What do you personally look for in opposite sex? (41)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-15 20:23 ID:En7jTjMB

Include both physical and emotional. Discuss. I will post later.

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-15 20:33 ID:vj/j7hFE


3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-15 21:32 ID:+8A0twLQ

Passion and fetishes.

4 Name: 43 : 2007-09-15 21:47 ID:MYKqGDC0


-The shape of her shoulders
-Long neck
-Short hair is good but not a must.
-tall but preferably not taller than me.


  1. independence
  2. Self confident
  3. I like a bit of arrogance
  4. sense of Humour


  1. likes silence
  2. likes math
  3. likes jazz
  4. MUST read books (any kind)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 00:31 ID:B47R+NFX

When it comes to the physical aspect, I like some average sized breasts. C is best, but I can live with B or D. Average build, Thin chicks aren't my thing, but I'm not really all that picky. Petite is fun, but they don't often have the breast I look for.
I don't mind thick women, But I'll only go as far as Queen Latifah thick, anymore and I won't even look at it.
They have to have nice legs and ass. Well shaped. I'm not one for a big ass, I just want one that looks both shapely and juicy but not so big that it looks disgusting. It's hard to describe. Face has to look cute. Don't like Ugly chicks, I may be shallow, but I'd like to go after the good looking girls. Hair has to be nice and clean. Preferably mid-length or as far down as the beginning of the neck. I don't like those super short haircuts. She has to look more femimine. Not one for braids. Just straight or slightly curly at the end.

Personality is simple
She can't be loud. I like a nice reserved girl. Submissive even. (awaits hate from people everywhere.) Now before peoples panties get into a bunch about women having rights or some other bullshit like that. Let me clarify. She can have her goals. I just don't want a loud ass chick that disrespects me. I've been there, done that. And I even knew guys that dated women that disrepected them every so often, but these guys thought they were in love and they got sex and shit so they lived with the bullshit.

Well, I'm not like that. I'd leave a girl if she disrespected me like those other guys, plenty of women in this world. Each one different from the last. I'm bond to find someone that I can chill with. But I'm rambling.

Anyways. Nice girl, reserved. Can't be loud and annoying. I'm staying away from whores. I'd prefer a girl thats into anime/manga or into video games a bit. Either one, but most likely not both. She has to be able to cook. I kinda want a girl with the same diet as me, or similar. I prefer someone who doesn't eat pork. Since I don't either. I don't eat much beef either, but My future girl can eat that however much she wants.

When it comes to sex, open minded, but not too open minded. The guys guys she's messed with, the better.(Oh NOEZ!, I'M INSECURE!) Because my rule is the less girls I've had sex with, the better, Quality, not quantity.

Other things include the fact the the girl can't have ANY kids. I'm willing to change this when I start hunting the 30-40 year old crowd. But anyone in there 20s that has a kid and aren't married are not for me, Kids at a young age show irresponsibilty. One kid can be associated with a mistake, two or more means she's a dumb whore. This only really goes for the younger crowd though, older crowd having kids is expected. But I'm not having older girls anyone. I prefer around my age range.

Man, I tend to type alot.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 04:38 ID:zNyGJYrX

hoo, picky.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 05:38 ID:TrPfDUiB

I won't elaborate on the typical traits that most women find attractive, (hair, stature, hygiene etc), but perhaps things that might draw my attention to someone I would have looked past.
-Nice smile
-Broad back/shoulder frame (like when you sit behind them in class, it makes you want to write on it.. kind of ties in with having good posture, not necessarily big men)
-The way they carry themselves

Besides the funny, confident thing, I find intelligence and maturity attractive. Bonus if the guy has tact, but I guess I'm pushing it there. I'm a bit of a sucker for old fashioned values. A slight bit of chivalry here and there doesn't go unnoticed.

-Not actively sporty, but enjoys it and is competent at it.
-Is up to date with issues around him. Or at least watches news.
-Has a talent (not a must, but it is very attractive watching a guy do something confidently, well, and with ease).

They don't have to have all the qualities listed, but I'd say any two traits from each category would be heavensent.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 05:40 ID:B47R+NFX

I'm willing to bend some of them if she made it up in other areas.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 06:29 ID:3ktiLPO6

Looking at my past girlfriends, I'd have to say that what I look for most in a girl is that she must be insane. I've never managed to date a woman that wasn't completely insane. Then again, I'm not sure if there are any.

As for actual things that I look for:

- Blond hair

- Should be long enough for me to run my fingers though, but OK if it's not

- Not too much taller than me (I'm short)
That's pretty much it for physical, and I readily make exceptions to these.

