What the hell do girls find attractive?
Something different to being confident and fit and healthy, I am those..and it isn't just that.
I'm not shit faced ugly either. Could you ladies describe some scenarios where you find a guy attractive?
I'm in college(UK) currently and whilst it's still early days, i'd like to know if i'm creating an aura of attraction at all. I understand that being seen smiling and laughing can be seen as attractive, what I want is more info on the lines of that.
I'm not shy, but I won't talk to a girl unless the situation allows it comfortably. With cliques abound it isn't exactly a case of just walking up to them either.
I know a bit about body language, i've had some girls pointing their feet and looking at me, but i'd have to be stupid to base everything just on that.
Please tell me subversive techniques that WORK in attracting girls, preferably from girls themselves.
while its good to be healthy you'll probably need to have confidence and a good personality so that they can actually relate to you, no point being healthy if your scary to talk to, or hard to talk to or can't be easily approached. That and you need to be able to go out there and make some new female friends
Not to big myself up again, but I do have a friendly personality, i'm quite open too, I dont really hold any secrets.
You're right though.
I think just being able to go up to and approach is important, but that is down to timing. Otherwise it'd just look creepy. Luckily, where I go for college there is an area where people can work and talk, and sometimes there are some nice girls on their own, so an icebreaker might be something as a simple as sitting near them or next to them, maybe even commenting on what they're doing. The girls I primarily find attractive are on my courses, so I even have that to talk about with them..it's just opportunity ._.
I can reason with myself forever, but all advice is welcome cause whilst im still waiting for the right moments there could be some info to improve things.
I think being yourself, within reason, and honesty and such are the best way. I've tried many different tactics to get people to notice me, and it seems that just being fun, yet calm & talking about anything honestly & frankly is the best way to get people's attention.
Get a good hairstyle! As a female, I am endlessly frustrated by the amount of guys i see around these days who have bad hair, and would look pretty hot if they had good hair.
Bad hair: usually shaved, bald, or just about any of the really short cuts that are sooo verry common these days.
Good hair: usualy a little bit longer looks good. have a hairdresser give it a nice cut. fringes often look hot- for example, a normal looking guy with a toned-down version of an emo fringe can look very hot.
The main thing is to create some kind of stylish image.
I think more guys need to know that girls are happy to talk to them. Don't worry about it too much- just be yourself. If it's around uni/college etc, you can just walk up to almost any girl you don't know and say ' hi, you i thought you looked like an iteresting person so i thought i'd come introduce myself. bla bla bla do you like .... so you're studying... oh thats nice etc etc' Having the confidence to approach girls adds attractiveness, and girls feel good about themselves and are flattered when men they don't know come talk to them.
It is possible to fall for a very average looking guy based on their personalities. But that often involves special circumstances, or more commonly, a lot of time. Unless you're incredibly charming and funny, or you're willing to gamble the "friendship zone", making a visual impression will be an easier way to better your chances.
Sharpen your image, yet don’t over do it. Over accessorising and excessive effort is worse than under accessorising. There is nothing I find more intimidating or repulsive than a guy who clearly spends more time than I do getting ready. Find a look that you feel comfortable with…don’t follow the trends with heart. A lot of guys I’ve seen go through makeovers, which clearly don’t suit their style or personality. It makes them look like an awkward duck in borrowed clothes.
Most of the time I find the image that generally works for me is a plain collared shirt with jeans (that aren’t torn or frayed at the bottom). It looks smart and clean. Which raises another point; hygiene. Wash your hair, keep your nails clean and trimmed, moisturize your face if you have to and choose a subtle cologne. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling you to become metro, it’s just looking more presentable.
Hair. Hair is underrated. It can seriously change your whole appearance and turn you from plain, to hot. I’d follow up on >>5’s advice for this. If you want to style your hair, I’d suggest using wax rather than gel. A lot of guys tend to use gel like there’s no tomorrow. The wet look is kind of cool in moderation. Too much screams metro.
