only a number ;)
> Age is only a number
Exactly. Why do we even have a minimum sex/driving/drinking/smoking age? If your six year old daughter wants to do that shit, let them be free!
Haha... That is trouble... I was in the same situation although the kid actually seduced me and tried to "rape" me many times. At the age of 9, she actually knows how to be sexy, uses sensual perfumes like her mother's (whom I had the hots for). She's also very beautiful and sexy, she's a pervert though. I almost gave in her last attempt, she straddled me while I was lying in the sofa in their house trying to get some sleep and french kissed me like she always did but at that time, it was like I was filled up and my sanity just escaped me. Good thing I did nothing and just got petrified like an idiot (I usually push her back and scold her). She said she wanted to marry me when she grew up, she was 9 then, I was 17. I'm 22 now, she would be in high school, her boyfriend could've been lucky or very unlucky depending on his personality. She was intelligent and mature for her age though. Oh, she made me a love letter, it said that she loves me and she wants to marry me when she's all grown up. Heh, makes me laugh until now whenever I remember it.
Anyway, good luck and don't listen to >>5. At that age, anything could be love. Even if she loves you (she might just be curious), it would only be trouble. You are too friendly. Update us though.
Yeah, look, don't read too much into this. I don't care how smart a 9 year old is, you don't know a damn thing about love until yuo enter a meaningful relationship with someone and work though it. This starts with those so called "BS" relationships in jr. high and high school, and the leve of sexual and emotional maturity just grows with each relationship and time.
As a 22 year old man, you should not be reading into a 9 year old as any sort of romantic partner. She can be your friend, you can have a big brother/little sister relationship, but for the love of all things don't get serious with a 9 year old girl.
And pray to god your friend does not see this thread and find you out. In all honesty, if I were a parent and thought some 22 year old was thiking if initiating any sort of relationship with ym 9 ear old daughter, irregardless of how well I knew them, I would consider legal action against them, if not cold-blooded murder.
hmm, I see.
Well, I intend to continue this "brother-sister" relationship.
But I do love her.
How can I know that she loves me too?
Also would it be a good idea to wait for her to grow up? in that case what do yoy think would be a good age? I thought around 13 or so.
How about you wait until you have the same mental age as the girl?
I hope you meant the opposite, but whatever
I say start now. No reason to delay the inevitable. And if you want to know, just ask. Ask her if she loves you as her mom loves her dad.
I think she's trying to say the OP is isn't as smart as the young girl he claims to love.
isn't there a less straight-forward way?
Mr. Humbert?
Hmm, try dropping little hints about marriage and stuff. Say small things like "you're going to be a real heartbreaker one day, I wish I could marry you..." etc., observe her in general. If she responds favorably, then you're should go for the million dollar question and confirm your suspicions.
>>9 No earlier than the legal age in your locale, probably 16 or 18. Any younger than that and not only is it very creepy and taking advantage of her, but also very illegal. And they don't treat pedophiles very kindly in jail.
This guy is a moron, the govt. decides the laws, but they don't decide the laws of love. I would never let George Bush tell me what's right and what's wrong and who I love and who I don't.
everyone in here just got trolled hard
It's true.
Sounds like the same kind of love a daughter gives to her father when she asks him to marry her....I've had a similar experience, but I'm smart enough to not let it go any further. I told her I already had a girl, which I did, and she gave up, so ya
I think she's the expressive type so she'll tell you herself pretty soon if she really likes you. If she doesn't then don't get your hopes up.
Wait for her to grow up? That would be wasting precious time that you could spend on nurturing new healthy relationships. We live in the real world, not in a fairytale. There is no good age, you can start now if you want - but I tell you, you're just looking for trouble if you get yourself involved with kids.
IT's nice that you care for her as a big brother but 'somthing more' is just ridiculous! first of all, that's being a pedophile. you're 22 that's digusting for a 9 year old!!!!
