Ok, so, I had a relationship with another guy for 5 months. Yes, I'm a guy. I started crushing on him, and we were best friends, and then I asked him out and we started dating. It was both our first time dating another guy. Usually I date girls, I'm bi. So whatever.
That was back in December, and we dated until May. We just could not stop fighting about stuff. It was just really stressful. I would be too emotional, and say something out of jealousy, then he'd be pissed and not want to talk/see me. And it just got to a point that he wanted to be just best friends again.
You'd think that would solve most of our issues, but it didn't. I thought it was bad originally, but we just snowballed down hill. We were off and on ignoring each other, both hurt and mad for various reasons. Then we both went both traveled to the US, and ended up being only like two hours apart. Before we left the other country though, we made up and stuff. We were on good terms.
So after a month of not having the internet, he finally gets back on MSN and starts talking to me, and says he already got a date for a dance at his school. He should have KNOWN better than to mention dating. So I shot back with "Is it a guy or a girl" and he's like "what are you talking about?" blah blah blah. And then he tells me he doesn't want to get together to go to the mall like we were planning and shit.
HOW DO I GET ON GOOD FUCKING TERMS? Like, I love him. Completely and totally. I want to win him back, but I don't know how the fuck to bridge the chasm between us. And I can't just apologize, because that's what I always do. I have to apologize profusely to get him to talk to me, and it basically means nothing anymore.
So it's reduced me to getting help from anonymous people on the internet.
Don't bother. You aren't going to get on good terms. Not only is this long distance(from what it sounds like), But he obviously doesn't want to get back. Forget him, move on. Your next bf/gf will be better.
I hate moving on though. I'm in love, like serious.
The chances of you being in love, while in high school(Sounds like you and him are in it) are slim to none.
It takes two to tangle, and he's not willing to dance. He's met someone, doesn't matter which., and he's trying to forget about you.
I shouldn't even say he's trying. He is forgetting you. He talked to you so that you'd know to either let it go or so.
But you know what. You don't wanna here that. So I'll give you a method that may just get you two on good relations.
First, meet new people. Talk to some girls or guys. Whichever you may be into, get to know them. doesn't matter if you are in "love" with another guy or not, get to know other people. Then casually talk about them to him, don't sound like you are bragging or just trying to make him jealous.
Also, what you are probably doing, is spending as much time online or whichever, as possible so that you could be available for him when he's online. Stop that. Don't always be available, You've got things to do, places to see, people to meet.
Although honestly. Give up. I hate saying this, I really do. But give up. He's made it clear that he doesn't want you. and you should make it clear to him that you've moved on.
You couldn't have made a more fitting title.
That's what I thought when I read your post.
This doesn't sound like a really healthy relationship, even just as friends. Even if you feel really strongly for him, if you're fighting more than you're happy while around him, you might seriously want to consider moving on.
It sounds like he's trying to do that already, so I would really do the same. Also, like >>4 said, don't make yourself available, go out and do things so it shows him you aren't obsessive or too attatched. It might even make him realize that he misses your company, and wants to talk with you more.
Good luck!
I'm going to get over him. Because the people who said it are right, there really is no future there. He would need to get more mature before anything could happen again anyways. I've already been in a relationship before that, but he isn't aware that I was. He still gets jealous, and that was part of why we broke up.
I was talking to another guy he thought I liked (I didn't) and he punched in the chest...that hurt. I'm not sure why he freaks out so much sometimes. He thought that I liked the guy that I dated, he just didn't know that I was dating him. Hehe.
Anyways, I still want to be friends with him. But he never wants to talk seriously about anything. So if I say "I don't like you anymore, I seriously just want to be friends." he'll just ignore the email.