Small talk. Don’t try to hard to impress. It’s true that girls like funny, witty guys, but if that’s not you, then don’t bother cracking that pun up your sleeve. Instead, just try to appear confident and give them impression that you’re comfortable with who you are. I have to stress that there is nothing sexier than a guy who is comfortable with who he is, but can also admit and perhaps joke about his own flaws. When talking to her, listen, ask her leading questions and contribute from time to time. Body language. Relax. Relax. Relax. Appear like you’re comfortable talking to her. Take up some space, but don’t invade her personal space.
Hope this helps.
It's smell for me.
Time to stock up on pheromones.
OK, now I've got to ask, out of my own curiosity, do these always-spam-advertised pheromone-based colognes even work? Has anyone actually used anything like this??
I know it's not some magical "mind-control" potion that makes women instantly fall all over you on the spot, but do such scents at least make you more noticed subconsciously than normal cologne scents?
When they sit down close to you, don't automatically shift away from them. I did this for a while, completely subconsciously, then I realized, "Hey, they wouldn't have sat this close to me if they didn't mind it."
I remember there being a test done. Infact, various test done. That state that the pheremone crap doesn't work.
Guys are lucky. Mostly it's attitude: Assuming the girl isn't f*ked in the head they like self-assured confidence, sense of humor and warmth and kindness (not wussiness: it's different). Most guys by definition have average looks. Hey if you have six-pack abs and are buff and cute, all the more power to you, but truth is you have to be extemely ugly before you have any problems. Enjoy life.
I can't believe no one said money lol
This is the only real way to attract girls.
If you have enough money, you can take your pick.
Humans are so shallow.
show 'em your dong
100% correct. With an infinite money hack, you have no more worries about girls.
Although life can be a bitch, you might accidentally fall in love with the one girl in the entire world who doesn't enjoy money. If such a thing even exists.
Girls aren't so shallow to like money. It only seems that way, because when you, a man, have money, you have confidence. And the confidence shows.
Not just the confidence, but the excessive amounts of gifts. Guys who have millions of dollars can afford to waste it on that sort of stuff, whereas the rest of us can't.
It's mostly the confidence thing though. That's why you can sometimes see some broke ass men with some good or atleast average looking women.
Yeah, but imagine what they'd get if they were also rich.
Everyone dreams of being rich or having more money then they need. It's not a crime. And if all you gonna do is complain and whine about it, You either do two things.
Shut up and get some money
Stop bitching and live with your lonely self.
If you don't have money, you have no one but yourself to blame.
TRUST me, despite what you may think, a girl isn't out for your money.
Although I should be wary of trolls, but I don't care.
Nobody's really complaining about not being rich. I was just stating a piece of knowledge which I have gained from my own personal experience.
Besides, if women really weren't after money, the whole enjo kosai concept wouldn't exist.
> Although I should be wary of trolls, but I don't care.
This is my attitude when browsing 4-ch. It makes it more fun.
On-topic, I agree with >>17. Money's a part of it, but with money comes confidence and thus, attractiveness.
Reading threads like this one makes me never want to have a relationship ever
Even if girls weren't after your money, they would probably at least want you to have some.
As a guy, I feel I shouldn't even have a girlfrind unless I have some soft of income, so I wouldn't have to rely on her if I needed money (which would be horrible), and so I can help pay for any activities we do together.
Although not to the same extend, I look for the same in women. It's just the sense of secureness.
... Money means nothing, reading this made me feel sad that men perceive women as being money-chasers.
>so I wouldn't have to rely on her if I needed money (which would be horrible)
What's so wrong in that ?
You guys want to know what is NOT attractive ? This type of conversation, i mean... why did you bring money up anyway ? Of course that having money = having no problems finding women, but the type of women that you will get are the type of women you are worthy of getting.
What's attractive to me in men is... honesty and dedication to his work.
You missed my point. I was saying that for both women and men having a steady source of at least some income helps.
I wasn't talking about having enough so that they're attracted because of the money. I would stay away from women like that.
>>27 oh... erm... im sorry for misunderstanding you >__>"