9 year old are just CHILDREN and they do not know how to deal with adult or more mature issues such as 'romance' and 'love'
never give a child adult things to handle. that's really wrong. don't even go there!!!!
a romantice relationship between a 9 year old and 22 year old is wrong and sick ~~~~ and if she 'likes' you 'like' when you are 9 years old is completely different when you are let's say '20' or '16' years old!!!!
don't even ask her because she probably doesn't understand the meaning of 'like' ~!!!!!!!!
Moron, go repeat what else Bill O'Reilly said. Children are highly sexual beings, why do you think there's so many stories of childhood sex? Hell my friends used to jerk each other off in kindergarten, we didn't even have a concept of gay or straight we just did it for pleasure. Children are very hedonistic, they love pleasure. You should definitely treat her like a little sister and maybe a "secret boyfriend", and there's no problem with adding a sexual element too. Penetration might be difficult (lube lube lube) but there's no reason she can't suck you off and you can't lick those little cunt lips so you both get pleasure. One guy in here said you're asking for trouble when you have sex with a child, but only if you're caught. 9 year olds are perfectly capable of keeping secrets as long as you stress the importance of them. There will always be age of consent laws, there will always be religions spouting their bullshit, there will always be people like Chris Hansen, but love will never be bound by mortal humans' definition. If there's a mutual romantic interest, go for it. Children her age need fulfilling relationships just as much as people your age do. And you've said she's advanced, so why not?
Here's more proof on how the antis arguments are flawed. They claim having sex with children is wrong because they're "not smart enough". What about having sex with a 25 year old who is mentally retarded and has the mind of a 7 year old? Is that pedophilia? Or what about a child prodigy, 7 years old but as smart as a 30 year old. Is that pedophilia? The problem with age of consent laws and concepts of morality concerning love is that love is an entirely unlegal concept. You can't apply laws to matters of the heart, it's insane! A while ago, people told us that homosexuality and interracial marriage were wrong too, now they're just seen as bigots because that's exactly what they are. Pedophobes are just bigots too. If you love her, and she loves you, don't let something as insignificant as a number stop you both from enjoying each other.
I say we burn that bastard at the stake! How dare he provide a well thought out argument disagreeing with our deeply ingrained opinions!
>>26 "What about having sex with a 25 year old who is mentally retarded and has the mind of a 7 year old? "
Uh.. thats pretty wrong you know.
And I've never once ever did anything like what you described as a child.
>>26 that's no proof, just bad arguments. Get banned, please.
It has to do with maturity, not age, not intelligence, and not hedonism. A nine year old, even if she is a child prodigy will never have the maturity level of an adult.
I learned this the hard way when one of my friends, (a 14-year old college student) and I had a falling out that was straight out of junior high. She got jealous when I got a significant other and stopped talking to me.
Never do anything sexual or try to get into a romantic relationship with someone who doesn't have the maturity level of an adult. The real defining factor is maturity, not age.
This is a VERY delicate matter indeed... I have to agree with no.31 but if I am in your situation, I would just be her big brother.
You are wrong, YOU are a living reason why children should not have sex, not with other children, not with adults. Your past experiences has brought you to this. Just because the reasons not to have lost meaning to you, doesn't mean that it has to others. There is something missing inside of you, maybe you've been without it so long you don't realize it.
Fucking sheep.
For a start, just look at >>26 write, what the fuck is that? People are formable in a way that's frightening, and they will sit there thinking they are normal and alright while they are still so fucking deprived, they aren't even a fraction of a man.
This person has completely lost perspective in his own, reclused little mind.
>>35 I think it has more to do with keeping up an appearance that will allow one to excel in society and interpersonal relationships than with following the crowd. People conform to society's norms in order not to be left all alone at the end of the day. What >>34 is saying is that if you hold true to the beliefs of society, you won't become an outcast or "a martyr for your cause".
If you want to do something that most people believe is wrong, fine. People that don't do this aren't sheep -- they're just using their basic survival tactics to blend into the background and coexist peacefully with the rest of the world.