- Geeky! Or at least interested in some of what I'm interested in, which would probably make her geeky.
- Intelligent, interested in the world around her
- Not too concerned about her appearance. I know this is kind of weird, but I can't stand it when women spend so much time trying to look good, and are uncomfortable/late/complainy. If wearing men's pants is more comfortable and gives you decent pockets, then do so, without caring that they somewhat make you less attractive to someone, maybe.

- Must read books often. I don't know why, but I've always been attracted to girls that read. Preferably fantasy novels.
- Likes to eat (I like to cook)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 13:19 ID:TvUI22Hz


A person doesn't have to be loud and obnoxious to be disrespectful.

Sup passive-aggressiveness.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 14:57 ID:3tpQ7FTK

I always love these "your ideal partner" type threads.

Physical, in order of what I seem to notice:

  • Attractive legs. Usually I wouldn't say this but actually I've started noticing lately that if I go "wow" in my head when seeing a girl, more often than not it's related to her legs. My current crush falls into this category too, with her dark stockings that usually go just over knee level.
  • Long, dark hair. The longer is better, the silkier the better.
  • Face: larger eyes and smaller noses, warm smile, no freckles or blemishes (now I sound pretty shallow.)
  • Not overweight, but not so skinny that you can see bones where you shouldn't be able to. Breast size B-ish, C max.
  • I'm around 6', so just shorter than that is probably ideal. Too much shorter and it's hard to kiss standing as normal. Taller than me is a bit of a turn-off.


  • MANDATORY: Honest
  • MANDATORY: not vain (that rule by itself easily rules out 90% of girls in Sydney.)
  • Quiet and reserved, but not so quiet that she won't talk.
  • MANDATORY: Interested in things that she might not directly be obsessed about


  • MANDATORY: Likes cats
  • MANDATORY: Has no kids
  • MANDATORY: Not high maintenance
  • Tolerates my hobbies. If I find someone with the same hobbies then great, because then we can share time doing them. But I don't really require this, it's just a bonus extra.
  • With sex, experienced but not a whore. Preference towards oral (receiving and giving.)

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-16 21:29 ID:B47R+NFX

Yea, but with the girls I've seen, they tend to not be passive about it. They are just loud. I'm also beginning to notice the passive aggressive traits as well. So yay me.

13 Name: Goldaline : 2007-09-16 22:28 ID:l6O9pNjL

This applies to guys.

Thin (really thin)
Nice collarbones and hipbones
A little bit taller than me
Attractive hands (thin, long fingers)

Quiet, but not shy
Respectful, but not correct

Prefers staying in and playing video games to going out
Can hold an interesting conversation with me
Likes similar music to me (this isn't really that important since I listen to an insanely varied amount of genres, but we have to have at least a few in common, or maybe just one of the more important ones)
Is tolerant of recreational drug use (preferably would themselves like to use drugs recreationally)
Is vaguely artistic in some way
Has the same sense of humour as me
Spiritual rather than religious

The "physical" isn't really important, in that I can see myself being happy with someone who didn't have any of those traits.

14 Name: 短調女 : 2007-09-17 01:11 ID:sHKuUPjL

In a guy!

I'm not picky at all with looks, so I don't choose someone based on these, really, but I do prefer them.
-Medium-length (at least to half way down his neck), dark hair
-Slightly overweight, a "dumpy" kind of look
-Nice hands/wrists

-Can be quiet when needed, but can also be really fun

-Isn't fickle
-Likes similar things as I do, but they don't have to be completely the same
-Passionate about his hobbies

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-17 06:26 ID:iyijJoy8

heh this is interesting.
I'm a female.
The first thing i usually notice about a guy is his hair. I hate the typical really short hair cuts. Even otherwise ugly lookin guys can be made to look reasonable if they've got a good haircut in a style that suits them. Usualy i like hair thats a little bit long.
I don't care how tall he is, as long as he isn't noticably shorter than me (i'm seriously short).
I don't care about his weight, as long as he isn't significantly overweight.
I love nice eyes. I don't care what color they are, but nice eyes are good.
Muscular is nice, but i don't really care.
I like a guy who dresses at least a little alternative. As long as it's not to typical, and he has some ind of sense of his own style, it's probably good.

What i'm most interested in is whether we have some shared interests. I want someone who'll be a friend and not just a boyfriend, someone who i can enjoy talking with, and doing some of my favourite things with.
I like intelligence, and open-mindedness. And if he isn't at least a little bit weird, we probably wouldn't get along at all. He has to be the type that would stand up for what he believed in and stick to whatever morals he might have- I couldn't respect someone who wouldn't. That's all that really comes to mind right now.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-17 09:52 ID:dBz8INLf

Motherly behaviour.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-17 22:35 ID:uZ6WPnFB

I found the long hair, to run your fingers through a good idea at first, but it is actually quite complicated to do it without being uncomfortable to the girl. Girls with sleek, nonknotted hair excluded perhaps.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-18 07:16 ID:5yRJJuwF

I like long hair because I sort of enjoy brushing it for her. Maybe that means I treat women like cats, I dunno.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-18 09:34 ID:Heaven

in before pussy joke

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-19 20:37 ID:p2Ccoi1O

Am guy

Like in girls:

-High morals
-Calm and pleasant personality
-Generous and compassionate
-Passion for family and practical interests
-Reserved clothing style and makeup
-Not too thin, avarage build
-Prefer long hair, not styled to shit

Dislikes in girls:
-Low morals
-Talking shit
-Slutty appearance and behaviour, thinking or knowing she's all that(I don't care if she is, advertising it makes me puke buckets)
-Or other wierd styles: emo, goth, over-punked etc.
-Overconfidence, that phony shit that makes people annoying instead of pleasant
-Shallowness, egoism

Have yet to find one that live up to my standards, will not get involved until I do

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-20 01:09 ID:Heaven


a nun would be perfect for you dear.

22 Name: dyke nails : 2007-09-26 01:39 ID:Heaven

[Most of these traits are mutable/conditional/merely preferred, especially the physical traits]


  • 'Unique' looking. Don't care about clothes, it's more about their features (even things that are sometimes unattractive, like eyes too far apart, anemic-looking, shoulders too broad, etc.)
  • Nice skin, any color. Nice would mean soft, clean, and healthy. The less tattoos and piercings the better.
  • Short hair is cute, long hair is sexy.
  • Mexicana, Philipina, Russian.
  • Clothing...Like I said, I don't care, but goth, punk, emo, and scene look silly, preppy is ugly, casual is fine, hippy is fine, slutty is weird but fine, naked is preferred.
  • No shaved armhair. Shave the armpits yes, but the actual arms? No. What the hell is with that? I don't want girls with stubble on their arms. I don't mind if the hair is dark or thick, but shaving it will just make matters worse!
  • Petite body is nice, but anything else that's healthy is fine too (a little overweight is even okay with me, really). Boobs are wonderful, but I don't like them to be very big. Shorter than me is also nice, but that's hard to do, as I'm 5'2", so whatever :)
  • I'm not into a bunch of makeup. Some makeup is perfectly fine...I just don't want to be kissing a clown/raccoon.


  • I do not like loud, combative people. However, I don't like people who bottle up their emotions to prevent conflict, either. I value honesty and openess.
  • Independence is nice. Someone who doesn't just follow the crowd, someone who doesn't just follow me.
  • Friendliness and kindness. Why do some girls act proud of being 'bitchy'? That's a major turn off.
  • A sense of self-worth. Pleeeease, respect and love yourself :)


  • Loves to eat and/or cook.
  • I don't mind if a girl is with other people while I'm dating her...It's sort of hot, in a weird way, unless she dumps me :(
  • Ability to speak another language is a million amounts of win, for anyone I meet actually, not just potential partners.
  • An interest in weird or geeky things is nice. (I'm not into anime [why am I on 4-ch?!] or video games, but it's cool if she is.)
  • Children are fine.
  • I'm not into drugs and wouldn't like it if she was, but if it isn't excessive or extremely harmful to her then whatever.
  • It would help if she was gay or bisexual (yeah, I'm a chick, lol).

23 Name: dyke nails : 2007-09-26 02:40 ID:Heaven

[Most of these traits are mutable/conditional/merely preferred, especially the physical traits]


  • 'Unique' looking. Don't care about clothes, it's more about their features (even things that are sometimes unattractive, like eyes too far apart, anemic-looking, shoulders too broad, etc.)
  • Nice skin, any color. Nice would mean soft, clean, and healthy. The less tattoos and piercings the better.
  • Short hair is cute, long hair is sexy.
  • Mexicana, Philipina, Russian.
  • Clothing-wise...Like I said, I don't care, but goth, punk, emo, and scene look silly, preppy is ugly, casual is fine, hippy is fine, slutty is weird but fine, naked is preferred.
  • No shaved armhair. Shave the armpits yes, but the actual arms? No. What the hell is with that? I don't want girls with stubble on their arms. I don't mind if the hair is dark or thick, but shaving it will just make matters worse!
  • Petite body is nice, but anything else that's healthy is fine too (a little overweight is even okay with me, really). Boobs are wonderful, but I don't like them to be very big. Shorter than me is also nice, but that's hard to do, as I'm 5'2", so whatever :)
  • I'm not into a bunch of makeup. Some makeup is perfectly fine...I just don't want to be kissing a clown/raccoon.


  • I do not like loud, combative people. However, I don't like people who bottle up their emotions to prevent conflict, either. I value honesty and openess.
  • Independence is nice. Someone who doesn't just follow the crowd, someone who doesn't just follow me.
  • Friendliness and kindness. Why do some girls act proud of being 'bitchy'? That's a major turn off.
  • A sense of self-worth. Pleeeease, respect and love yourself :)


  • Loves to eat and/or cook.
  • I don't mind if a girl is with other people while I'm dating her...It's sort of hot, in a weird way, unless she dumps me :(
  • Ability to speak another language is a million amounts of win, for anyone I meet actually, not just potential partners.
  • An interest in weird or geeky things is nice. (I'm not into anime [why am I on 4-ch?!] or video games, but it's cool if she is.)
  • Children are fine.
  • I'm not into drugs and wouldn't like it if she was, but if it isn't excessive or extremely harmful to her then whatever.
  • It would help if she was gay or bisexual (yeah, I'm a chick, lol).

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-27 20:01 ID:alz1fo5M

I'm a guy. My idea of the perfect girl...


  • Short, petite, and young looking
  • Straight, dark, long hair
  • Soft, smooth skin
  • Very pale complexion


  • Quiet and demure
  • Very affectionate (Lots of snuggles!)
  • Able to appreciate my awful puns
  • She must at the very least tolerate my hobbies. If she shares those interests, even better.


  • Girls blushing is a huge turn-on for me, so if she blushes easily, that would be awesome.
  • If she would be open to cosplay/roleplay sex, that would be great. If she would be willing to call me onii-chan, I'd marry her the very next day.

25 Name: Demian : 2007-09-27 23:23 ID:uZ6WPnFB

guy. likes girl who

-makes me want to become greater
-is intelligent and quick
-is honest and faithful to her lover
-is attractive and fun in bed

So I'm a little picky but there are a lot of girls who can fulfill these criteria! Lucky me!

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-28 00:59 ID:s+/bt+Jq

I look for a woman who:

  • is hot
  • can make breakfast

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-28 12:35 ID:uZ6WPnFB

your wishlist is flawed because if she were to be hot only when making breakfast, it'd be pointless. Besides, is there anything about her making breakfast for you?

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 02:37 ID:s+/bt+Jq

My wishlist is a lot more honest and realistic than most in this thread.

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 05:42 ID:bESfhV9c

I look for a woman that I'm in love with.

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 10:33 ID:Z5Ywurqh

Realistic...? A hot women that makes you breakfast is realistic?


31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 17:47 ID:s+/bt+Jq

I didn't say I cared about personality, sanity or STDs

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-29 19:14 ID:Heaven

Enjoy your aids

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-30 01:28 ID:vEzUSL0k

>>29 perfect enough, i like this type of women as well.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-30 04:17 ID:CJkuaKoX

in a girl:

short. petite or curvy, but not skinny or fat. boobs, i like big and small, but i've only been with small so next time i'm holding out for some DD's. but what i really care about is on the other side- i love a big butt. not a huge, fat ass, but a large, round booty. so basically i'm looking for a black or latina girl, but i wouldn't mind a whitey fitting the bill either.

other than that, the perfect girl would be self-confident, non-religious, love dogs and have an oral fixation. the end.

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-30 04:41 ID:Heaven

I will, thanks.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-30 04:48 ID:Heaven

> love dogs


37 Name: L : 2007-10-04 12:50 ID:+78If/7b

Looks like this thread is starting to get rather very interesting, really.

And yeah, like you said it -- pervert. =)


38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-04 14:40 ID:odkDLuZ1

how does loving dogs makes one a pervert?

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-04 14:40 ID:LMbGTebE


>guy. likes girl who makes me want to become greater

That is..very sweet.

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 08:12 ID:Heaven


And it fails for trying to be. It's completely natural you want to become better for the one you love, but the one you love, you love for a reason. It is these reasons that are the subject of this thread.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-05 12:34 ID:KQhet2FP

I suppose it is kind of general, but can't you love someone because they inspire you?

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